9 July 2010

This is where I work

Now here is a sewing room I'd feel very comfortable in.  It's packed with interesting fabrics and threads and it's organised well to enable some fine sewing sessions.  This is Leila's working space in the USA.

Leila writes:
"I have a big house and yard and I work all over them both, of course. I am currently doing a couple of posts about my pantry/sewing room, because it's the room that energizes me and sparks my creativity!

For many years I've been raising my seven kids, homeschooling, and being wife to my wonderful husband. I've always been interested in sewing and then quilting, but I've never been happy about my crafting space until about two years ago when I figured out how to get everything into this little room (well, not everything!).

I would love to see anyone over at my blog, Like Mother, Like Daughter (www.ourmothersdaughters.blogspot.com), which I write with my 4 daughters and mother. We try to show that home is all-important to family life, to loving, and to learning."



  1. Hi Leila~ I understand about the raising kids and big gardens.......after 35 years I am finally getting my very own sewing room also!
    I love all the little cubbies and storage ideas you have incorporated into your room. With all the light it looks like a lot of creativity will be found there.
    {[hugs}} Carolyne

  2. I have seen your blog before Leila! I love the yellow walls in your work room. My own eating area used to be painted a dull grey, and I couldn't believe what a lift it gave to my spirits when I painted it a soft yellow. If I remember correctly, this room used to be greyish white? You've done a beautiful job with it. I hope someday I can find a way to have a sewing area that is so inviting.

  3. I love your sewing room. :>) It looks very cheery - a nice place to relax in. Thanks for posting your workspace - its inspirational. Cheers ~

  4. How exciting to see my pictures on your blog, Rhonda! If anyone wants to see all the details, I posted here

    about the whole shebang.

    Thanks for all you do!

  5. My goodness,what a lovely sunshiney room.I would love to just sit and needle with you. I can see how your creative juices would get pumping with everything at hand whenever you had a monet to yourself.With 7 children that alome is such a blessing of the Lord.Thankyou for sharing. Carole

  6. I shall be visiting you. I love sewing and quilting too. Just like you this past year and a half I have been trying to move all my projects into one room. A little squishy isn't it?


  7. What a wonderful space you have created. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Ack! That is one of my favorite blogs! I'm so glad you two know each other! lol

  9. WOW ... I've been searching ALL over for this BLOG. How wonderful that I should "reconnect" with Leila on DTE. =)


  10. Thanks for posting this picture of her fabulous sewing room! I just finished sewing 7 sun dresses for my granddaughters with my sewing machines on my kitchen table! I hope one day I'll get a sewing room!

  11. Hi Leila,
    I love your blog and am a regular reader. Delighted to see your space on Rhonda's blog!

  12. As a homeschooling mum of 3 boys, I take my hats off to this lady! It's a lot of work (and a lot of fun ;) but to be SO organized on top of it and get so much else done is amazing. I drool over that sewing room :D And I'm a novice seamstress lol!

  13. What a great room to work in. It surely has to give you inspiration and keep you in a light and happy mood.

    I will buzz over to your other blog and check it out as I had no idea you were spreading your goodness anywhere else. THANKS!

  14. I have been over there, and will go again now, hugs and love that sewing room, now mine, is a sewing, computer, singing, and ironing room. Thanks for sharing

  15. I love the idea of having a separate crafting room one day. Now my children are still pre-teens so while they're still being homeschooled I do my crafts with them around. I don't actually sew, yet, but one day! I also love the yellow colour, this is the colour I would like in my kitchen (which is currently a extremely soft pink with loud pink tiles - a plus at the time of buying but I rather yellow one day). Thanks for sharing Leila and Rhonda.

  16. I really like your sewing room and visited your blog and enjoyed reading about your wonderful hobbies and seeing your home. What a wonderful inspiration Rhonda thank you for featuring Leila's blog on where I work, all of the wonderful homes we get to visit through your blog are terrific and inspiring! Keep up the great work :)

  17. Beautiful! And so organised!! I can't wait to have a craft room of my own one day.

    Xx Claire

  18. A very nice and neat setup - I am jealous, mine is such a mess. But once I get my studio/workroom set up all the wool etc. is going out there.

  19. That's such a lovely work area you ahve created, you could really get caught up in your crafting and sewing time in there. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Deb :)

  20. Sew inspiring!

    I've gone via the original post and had a wonderful look around your sewing room. Hubby and I were just talking about how we could incorporate that here (but we may need to knock out a few walls and insert a new door first!)

    Catherine (aka alecat)

  21. What a cute and functional space! Thanks for sharing!

  22. Beautiful space. How wonderful to have a room dedicated to your sewing/crafting. In the middle of a project you can just close the door!

  23. Wow, what a great use of your space! And congrats on your wonderful kiddos- I wish I could homeschool my one little sweetie! God bless...

  24. Hi Leila,

    I found your blog recently and am enjoying keeping up with you and your family! And now look your on my fav blog. I am enjoying your blog as well. Thanks for being here with us.

  25. What a wonderful space, it's great that you took the initiative to make it - that's inspiring to others.


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