22 March 2016

Book Depository selling Simple Home and all my books

Just a couple of reminders for you today.

The Book Depository in the UK is now selling Australian books and The Simple Home is listed as a bestseller. So if you're living in the UK, Europe or the US, you'll be able to buy the book with free delivery.  They have all my books.  Here is the link for The Simple Home.

Also, the function at Rosetta's in Maleny to launch The Simple Home has been postponed till after the Easter holidays. If you've already made a booking, Anne will contact you soon about the new date.


  1. Thanks for that feedback, Teri, I've heard they value good customer relationships. Thanks for buying my books, I'm pleased you enjoy them. xx

  2. Thanks for this information. I've just ordered my copy. It can go next to Down To Earth on my family room book shelf. You have a talent for writing and for living and for sharing your talents.

  3. Hi Rhonda
    I'm so sorry that I haven't commented for a while but I have been very busy with a new puppy!

    Today's post is so ironic as my copy of the Simple Home book has arrived on my doorstep this morning - YAY!!!
    I ordered it from the Book Depository on the 6th March from the UK and now I am going to put the kettle on and devour every page :-)
    After having a very quick peek I am thrilled to see some of your delicious recipes inside - my family will be pleased!!
    Thanks for the inspiration Rhonda and I'm glad that you are now home safe and sound.
    Eve xx

  4. Rhonda, I just finished your book, Down to Earth, and I loved it! What a well-written, high quality book. It's definitely worth the money!

  5. Hooray!!!!!!!! Thank you s o much for letting us know :)

  6. Just ordered from Texas, can't wait till it gets here.

  7. Hi Rhonda I ordered my book from the UK Book Depository last Sunday hoping it arrives tomorrow before Easter. I've used the UK Book Depository for the last 6 years and their service is excellent and free delivery World Wide including Australia. Their books are packaged very well and my understanding is books are shipped from Warehouses all over the world not necessarily coming from the UK to Australia. I have nothing but good words about this company. Can't wait to get my book. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  8. thewarmfireplaceMarch 23, 2016 7:01 pm

    Thank you for the link, I have been struggling to find the book here in the UK.

  9. Do you know if the hardcover version is coming to Canada. I do know I can get the Kobo version, but really like books. I have the hardcover version of Down to Earth and like it very much. Great job Rhonda.


    1. The hardcover book will eventually be available through Amazon US but you can buy it now from the Book Depository with free world-wide postage.

  10. Hello Rhonda I found your blog about 2 months ago and have been making my way through it. Such good information! Thank you! I have been gardening on and off for the last 20 years, depending on where we were living. I have a question about composing. It has always intimidated me, and all my research has left me with one question to be answered before I take the leap. When you create a compost pile, do you keep adding to it while taking from it? Or do you add to it for a set period of time, then begin another one and leave the first to 'cook'? Ugh! I know I'm making this more complicated than it really is! Lol
    Thanks, Patti from Northern California

    1. Patti, traditionally, compost is made in three heaps. One heap is under construction, one is finished and decomposing and one is in use. If you can't do that, make one heap and use from the bottom as it matures.

  11. Hi Rhonda,

    I tried ordering your new book from the Book Depository, but it says that it's not available right now. Has it already sold out? I left my email address so that they could let me know when it is available again. Boo Hoo. Can't wait to get my copy here in North Carolina, USA.


    1. It must have sold out, Diane. I'm sorry. :- (

  12. Yes, I ordered from the Book Depository! It took about 3 weeks to arrive in the Netherlands. A late birthday gift for me and much anticipated! The packaging wasn't very good this time, a padded envelope and now the corners of the book are damaged. We have never had this before with BD, so I really don't know why they chose this packaging this time...Well, the book arrived yesterday, so I'm going to enjoy it this weekend!

  13. Thanks Rhonda. I'm going to buy your new book for myself from Book Depository for Mothers Day, in early May. Looking forward to it!

  14. All 3 titles unavailable right now. 😔

    1. Yes, all have sold out. They'll be back as soon as the new shipment is there.


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