26 January 2018

Weekend reading

I think this is the most significant group of reads I've collected and presented to you so far.  One site here has been life changing for me, I won't tell you which, I hope you discover it in your own way. As usual, the links are listed in the order I find them in, not in order of their importance or readability. I'm interested in hearing what you think of this group so if you have time, drop me a line or two in the comments.

It's been hot and humid here so we've been trying to get our work done early and then we turn on the air-conditioner mid-morning and stay indoors until late afternoon. That works well for us but I'm always mindful of our sons working in hot conditions and the many working people who make their living outdoors or in hot environments. 

I've been taking herb cuttings and potting them up but I'll write a post about that next week. It's an important skill and a good way of increasing the plants you have in your garden and to give away or barter with. Indoors, I made more lemon cordial a few days ago. It's such an easy thing to do and a good drink to have on hand on these hot summer days.

At week's end it's always a good idea to sit back and relax if you can. If you're worn out look after yourself, put your feet up, and just sit quietly.  Thanks for your visits and comments this week. I'm always interested in knowing how members of this world-wide community live their daily days. Take care, everyone. xx



  1. Looks like You Tube is the winner!

    Milk was delivered to our house when I was a child. There is no milk so good as the milk in glass bottles. We had a metal milk box on our front porch that the milk was placed in but it served a dual purpose because when we got into an argument with a sibling we were told to go sit on the milk box until we could behave. In the middle of winter we could behave pretty quickly and get back in the house!

    1. In the house I grew up in we had a hole in the brick fence next to the mail box that held our milk deliveries. I loved that it was in glass bottles, I loved that there was still cream on the top, and I remember using the coloured foil lids in all my kindergarten crafts. Noni from Adelaide

  2. Thanks for the links, Rhonda. Also thanks for the info about the Melatonin. Usually when I take it I get a better sleep than usual. That helps in the exhausting hot weather. Have a relaxing weekend.

  3. Life lessons from 100year olds should be compulsory viewing for all. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I really enjoy these Friday reading links thanks Rhonda. I thought the coat hooks for shoes was really clever. I will save some of those hack ideas. The clip of making the traditional shoe was fascinating. On a funny aside I don't know how she can look so calm and beautiful. I would be covered in glue and have bits of fabric sticking to me.! A true craftswoman!

  5. Loved all of these. We get milk delivery, but it's in cardboard cartons. My favorite was the video of the 100 year olds though. Very happiness inducing!

  6. the article on glass milk bottles took me back to my childhood, we so need as a society to go back to reusable glass for milk.

  7. Happy Australia Day Rhonda. I have been volunteering this morning at a Bunnings' Sausage Sizzle to raise funds for Beelarong Community Farm in Morningside. I am home now and can sit and read through your Weekend Reading. I look forward to your blog posts, they resonate with me. I am a New Australian, emigrated here in 1980, and I am thankful today that I feel safe living in this wonderful country of ours.

  8. Without any doubt the life lessons of the 100year olds are my favourites and I do think yours, too, Rhonda?
    Thank you for another important, interesting and enjoyable list of weekend reads.


    1. No one has picked my favourite yet. I'm so surprised at that because to me, it was like a lightening bolt of authenticity. I've spent hours on that site since I discovered it and when I shared it with people I know, they too were hooked.

      Thanks fro your comment, Jeanneke xx

  9. Rhonda I just love your weekend reading. I have gained so much from previous ones, they have enriched my life in ways to numerous to mention. I have not read this weekends yet I scrolled straight down to comments. I am saving them for later tonight to read with a nice cup of tea. Thank you Rhonda, forever grateful. Lisa, Tasmania.

    1. If you're talking life changing then my guess would be YouTube. At least that's my go to site when I want to learn something. Hope you've had a great day Rhonda. All the best, Miki

  10. I have just spent an inordinate amount of time watching the 5 Minute Craft channel. Now to remember and apply some of the tips. Thank you Rhonda, I just love new ideas and learning new things. Karen from Perth.

  11. That woman making Kimchi was amazing to watch, I was spellbound watching her, and I spent the next half hour watching her other videos! Also love Not Quite Nigella. Corinne, Brisbane

    1. Me too Corinne, me too. You're the only one to pick it. I thought all the others were good but those two videos, and the others on her channel, just blew my mind. So beautiful, practical and spell binding. I loved them so much I shared them with a few people and we were all talking about them for the next few days. I've watched that kimchi one and the shoes about 5 times each. Such a talented woman. I think she's been taught how to cook by her grandma but she gives a new meaning to "from scratch". Watch the dress one and when she makes the cosmetics. xx

  12. Hello Rhonda, I have just enjoyed watching the centenarians on You Tube and I am moved by these people, they had a grace and charm that is no longer seen very often in society. They are very inspirational and show that a lot in life depends on the attitude you have. I spent time this morning with my father and an Aunt who was a playmate of dads when young and we were talking about conditions when they were young, things like living in a house that had a dirt floor and going to the well for water, there was no tap in the house, there was no kitchen sink either, no electricity to cool things down but you could put them down the well to cool them as it ran very cold, these stories of long ago always interest me. from 1944 Judi.

  13. Thank you for these, I loved the care and attention the woman went to to make the handmade shoes. How special.
    I have always wanted to try passata, I have just made a batch of tomato sauce and a few jars of relish. Delicious, nothing beats homemade.

