4 March 2016

Albury, Wangaratta and Shepparton ... then on to Tasmania

We're in Wangaratta!  We arrived yesterday afternoon after a lovely drive through the Victorian high country. We called in at Yackandandah and Bright, both beautiful small towns with foliage turning a hundred shades of yellow and red. We don't see those splashes of vivid autumn colour where we live so it's a real treat driving through the landscape.  Along the way we are getting messages and phone calls from family and friends so even though we're out among the English, as Matty put it in her comment yesterday, we're still connected with our loved ones.

From left: Toni, Elle and Alison, with yours truly at the front.

Last night we met up with about 50 eager people at the Wangaratta Library. AlisonS, Elle and Toni from the forum were there and as I was signing books a number of the ladies told me they'd been following the blog for many years. I'm always surprised that so many people, far and wide, read here so it's lovely to talk to some of them face to face.  The evening before that we were in Albury with about 60 people at the local library. We didn't get away from Canberra until much later than we should have so, unfortunately, we arrived 45 minutes late.  Everyone who knows me well knows I am never late, so it was unsettling that we arrived far beyond our scheduled time. However, we did have a lovely time there and all the people who attended graciouly accepted my apology.

We're about to set off on the drive to Shepparton, where we'll visit a book shop, and then drive on to Melbourne. This evening we'll board the Spirit of Tasmania and sail to Devonport overnight. Tricia will fly to Hobart tomorrow and then the three of us will relax and spend some time sightseeing and enjoying island life.

Here is a very small weekend reading - a link to an article written by our good friend Megan at the Odgers and McClelland Nundle store: Moving to the country.


  1. A holiday in Tassie with your sister sounds perfect. Relax and enjoy.

  2. Save travels Rhonda and Hanno.

  3. What a lovely trip, enjoy! We will enjoy reading, better get the map out!

  4. My great-grandmother was born in Yackandandah. Aren't I the lucky one? Such a pretty town. It would have suited me if she had stayed there but then there would be no me sending weird messages. Have also visited Bright. Lovely place. Thank you for reviving my memories at no cost to me. Keep on enjoying. As you say it is very different from S.E. Qld.

  5. Enjoy your break from the tour and relax with Hanno and Trish, Rhonda. So nice for you to catch up with some forum members along the way too.

  6. I confess that I wish I could be there to meet you. I have always had a deep desire to visit the land down under and before I began reading your blog it was mostly because of National Geographic. Since your blog, I have realized that the reason I wish to visit is for you, and to connect with the person that truly inspired me. My family hit a bump in the road 11 years ago when my husband had an accident-I wrote about it here http://doublenickelfarm.blogspot.com/2010/03/sometimes-things-happen.html- anyhow, you shared simple tips and such and glamorized a life that we were cast upon. At first I was overwhelmed but you shared ways, tips, ideas and your life in a way that allowed for simplicity, cutting back, and being frugal in a way~that was so encouraging.

    I thank you ever so much for opening your home and life to the world, as it has made all the difference in how my husband and I reinvented our lives! Here is what we did-http://doublenickelfarm.blogspot.com/2012/09/before-president-obama-part-1.html-I shared my story on my blog as the USA was in a financial meltdown in 08 that my family lived since 05.

    Anyhow your blog was a place to visit and encourage in times when I wasn't sure if we could afford the next month-so I sincerely am appreciative that you sat before your computer and began a blog!

    Thank you,
    New Mexico, USA

  7. I know from how you say you really like staying home (I'm the same way), this must be exhausting. Hang in there, you'll be home soon!

  8. It was so lovely to meet you last night Rhonda & to hear about your life. I hope you, Hanno & Tricia have a lovely stay in tasmania.

  9. What a wonderful inspirational talk at Wangaratta last night. Thank you for taking the time to visit all your fans. If there are others who are contemplating seeing one of Rhonda's talks, I highly recommend it. So good to finally meet you in person, after feeling like I've known you for years. Xo

  10. Have a wonderful time in Tassie Rhonda. I am having a wonderful time reading your new book. Thank you soooo much.

  11. ....out among the English....LOL. Safe travels again Rhonda

  12. Enjoy your time in Tassie! When you get a moment would you mind letting us know when you will be in Ballarat and Bendigo? Have looked back through the posts and can't find the dates or info for these places and we'd love to come and see you at one of them!!

  13. It was lovely to see you again in Albury. I enjoyed your talk and am loving the new book. You and Hanno please take care, you both looked exhausted after what must have been a qrueling day both in Canberra and driving to Albury. Cheers Karin

  14. Hope you are enjoying yourself despite the exhausting schedule, Rhonda! Thank you for the blog link .... enjoyed my morning cup of tea all the more for reading it.

  15. My friend and I are looking forward to meeting you in Melbourne on Thursday😀 Jade x

  16. Would have loved to meet you at Albury or Shepparton but with my working hours it is impossible. Have a lovely time in Tasmania. I've been there in March and it's gorgeous.

  17. So sorry I missed you in Wangaratta! I only just found out. Elizabeth (I was baringapark on ALS)


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