23 January 2018

Two copies of The Simple Home to win

Good morning friends. The lovely Ben at Penguin has given me two The Simple Home books to give away.  I'll give one away in June and the other in December. They'll go to two readers of my blog who consistently make interesting or helpful comments on The Simple Home month-by-month posts.  My memory isn't the best lately so I've got my handy notebook here at the computer now and I'll be making notes over the months.  Hanno said he'll help too, so between us we'll decide who will win the books.

I wrote The Simple Home as a sister book to Down to Earth and poured myself into both of them. All the bits and pieces that wouldn't fit into Down to Earth are there - all the significant life-changing events and the small and simple tasks that make up our lives. The Simple Home contains many of the ordinary things we do here every day that make the life we live so unique. There is nothing fancy on those pages, it's normal day-to-day stuff that has been carried on for many years but it's all in a modern context and, I hope, explained in a way that will encourage you to try it too.  

So keep commenting, or start if you haven't so far, and not only will you be connecting with the many like-minded souls who read this blog, you might also win a copy of the book.  xx

ADDED LATER: I know some of you don't know how to get a name to comment under and some have tried but it didn't work but I want you to be in this too.  If you comment as "anonymous", you'll have to put your name in every post so I know who you are; so Barb from NYC, Trudy from Germany or Mary from Victoria will help me identify you.  Thanks!



  1. Good morning Rhonda,

    I am a young mum of three little ones and your blog & book have been so life changing for my family. The wisdom you have shared has really helped us thrive on one income! (I’ve never actually commented before because I’m usually always juggling a baby, haha.)
    I so look forward to reading your latest posts with a hot cup of tea amidst the noise (& sometimes chaos) of family life. It was lovely to connect over on instagram yesterday; I hope all your herbs will survive their moves to shadier areas. So many of my veggies haven’t coped with this intense summer sun & we have definitely noticed that our summer harvest has been down as a result. I’m off to work in the veggie garden with the kids this morning before the heat of the day sets in. Jodie ☀️

  2. How very generous of you and Penguin �� I know many people, like myself, have borrowed your books from the library many times because buying a copy is not quite in their budget. And there are many amazing people who comment regularly on your blog. It is nice to think they may be rewarded. Thank you, Noni

  3. I just found you, but you are striking a response in me. I like the simple things in life.

  4. I love both your books, Rhonda, and refer to them often. They were both gifts from my gorgeous daughter. After reading your post yesterday, I whipped myself up into a frenzy of washing and ironing curtains, as well as washing windows. All in the name of looking after what I already have. These were my first store bought curtains and cost what I considered to be an eye watering amount of cash. That was 14 years ago and they are still going strong. Had to restring one track. Thank you YouTube! Took a while but I now have beautifully hanging curtains once again. Two people are going to be totally delighted with their win!

  5. I don't often comment, but I always read. So generous of you to give away the book; it looks lovely!

  6. As a many-year lurker, you've drawn me out of the shadows - ha, ha!!! Would love to read your book. The blog is so encouraging. I love my home and making it a comfortable place for my husband and myself, grown kids and their families, and especially the grands. They are wonderful, wonderful!!!! And as an American tea drinker, I'm encouraged to find it gaining ground here.

  7. That's so generous of you. I've got both your books and consult them very often. The lucky winners will have a wonderful addition to their book collection ☺

  8. What a lovely giveaway. I adore your book "Down to Earth" and from it I have learned so much about consumerism and this has helped me become more content in my home. I would love to add your next book The Simple Home to my library. Alessandra

  9. Oh Rhonda how very generous of you. This is the only book of yours not in my library. Thank you for the chance - even if I don't end up winning.

  10. What a generous gift. This book has been on my wish list for a long time. Good luck to the winners.

  11. How wonderful.. I enjoyed reading both your handy & inspiring books from our local library & now to have a chance to have it my personal library..fabulous :)

  12. What a wonderful opportunity to win such a great prize! Your books are such a fantastic resource for all homemakers. Good luck everyone!

    Thank you Rhonda.


  13. What a wonderful way to maybe win one of your books. Living simple takes time, work and thought. We will be doing all of those things by commenting on your blog. You have changed my way of thinking in all areas of my life. Thank you.

  14. What an insightful way to choose a winner!

  15. I have been following your blog for a few months now. You encourage a slower, more thoughtful way of life which appeals to me. I have not read your books as yet as I live in the UK and they are not stocked by our library. Will your giveaway extend overseas? It would be exciting to have a chance to win a copy!

  16. This is a really generous give away Rhonda! I have been thinking about how I can continue to organise my house and hubby and I are trying to find a spot to keep all school shoes and bags this week - thank you for the inspiration.
    Melissa (Wollongong).

  17. Good morning,
    I’m new to your blog. I find it to be similar to my situation. Although far more well written than my life. I will be checking your books at my local library prior to purchasing.
    Happy January

  18. Thank you Rhonda for your inspiring thuoghts and ideas. I follow you for a Year now. I do a lot of things the same but also different.
    There is a question about your last book. I get the impression that it is following the months of the Year. But I live in The Netherlands. So the seasons are complete the opposite of your book. Are there already translations or is this not a problem in using your books. Thank you for all the good work you do. Marina (Marja) Plugge from Middelburg the Netherlands.

