30 January 2018

Online blogging course

Hello everyone.  Last year I developed an online blogging course and had great success with it.  It's a course for beginners, or bloggers who've started a blog but haven't developed it. It is open to anyone no matter where you are in the world. The cost is US$100.

Creating a blog is a fairly easy thing to do but to present the best blog you're capable of, well, that's more difficult. As you know, I've been blogging since 2007 and was fairly successful in the first few months. As the years went by, Penguin offered me the opportunity to publish my work with them, I became a monthly columnist for the Women's Weekly and Burke's Backyard and I won a lot of awards.  I started off as a novice, knowing nothing about blogging, but I was a fast learner and I'd like to share the secrets of that success with you. I always use Blogger. It's free, easy to use and customise, it's the biggest blogging platform in the world and as it's owned by Google, it's usually trouble-free.

The course is a mixture of written notes that I'll email to you. You'll have time to look at them in your own time and to set up a blog using the information in the notes. A couple of weeks after you receive the notes, and when you've created the shell of your blog, we'll all meet up on Skype and have a chat session. We'll all talk face-to-face about setting up a blog, any problems you might have and how to make the most of being a blogger. Skype has a special feature that allows me to show you my blog on your screen. I'll take you behind the scenes here at Down to Earth, show you how to set up a few gadgets that will enhance your blog and while looking at my stats, discuss how to increase your audience, headlines and how to organise yourself and your blog topics.  Then you'll have another break to put into practise what you learn on Skype. A week or two later, we'll have a final Skype session, you can share your blog with me and the other bloggers and get feedback from all of us.  I will give you honest feedback and in a personal email, tell you what I think you need to change and what your strong points are.

I've had emails from a few ladies already but even if you've contacted me about the course before today, please send another email to register your interest. I'm going to the specialist about my cataracts on Thursday so then I'll be able to give you an exact starting date and the follow up Skype dates.  All I can say now is that the course will start either late in February or in March.  ðŸ˜ƒ




  1. Hi Rhonda, I would love to do your Online Blogging Course. I'm sending an email now. Thanks so much for you time and wealth of knowledge :)

  2. Hi Rhonda, I'm keen for the course but I can't seem to find your email details on mobile version or web version on a Mobile. I'm probably overlooking it but if you can point me in the right direction that would be great. Thanks, laura

  3. Sounds great! i may be blind but where can i find your email?

  4. I’m not a writer but will love to read all the new blogs that you help put together. Good luck everyone on your new adventures.

  5. Get onto this Ladies and Gents. I did the course last year. Rhonda is a fantastic teacher with lots of time to answer questions and help with ideas. The course is simple to understand and Rhonda is always ready to help.

  6. Off Topic: Good luck with the cataract appointment!

  7. That's great, Rhonda. You are such a go getter. I loved this course. I took it last year. It was so helpful and informative. I'm really enjoying my blog and just booked an article with Dance Magazine about Tommy Tune. Writing is an exciting and fulfilling hobby or career.

  8. Rhonda, I am really hoping I can join your blogging group, I love your style! You will find an email from me in your inbox. And I too am hoping your cataract appointment goes well for you.

  9. Hello Rhonda,
    As discussed some weeks ago, I am interested to do the online blogging course with you.

    1. HI Lynda, just send me an email so I can contact you. I'm sending out the emails with the course details later today or tomorrow. rhondahetzel @ gmail.com

  10. Hello. I discovered your blog a few months ago and I am a big fan. I would love to participate to your blogging class but I am French and living in Paris ...

    1. The course is open to everyone, no matter where you live. Send me an email today at my name at gmail and I'll probably be able to fit you in the next course.

  11. I'm excited about this.
    ~Sue M.


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