25 March 2016

Weekend reading

Many of us will have a few days off over Easter. I hope you take the opportunity to slow down and really experience where you are.  Turn off your phone, don't connect with the internet, cut out all technology and just be part of the natural surroundings.

So many of you have told me you love the weekend reading, so here it is again. This one is for Jo who I met on my travels. She told me she relaxes after a stressful week with a glass of wine and the weakend reading list. Cheers Jo.

There's nothing wrong with a bit of mould
Our teenagers need social skills, not social networks
Food is free - Ballarat
Food Inc - the full movie I've added this before but it's worth a look and another think
Farm tour at Purple Pear Farm - always interesting to visit this blog. Today they're taking us on a farm tour and discussing propagation, chooks, insect control and planting out.
The sad tale of a simple family funeral
Australians, see your country now
How to make tomato passata
Could sourdough bread be the answer to the gluten sensitivity epidemic?
The reed bunting's insignificant stutter is another sign of spring


  1. Thank you for these lovely readings Rhonda. I'm glad you've returned safely from your trip - I've been thinking of you this week as my mum is in Australia at the minute - a huge thing for our family as we're in England and she's barely been further than Wales before! (that's not very far...) What an adventure!

    Also glad to read The Book Depository over here is selling your books - I was going to ask my mum to bring The Simple Home back with her, but I'll get it locally and save her carrying it. Great news!

    Thanks for the reminder about simple things too - I have a new job (which I love) and we're trying to move somewhere with a garden so we can grow more and have chickens, but we're doing all our own decorating before we leave, and right now it doesn't feel very simple... I'll take your advice and use the Easter weekend to slow down. Thank you.

    Jenni x

  2. Thanks for remembering me Rhonda! A great weekend reading list as always. Entertaining, thought provoking and interesting. Have a lovely peaceful Easter.
    Jo x

  3. Food Inc is always, on my recommended viewing list for every soul on earth who eats food! Thanks for putting it onto your list this week Rhonda. I know that most of your readers are already a very aware and intelligent bunch, but what we can learn from that DVD is life altering. I also would answer YES to the question regarding sourdough and gluten intolerance. I've pondered this for years, as I can't tolerate shop bought yeasty breads, but I can eat my home made sourdough with no gut problems, which led me to the conclusion that it's not necessarily the gluten but the way they treat the wheaten flour plus all those additives (numbers). I hope you and Hanno enjoy your Easter long weekend and have some lovely family time.

  4. A lovely reading list, time to sit back with a mug of coffee and relax I think. Have a good weekend. Xx

  5. I look forward to your weekend reading list very much. Even from TX I find the topics and pictures very interesting.

    Glad your book tour went well. I have enjoyed the book. Thanks so much.

  6. Thanks for the link to our blog Rhonda xx

  7. Thank you, Rhonda.. I always enjoy this post.. ox


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