    1. Hi Marina. The chapters flow according to the seasons in the southern hemisphere, however, there is an alternative chapter order for the northern hemisphere at the back of the book.

  19. Two very lucky winners! I love your books Rhonda. I have your first little book on my kindle and the others sitting in my bookcase. I am so glad I followed your example of having a little pocket money each month and that is how I saved and paid for them. I am enjoying reading January, in January.

  20. Thank you so much for the generous gift of your book. I have not been a commenter in the past because it never seemed to work for me. I have been following for years and implementing many of your ideas into my own life. I have sewed for many years and hopefully will continue to do so. I knitted a dishcloth and loved it. I have become a gardener (food and flowers) and hope to begin baking bread soon. I have saved a lot of money cooking at home and we rarely eat in restaurants now - only on special occasions such as birthdays. I am so grateful for all of your tips and ideas. Beverly from North Carolina, USA

  21. Oh, this is so great. I have been following your blog for years now. Sometimes lurking, sometimes commenting. Just know, that I love your blog.
    Have a great day and lots of hugs from The Netherlands.

  22. Oh what a lovely way to win your book. I saved up for Down to Earth (also from UK) and have requested both books to be stocked in our library but no luck as yet. Even if I don't win thank you for doing these weekly Simple Home posts. X Nia

  23. I'd love to win your book , you are an inspiration.

  24. I have just started following your blog and I am really enjoying it. I am at the point of trying to down size my house and get it in better shape so I have enjoyed what you have written about that in your life. :)

  25. What a lovely gesture! I never knew that comments on the blog are that much appreciated :-) I read your blog to learn and gather information as we are trying to live the simple life here. Unfortunately, your books are not for sale in The Netherlands (not so unfortunate because I can always read your blog) but I'd love to read one of your books! Valuable information for everyone who wants to turn their life around! Have a great day! Noortje

    1. Hi Noortje,
      Just wanted to tell you that you can get Rhonda's books trough bol.com. I ordered them last year there, had to wait till November for "the Simple Home" became available, so you should have no waiting time at all anymore.
      Greetings from Amersfoort!

    2. Thanks so much, jacqueline. It's great knowing the books are available in The Netherlands now. We have quite a few visitors every day from there. I appreciate you passing on the information. xx

  26. I already have both of your wonderful books, but I'll carry on making comments ... whether they'll be interesting or helpful we'll have to wait and see 😉

  27. It's so nice of you to give away two books, Rhonda.
    I borrowed Down to Earth from the library and then bought a copy. I also read Simple Home, but didn't buy the book yet. At the moment I have the ebook downloaded from the library. I love both!

  28. Hi Rhonda what a lovely thing to do i have your Down to Earth book and it is awesome i refer back to it all the time.xx

  29. Hi Rhonda, what a generous offer. I read your blogs, however I rarely comment. I live locally and often see you or Hanno at the shops. I would love to say hello, as I feel as I know you both so well. Thank you for sharing so much of your lives, you are both very inspiring! One day I may pluck up the courage and say hello. Liz from Landsborough

    1. Say hello Liz! I'd love to meet you. If you don't come over to us when you see us next time, I will track you down. ;- ) We have just come back from Aldi.

    2. Thank you, I certainly will!

  30. Hi Rhonda, I think you are going to be inundated with comments! That's so nice of you to give away two books. The photos look lovely. After reading your blog, I am always calmer. It inspires me to clean and organize my cottage. A comfortable and peaceful home is such a huge part of our mental and emotional health. You inspire us to make that a priority.

  31. Hi Rhonda I have been reading your post on and off for quite some time and have made a few of your recipes which were very popular. You are a very generous woman to give away two books. It looks like a very good colourful and informative book which would be easy to follow. You are an inspiration.
    Thank you jenny from Adelaide

  32. what an awesome giveaway Rhonda, I will have to start commenting again! I often wonder if in fact you have time to read every comment, and if what I say is just the same as all the other comments. I have got your books out of the library a couple of times, it would be awesome to have one on my kitchen shelf.

    1. Hi africanaussie, it's good to see you here again. Oh yes, I have time for all the important things in life. I don't think it matters if comments are similar. The wording of your comment will be different to someone else's, even if the idea is the same, and the way you express if might be just the thing that resonates with someone who needs to hear it. It's also a way to show that we're all here doing the same thing and none of us is alone, no matter how geographically isolated we are. xx

  33. Hello Rhonda,
    Thankyou firstly for taking the time to reply to my comment a couple of posts ago - I know that can be time consuming - and lovely if you to pop over for a visit! How very generous to offer 2 books - I'm not sure I'll always be able to comment each month - it depends on my computer and slowness of it on the day ( 10 mins to open an email is frustrating!) I've enjoyed living a "simple" life for what seems like forever - it started with just making ends meet - but I do love the rhythm of it and you display it well in your lovely photos!
    Hugs, sharmayne ( currently in Vic trying to sell so we can move to a house we have purchased in Maryborough, Qld)

  34. Hello Rhonda,

    I don't comment often but at odd times through the day, I find myself thinking "wonder what Rhonda is doing now?" And from various information you have revealed over the years, I have a pretty good idea: getting your morning chores done before 9am, cooking a meal for your midday lunch, doing heavy work before lunch so that the afternoon can be more relaxed. This last idea is one I have embraced as I find myself more tired in the afternoons now as I get older.

