I received an email from a reader the other day asking about water saving strategies so I thought now is a good time to be checking our wate...
I will be working on contacting the new swap partners today. Sharon, if you read this, can you email and let me know what still needs to be ...
The tools of a revolutionary. There comes a point when everyone needs to make a conscious decision to make changes that need to be made. How...
I am having the most incredibly busy week. Monday and Tuesday were spent at my wonderful job at the Neighbourhood Centre. I have been trying...
Sharon is helping me sort through the swap partners so you'll receive an email from one of us soon about how to make contact with your p...
There could be anything down there but it's important to have the area under your kitchen sink clean and organised, with all your cleans...
These are the kipfler and nicola potatoes H dug up yesterday. They grew in a small corner of the garden about 1 x 2 metres and will keep us ...
There are so many ladies in this swap it's driving me nuts. I've already matched up a few partners with emails or postal addresses. ...
I just looked up the meaning of "procrastinate". That is P-R-O-C-R-A-S-T-I-N-A-T-E. It means "Postpone or delay needlessly&qu...
This is my flat bottomed fruit bowl that I use to store and ripen fruit on the kitchen bench. Using a flat bottomed bowl will allow you to ...
I'm trying to get into a daily rhythm where I write my blog, then go on to other things that make up this life of mine. I usually get u...
This post is by guest writer, Bel. Bel's blog is here. Through time and across cultures, the menstrual cycle h as been sacred and ta...
I’ve learnt a lot from my blog neighbours. When I left work I thought I might find myself in a cultural and intellectual vacuum. I was excit...
It doesn't look the best, but these little creatures will help you grow good organic food. They will recycle your kitchen waste and help...
This is the shambles that I call my sewing room storage. Soon I'll have much more room for my fabrics, cottons, yarns and ribbons. By ...
We found this little fellow in a bucket near our tank. It's nice and moist there and it looks like there are tiny tadpoles forming...
I forgot to let you all know the time frame of the swap. Your napkins must be posted on, or before, October 1. That gives everyone 3½ weeks ...
This swap is for four 100% cotton napkins, you can send six if you prefer, plus anything else your heart desires. It is fine if you send som...
I'll just do a small post now, and tidy up a couple of loose ends, and hopefully get time to post again later. I'm so pleased to ann...
Bread and butter cucumbers with red onion and mustard seeds. I have only one jar of peach jam left! It's my favorite. I'm hoping to ...
Let's face it, homemakers are looked down on as a sort of female underclass. They're seen as old-fashioned, not quite with it and de...
I have been honoured by being awarded Best Homesteading Site for the month of September by The Modern Homestead . Thank you to Phelan at a...
We had a lot of fun with the dishcloth swap, and we may do another one in the future, but today we'll start another swap. This time we w...
The end of winter is never the best time to see a beautiful vegetable garden as the harshness of winter does take its toll, but there is sti...
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