10 January 2008

Tea cosy swap

The tea cosy swap looks like being a lot of fun but I realised today I won't have the time to join in. : ( I'll be interested to see the photos as they come in.

Sharon and Loraine (chookasmum) will be organising the swap and assigning partners on Saturday. You can still join today and tomorrow.

I found a few more links to inspire some wonderful creations - here, here and here. Your tea cosy can be sewn, knitted, felted, patchwork, embroiderd, red work, crocheted, or whatever you want to make it. It needs to fit an average sized tea pot - 6/8 cups, or whatever you work out with your partner.

If you've never been in a swap before, take the plunge and have some fun. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

1 comment

  1. Rhonda, I don't have time for this swap either! I hope it goes really well and am looking forward to seeing all the wonderful creations. Lisa J


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