    What a wonderful idea to give away two of your Simple Home books. Many thanks to you and Penguin, but please don't consider me as I already have both of your books, and re-read them often. It is like having an older very wise relative talking to me.

    God bless.
    Lyn in northern New South Wales.

    1. Hello Lyn. Well, you're right on the money, that's what I'm doing. You know my routines well. xx

  35. How generous of you to offer this give-a-way:)
    Thank You!
    AKA Joy-Carole

  36. I’ve been reading your blog for years but I live in the USA so I don’t know if I qualify for the giveaway but I did want to comment on how much I learn from you and the links you post for Weekend reading.

  37. I got my Kindle copy of The Simple Home today. I don't know how much of it will be appropriate for me - being in India. But I plan to use it as a guideline for the year. Thanks for starting this Rhonda!

  38. What a generous offer! I read your blog faithfully, but don't comment often. I will make an effort to comment from now on as I would love to win this book.

  39. Oh .... I just started reading this blog. Both your books are in my wishlist on the Booktopia website :)

  40. Hi Rhonda, what a fabulous gift you are giving away. I feel like I know you well. Hubby is retired and right into the gardening. I work only about 15 hours a week and looking forward to soonish being able to devote more time to simple but substantial home living. Also, my FIL lives in Caloundra and even though we are in Victoria, it feels neighbourly - sort of. We are visiting the dear old fella first week of February. Promise I'll wave when we are in the surrounds, lol.

  41. I have just found your blog and have your book on hold at my local library- I love making do- I have raised six kids on a dairy farm- all grown up now and love gardening, cooking, preserving, sewing and also writing- just doing the last edits of my new book due out with UQP press later this year. Bits and pieces of life and farming all drive the narrative of writing.
    Hello from a hot day in Victoria.

    1. Welcome Lorraine. I hope you enjoy the blog.

  42. I would love a copy of this! Thank you so much.

  43. Hello Rhonda,

    I’m a mum of three little ones and my husband and I have used your advice in Down to Earth to thrive as a single income family. (Commenting hasn’t been my strong suit as I’m usually always juggling a baby, but I have been here faithfully reading your posts anyways)
    It was lovely to connect with you over on Instagram the other day; I hope your herbs survived their move to a shadier part of the garden. My veggies definitely haven’t coped with the intensity of this this summer & our harvest is down as a result. Looking forward to learning more in the future with you Rhonda, Jodie

  44. I love your blog as it resonates with my style of living and would dearly love to win a copy of your book.

  45. I read your blog daily for several years now, but not often I write a comment. Maybe it's a good time to start doing that, and also to join the forum. We are living simple for many years now as a young family and your blog is inspiring me every day. Best wishes from the Netherlands

  46. In 10 days time I will be retiring at the age of 58. The Simple Life will be a necessity to ensure that the superannuation funds will last:-D .be happy to have the book to refer to.
    Claire in Melbourne

  47. I just started reading this blog...hope to continue!

  48. I absolutely love your blog and always read, but don't nearly always comment. I can understand that you could feel like no one is reading when no comments are written. I'll try to do better in that area.:)
    Meanwhile, thanks for the opportunity to win one of your books!

    Sue M.

  49. What a very special give away. I have your first book and it has been read/used so much it is in such a state. When ever I see this book mentioned I think of dear Rose it brings tears to my eyes as she had such an impact. I pop in here each Monday to see the new posts. It's blessing your blog such a life changer to many

  50. Hello, Rhonda!
    I'm excited for this giveaway!
    I've been following and reading your blog for some years now. I've tried some of your recipes too. I love the whole orange cake and pickled veggies. I often prepare pickled veggies over the weekend to sustain us for the following week. I'm so happy to have influenced my husband to bringing his lunch box for more than a year now. We've been working on our frugal living and budgeting.
    I hope to be one of your two winners on this happy side of the world. 😊

  51. Im in the process of winding my life back to a simple schedule and way of doing things. Im hoping to buy and set up my own home in the next year or two. I havent been able to do it before then because im always moving so never get to establish a schedule or vegie garden. Nothing i long for more than a good lemon tree and flock of chickens!

  52. This is so exciting! I've been reading your blog for several years, but I tend to be on the quiet side. This will encourage me to connect better! Your blog has definetly been a driving force for helping me make better choices for our family. We're getting our hands dirty in the garden and I'm getting more crafty and creative in the home. I even recently made my own spider repellent (we have a lot of black and brown widows) to spray in the baby's play house outside so that they will hopefully move out of there and into more appropriate locations. I didn't want to kill them, just encourage them to live somewhere else. And I also wanted something that was safe for the baby. Thanks for sharing all you do, it helps me so much!


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