  14. Wow, the Chinese lady making shoes (and all her other videos) has changed my life. That is exactly how I wanted to grow up to be, and I am far from it. I live that she is so rooted in her native place, traditions and culture, it's something we have lost in Britain to a greater extent. Its given me a lot to think about, thank you.

  15. "As long as I'm still helpful and can keep going"..."Everything makes me happy."

    Those two statements from the centenarians shifted the weight of dread I've been feeling about the aging process. I'm finally reaching the age where you realize you WILL be "old" some time, and I'm seeing my parents struggle with the realities of that season of life. I've wondered what will happen when my children are grown, and the "purpose" I've had in life for the last several years is no longer the same purpose. I'll still be helpful, that's what!

  16. The time and care the young lady took making the shoes reminded me of watching my great grandmother make and repair my great grandfathers moccasins. My heritage is Native American, I loved setting on her big sandstone porch in the summer when I was very young and watching her hands as she worked on them. Tan from working in her beloved flower garden. She had no grass in her yard, she thought grass was a weed. Her front lawn was a huge scatter garden of flowers.

  17. Rhonda, thank you so much for posting the videos of the Chinese woman. I went on to watch for...well ... about 2 hours. I am in awe of her talent. In one of the comments, someone says that she lives with her grandmother. I'm not totally sure which is my favorite, but it may be the kimchi making. I evidently have been putting too much effort into it, lol. I do discursive meditation and my theme this week was natural beauty. Thank you so much for adding to it. Her videos truely are beautiful.

  18. Thank-you for sharing, the life lessons from the 100 year olds is so inspiring, I am only 30 so have a long life ahead yet i believe, so its nice to get some wisdom from a different generation.

  19. Thank you for your wonderful reading list each week Rhonda. I was so moved by the Life Lessons from the 100 year olds that I'm saving the rest of your list until tomorrow. What a beautiful and inspiring video and what lovely people.

  20. When I recently found I had a suspicious breast lump, I came home and baked sourdough. I found it life affirming. And today, recuperating from breast surgery, I ate it with my home made apple vinegar on salad and was glad I had a supply of such things to nourish my spirit. Renae

  21. The life lessons from 100 year olds was lovely! Beautiful people!
    My husband's grandma just had her 106th birthday this month. She has been a blessing in our lives!

    Sue M.

  22. For me it were the 100 year olds that resonated. It was good for me to see how positive they stay, even through hardship, it really moved me. I haven't seen the Kimchi video yet. Reading the title I would have never suspected it to be life changing, but I'll sure give it a chance!

  23. Lots of lovely links this week, thank you Rhonda. I can't help but feel a little envious when watching the Chinese girl gathering and preparing her food how nice it would be if I could devote that much time to feeding myself and my family. Instead of trying to prepare healthy and tasty food in between all of the other tasks involved with family life. I felt how complicated our lives are these days, it seems the more we outsourced and mechanised our day to day lives the more complicated the days have become.
    Cheers Kate

  24. I think Life Lessons may be your favorite. So heartfelt! As I travel into my mid 70s this year I begin to think of the life I have led, not an easy on by any means. But, I am still going on down the road with hope in my heart.

  25. We have always had our milk delivered in glass bottles - it is more expensive than buying from the supermarket in plastic bottles but we are prepared to pay the price to reduce plastic use, support our local dairy and maintain our local milkman - if we don't use it we lose it!

  26. beautiful video - life lessons from 100 year olds

  27. I too enjoyed the tranquillity of the Chinese lady's daily activities, Rhonda! And yes, my favourite was the dress made from black grape natural dyed fabric. It came out such a lovely jacaranda colour.
    Thank you for taking the time.

  28. i figured it was the practical videos of the food & cloth shoes but you have already said here; very fascinated i was with the shoes, so simple! yet so functional! enjoyed those very much
    thanx for sharing

  29. I absolutely loved life lessons of 100 year olds, also I loved the story on glass milk bottles, I could almost taste the milk, how lucky they are to still have so many people still delivering milk in glass bottles, we haven't had that here for 30 odd years. I haven't read the kimchi one yet. Thanks once again for all your work.

  30. Rhonda, that girl making kimchi is mesmerising. It is almost like "watching" a meditation. Really looking forward to watching more of her videos!

  31. A wonderful selection. The video of the beautiful girl making Kimchi, gorgeous. The Life Lessons. The wonderful Photographs around the world. And the patience of the lovely girl making the cloth shoes, and they looked so comfortable too. Wonderful.

  32. I would love to get my milk delivered in bottles again, just for the memory if not for the reduction in plastic waste.

  33. I can remember milk being delivered in a billy. We left our billy outside overnight and the milkman came early in the morning with his lidded tin can (I can still hear it click shut) and poured fresh milk into the billy. It can't have been pasteurised. We lived in a suburb of Brisbane not a country town and the dairy was about 2kms away. Walking distance.

  34. Hi, Rhonda. Thanks for these lovely links. The kimchi one is SO beautiful. What a contrast to the food hall where I ate my lunch today. Sigh. I can see I'm going to have to watch all her videos. I think that counts as meditation, though!

    1. Isn't it beautiful. I think it's a mediation too. So is the one of her making shoes.


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