16 March 2016

Last of the events - heading home

It's the last leg of the tour and we're currently relaxing at Tricia's pretty cottage in Blackheath. We're all tired but still enjoying meeting everyone who comes along to the signings and events. We'll be home on Sunday and I'm really looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. Our house sitters have told me there's been a fair bit of rain since we left so I expect the garden to be green. Roll on Sunday!

Here we are in Echuca with Reuben, Katie and Jude of House of Humble blog and #wattleseedcollective on Instagram. It was great to catch up with them and meet baby Jude for the first time.

If you're in the neighbourhood, I hope you can come along to the last of the events. They're listed below.  I'll be doing a few events around south-east Queensland when I get back.

Thursday 17 March
7.00pm EVENT: Kogarah Library
Author Talk, Q and A and book signing
At: Kogarah Library and Cultural Centre, O’Keefes Lane, Kogarah NSW 2217

Friday 18 March
10.00am ABC Radio Newcastle
6.00pm EVENT: Coffs Harbour Book Warehouse
Author Talk, Q and A and book signing
At: 26 Harbour Drive, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
Bookings: Light refreshments will be served. RSVP 16th March by calling Julie on 02 6651 9077

Saturday 19 March, 6.00pm
EVENT: Mary Ryans at Byron Bay
Author Talk, Q and A and book signing
At: 1/27-31 Fletcher St, Byron Bay NSW 2481


  1. What a privilege to meet Katie and Rueben! I loved their blog when Katie was blogging. Another inspirational couple that motivated me on my simple life journey.

    1. I agree Lou. We've met a couple of times before and they visited us at home a couple of years ago. It was great to see them again.

  2. That would have been nice to meet up with Reuben, Katie and Jude. I can well imagine you are keen to get back to your own bed once again, Rhonda. I am tired just reading about your trip. Lol!

  3. Hasn't Baby Jude got the most beautiful hair!

  4. Great photo! I am so sad I missed your Canberra signing. I live in the Snowy Mountains but have been awfully sick and couldn't make the drive. Such a missed opportunity.

  5. Lovely photo of you all.
    Rhonda has your interview with Ellen from Life Matters been aired? I'd really like to hear it.
    cheers Kate

    1. It was a live interview Kate. You should be able to find it on the Radio National website.

  6. Hope you enjoy the last leg of your tour. Have a happy and safe trip back home. Guida

  7. What a beautiful photo. I have only been to Echuca once but I thought it was a beautiful place - so much character in the town and then that beautiful river and all the big trees. That photo reminded me of All the Rivers Run mini series - just beautiful. Have a safe trip home Rhonda and Hanno . it's still very hot up here but yes we are getting some rain - it's raining just now in Caloundra.

  8. If you could persuade the marketing department to have your tour swing through the Keeling, Virginia area, we'd sure like to meet you. :)

  9. It's been so nice to follow your blog over the years and see your success with your books, I'm very happy for you! I was wondering, do you and Hanno have someone tend to your garden when you are away?

    1. Our lovely neighbour has been tending the gardens and caring for the chickens. We're lucky to have someone so reliable.

  10. Rhonda - LOVE your dress!! Did you make it? if so, what is the pattern?

    1. Joy I was having a chuckle to myself when I put that photo up last night because I've chosen a lot of photos with me in that dress. I didn't make it but it's a simple and straightforward design, I'm sure it would be easy to make.

  11. Oh, I just love that little family. Baby Jude is so, so cute! Gee, I bet you are pooped from that tour - enjoy your cosy home when you get there!

  12. Rhonda,
    I just joined the forum today and now it says forum has been terminated.
    Could you help me please?
    My email is

  13. What a beautiful photo of you with the sweet House of Humble family! I just wanted to thank you again Rhonda for being patient with two girls that came up from Geelong to meet you in Ballarat. We were so worried that we were going to miss you but you were just lovely. Thank you for a lovely chat, kind words and beautiful books. I hope that the rest of your travels goes smoothly and peacefully with a cup of tea waiting for you at home just around the corner now.

  14. Dear Rhonda, I bought a copy of your new book this week and am finding it absorbing and helpful. I do hope the rest of your travels go safely and well. Best wishes Lyn

  15. Hi Rhonda glad to hear all is going well with the tour and I am sure you would be looking forward to getting home and back into routine again, my daughter is looking forward to greeting you in Coffs Harbour on Friday after she read my book while on holiday with me. It is always a good feeling when you can encourage the younger generation to follow in your footsteps. best wishes Judi

  16. Hi Rhonda, it was so lovely to meet you last night at Kogarah Library. I have been a fan of your bog and your simple living philosophy for many years. Thank you for inspiring me. I love the books. Tracie

  17. Im so disappointed you did no book signings in the Blue Mountains. I actually bought my copy of The Simple Home at Gleebooks at Blackheath. Maybe next time you are down???

  18. I was going to come down to Byron to meet you Rhonda, but, as I'm sure you understand, 6pm's the "witching" hour......dog to walk and chooks to lock up for the night...crucial now I've moved, people say foxes sometimes come along the riverbank. As well, there's been heavy rain and storms the last week or so around that time of day, with more predicted, so I don't want to be out on the highway in it. You could always come back from Byron up through the Burringbar Range and pop into Mbah before joining the highway again :) Have a good trip back, home and your own bed will be bliss.

  19. Enjoy your homecoming, Rhonda, and a well earned rest!

  20. Hello Rhonda, loved your first book. I live in Byron Bay and had been looking forward to the launch.


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