Hello swappers. The shopping tote swap sign up is now closed. Our last swapper to sign up was Joyce in TX. I will be sorting through the...
Hello swappers. Today is the last day to sign up for the shopping tote swap. We now have 108 swappers which is a record. I will be sortin...
Hello swappers! Don't forget that tomorrow, Wed., March 5 is the deadline for signing up for the shopping tote swap. I will also be wo...
Hello everyone. I hope all of you enjoyed all the rounds of the "Parade of Tea Cosies". I just wanted to remind everyone that th...
to denise from leah to leah from denise These are all the pictures we have received so far...we will add more as we get them. We would st...
from renee to jean to Christine from sharon to sarah j from hannah from sandra (Au) to mary (tx) to sandratee from pura
I am so glad that everyone is excited about the shopping tote swap. I hope that those who haven't yet signed up will go ahead and take...
Graphic from allposters.com I'm pleased to see so many of you joining the tote bag swap. I think the swaps have three major benefits: th...
We are pleased to announce the new swap. After many wonderful suggestions and ideas Rhonda, Lorraine and I have decided to do a shopping tot...
Hello swappers- I just wanted to remind everyone that most of the tea cosies should be winging their way to their new homes this week. When...
Hello swappers! We just wanted to remind all of you that today is the deadline for mailing your parcel to your swap buddy. Don't forge...
Hi swappers. Hope you are all having a wonderful week-end. Don't forget that the deadline to mail your parcel to your swap buddy is Fe...
Hello swappers. We seem to have only one lost swapper now . Would Ingeborg please e-mail either Lorraine at: ma_pabarney at hotmail dot com ...
I just wanted to remind all of the swappers to make sure they are in contact with their swap buddy. If anyone has a problem contacting their...
Hello swappers! The following are the swap pairings. You will notice that there are no e-mail addresses by the names (except for Sarah). All...
The tea cosy swap looks like being a lot of fun but I realised today I won't have the time to join in. : ( I'll be interested to see...
My life has been far from simple this past month as I've had so little time to relax and think about my world. Life continued at its fa...
sandra tee to kristi lisa to ingeborg Above is a late addition of a photo I couldn't find yesterday. If you've sent a photo that'...
These are some of the aprons sent in our most recent swap. We had ladies from all round the world sewing and sending off their wonderful cre...
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