2 February 2018

Weekend reading

I'm making a lamp skirt to cover a very drab beige lamp shade in our lounge room. The fringe will be at the bottom and the green cotton is to crochet around the top.  I'll show you when it's finished but don't hold your breath- we are back in busy mode here. 

We're settling nicely into the year with the very hot temperature easing off a bit and two days of rain just passed.  I love rain and the cool weather that sometimes comes with it. The tanks are full again,  and frequent showers are filling the soil with much needed liquid.  It's a good sign for our vegetable garden which will be planted up in March.

I visited my eye doctor yesterday and I'm booked in for my first op on 14 February. The second will be a month later.  It's a day surgery at the local private hospital and I'll be out by lunchtime.

We have enough people for the blogging course and I'll be sending out the emails with more details later today to early tomorrow.  There are a few people who wanted to do it now but had other plans so I'll be doing another course later in the year.  If you're interested in that, let me know, I'll add your name to the list and email you when I arrange a new date.

I hope you have a lovely weekend. I've got some ironing to do and a general tidy up in almost every room in the house.  Hopefully in the afternoons, I'll be knitting or sewing.  I wonder what you'll be doing. See you next week!  xx

Make after-school routines easier by colour-coding a clock
Magical microbes – how to feed your gut
The beautiful, forgotten color language of 19th-century naturalists
Cute yard crafts – birdhouse plans with adorable designs


  1. Thank you for the weekend reading list, Rhonda. I always look forward to reading it.
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. The cooler weather is much appreciated, Rhonda. It is currently 14C here! Cold enough for a heater. LOL! Two days ago it was 35C. Have a relaxing weekend if possible.

    1. Nana Chel, are you in Toowoomba? If you are, well it was damn cold and wet last night. Right now we are on the Sunshine Coast.

  3. Thank you for all the wonderful recipes; hope you have a great weekend.

  4. We too are having a few lovely cooler days, I also am enjoying them. Glad you have had rain , still terribly dry here.
    All the best with the eye appts.
    Take care

  5. Rhonda,

    Have you ever had carpal tunnel from knitting? I have had to rest my hands for a few days this week. I have been using worsted weight cotton yarn for making dishcloths on a size 8 needle. Any advice? Should I change yarns or my needle size? Thank you for working so hard your blog!!


    1. Hello Renee. I've never had carpal tunnel so I can't advise you. I doubt changing needle size or yarn would help because I think it's the repetitive action that causes the problem. Maybe you should ask your doctor. Good luck.

  6. The fabric and trim for the lamp shade looks very nice. Look forward to see what you do with the cotton yarn. All the best with your eye surgery Rhonda

  7. The lamp fabric is lovely Rhonda, maybe Tilda? I do enjoy your weekend blog lists.

    1. Hi Jude. It's the Urban Scandinavian Collection by Kirstyn Cogan. I found it at Spotlight.

  8. I love that lamp shade material, I am curious to see how it is done. We have a couple of lampshades that are rather bland to look at so a revamp would be a good solution. All the best for the 14th Rhonda.

  9. Thankyou Rhonda for the weekend reading this week. There are some really good articles there. My favourite also was the one about hanging woollens. Also enjoyed reading about Depression times old fashioned recipes.

  10. Good luck with your surgery. I just cast off my third dish cloth in 3days, im slightly addicted now. Then its laundry for the rest of the day. Catching up for the week ahead.

  11. Love the pattern of that fabric. Hope your surgery goes well. Thanks for the links :)

  12. Love the fringe you chose for your lampshade.

  13. Hi Rhonda,

    I'm reading through your archives-up to 2008 currently as I am a newcomer to your lovely blog. Thank you so much for all of your wonderful inspiration. I particularly like your Weekend Reading posts but would also be interested to hear what books you are reading and can recommend if you would like to share.

  14. that fabric for the lampshade looks great. I was actually just getting ready to cover a lampshade in our living room, and then we decided to move another lamp into there out of the study! It will be nice to see how you do it though as you are always so clear with your instructions. thank you once again for your interesting list of weekend reading.

  15. Hi Rhonda, Thank you for your Weekend Reading. What can I do with the little slithers of bath soap that I have accumulated over the past 12 months, can I make liquid hand wash with these and if so how do I go about this. Many Thanks

  16. Re knitting in cotton and carpal tunnel, I’ve found knitting in wool rather than cotton is much easier on the wrists as more stretchy/forgiving yarn. Not great if you’re making discloths, though...

  17. Thanks for the circular hem tutorial --- I may have to refer to it at a later date! :)
    ~Sue M.


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