6 March 2008

Shopping Tote Swap

Hello swappers. Today is the last day to sign up for the shopping tote swap. We now have 108 swappers which is a record. I will be sorting and pairing the swap buddies after the swap sign up closes. With so many swappers I will post the swap buddies and their e-mail addresses (written out) on the same list as we have so many who have signed up in different posts and also by e-mail. We also have seen that there are quite a few with the same first names. This, hopefully, will make it much easier on everyone (except me). The sorting and listing may take me several days so don't expect to see any names until this coming week-end. I will post all the swap buddies and addys then. Happy swapping!


  1. would love to join your swap
    glenda gay

  2. Hi Glenda-we have you down for the swap-do you want to swap in your country or internationally?

  3. I know I am a day late, but I am hoping you can still include me in the swap. I have been reading for sometime and I guess time just got away from me. If you can't, I understand. Swapping in the US is good for me if possible.

    Thank you.


  4. I have you down for the swap Joyce.


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