29 July 2014

What I've been part of

Every so often Hanno and I leave our chores behind and go out for the day. We like to take the back roads, we stay away from crowds and shopping centres and we usually end up at a quiet spot where we look around, have lunch and a cuppa and then travel back home again. Yesterday we went to Tin Can Bay and we took Jamie with us. :- )

Looking after small children on an outing doesn't change much. There is generally a basket containing a water bottle, juice, sultanas, fruit, a hat, a little bag of favourite small toys and a set of spare clothes, just in case. The other things that don't change are the little songs, the questions and the tiny fragments of life that might seem so ordinary they aren't all that special. But looking at it all from a grandma's eye, it's all extraordinary, charming and the stuff that melts even the coldest heart.

I know Jamie won't remember that trip for more than a few days but I'll remember it until I take my last breath. I'll store the memory away with all the others I have of Shane and Kerry, of Alex, of Sarndra and Sunny, of Jens and Cathy, of Tricia, my nephews and their babies, and my mum and dad. All those memories are the precious articles I take out to examine in the wee small hours of the morning or when I'm sitting in the garden and it looks like I'm gazing at a kookaburra or a far off tree. Those are the times when I'll see Jamie on his bike again, and I'll hear him singing and calling me grandma, surely the sweetest sound I know, and it will remind me of how well I have lived and what I've been part of.



  1. What a wonderful post. Those special moments with family are worth treasuring and remembering my most fond memories from childhood are with my own and extended families :)

  2. When you can see the circle...
    Love this post Rhonda. Blessings to you and your family.

    Trinidad & Tobago

  3. You described it exactly. I'm in the same place you are with collecting memories. The grandson that lives 900 miles away just shows up in mind's eye. I smile, then recognize that tiny space in my heart that misses him is still lurking under the surface..

  4. Beautiful and important post Rhonda...!

  5. And even though Jamie will not remember the outing these positive experiences are forming the foundation of his character and view of the world. Every time the checkout lady says 'hi' to my DD and plays peek-a-boo etc I know my daughter is seeing the world as a fun place full of happy friendly people. It's lovely. It really does take a village.

    1. I couldn't agree more, Alacoque. Seeing smiling faces and knowing you're part of a family helps form optimistic, confident and friendly children.

  6. Beautiful post! Your little grandson is adorable, and I can tell the apple of his grandfather's eye! Family is truly the most important part of my life, and these memories that you are making for Jamie will only be forgotten in his memory, but always remembered in his heart!

  7. These are the sweet days-we just got back from a weekend with our youngest grandson-19 months old.

  8. What a wonderful day you had with Jamie, Rhonda. Yes, I am sure you won't forget the day and Jamie can look at the photos in the years to come and know that he had loving grandparents.

  9. Beautiful post- family is such a blessing.

  10. My sentiments exactly Rhonda, I am on Grandma duties as DIL recovering in hospital with our brand new 4 day old Grandson. Hearing my little granddaughter call "grandma" is such a sweet sound, I never tire of hearing it. We did playgroup together today, nothing as changed from 30 years ago! They keep thanking me for being here but I can't thank them enough for giving me this opportunity! Regards Leonie

  11. I am not a blogger but this truly touched me as I have the same thoughts of my grandchildren whom
    I looked after for 4 years or so before they went to live overseas. Miss them but as you say I have
    my memories of happy days and laughter that I spent with them and that is what I treasure.
    I love your blog Rhonda and the recipes that you put on your page - always look for more.

    1. They take a special place in our hearts, don't they, wanderer. I hope you get to see your grandchildren again soon.

  12. I just had to respond to this posting Rhonda. I felt the tears come into my eyes as I read your description of the outing with Hanno and Jamie. You are so right. Our little grandchildren will not remember such days. However the pure love and sense of security will stay with them forever as their characters form. We, the grandparents, can rejoice in that and know that life is good.
    Thank you for the lovely and touching words.
    Love to you and your family


  13. Isn't he growing, my how time flies. Memories need an outing every now and then to keep them fresh and well aired. Don't need those memory moths chewing them away:)

  14. Sounds like a gorgeous day. We try to get off the farm every so often too, sometimes with our girls, sometimes alone. It's such a great way to get perspective on things and like you said, make great memories. Have a lovely evening. xx

  15. All of the above and more ! We are blessed with three grandchildren, two who are grown, but only live two miles away and a nine year old who lives 10 miles away.How lucky am I?

  16. When my daughter was three, we couldn't sleep so we drove out into the night and bought a bun at an all-night-open gas station. This nightly outing is one of her fondest childhood memories she tells me, emagine that :). Jamie looks so sweet cycling along. He will have many fond memories of you both and even if he won't remember everything, the feeling of being loved will remain. Pam

  17. Such a nice post! That's exactly what my mom says about time spent with my kids. She says as parents we may be so overwhelmed with the dreaded burden of responsibility, that often we we can't even enjoy those little things, and the never-ending questions and requests to play games become just one more chore. Mom says it's different when you're a Granny, because you can let go of all that knowing that you're not the one who has to make every single decision for years and years to come. So I hope that feeling of enjoyment is universal and I will be a more relaxed and fun grandma than I am as a mother.
    I think I've got to call my Granny. Or rather, visit her. It's so long overdue.

  18. Such a sweet post!
    It's always nice to take a walk away from the cities!
    These sweet memories will always stay :)

  19. I had my almost 90 year old nan here for dinner tonight with my Dad and we were talking about the times she looked after me and we would go, the two of us, to the local football. Nan would pack a thermos of tea and homemade shortbread for the car trip before she daintily cut my fringe, sprayed some hairspray for my unruly fringe for the voyage to the footy....she remembered tonight how I would leave her and the safety of the car and make my way to the canteen and spend my 20 cents on lollies. She would watch my long blonde hair and keep her eye on me like a hawk the whole 200 metre walk....you, Rhonda, are making memories
    Warm regards, Jan x

  20. Sounds wonderful Rhonda! So nice to hear while I am in the thick of raising teenagers! ;)

  21. I'm with ya, Rhonda(magical memories to look back on; Jamie's a big boy now:)! X

  22. Well said!! We were with our youngest grandchildren yesterday and made some great memories that my hubby and I talked about all evening and into the night. Precious time, indeed!


  23. Treasured moments with little ones are the most precious. I feel exactly the same way with my son who is 7 now and does not remember all the days we spent together when he was a toddler but I have pictures which he now remembers as memories. My heart feels like bursting from all those cherished days and now I am blessed to be able to do it all over again with child number 2. Children really slow us down in many ways and simplify what is important.

  24. Just lovely! Penny L in Dorset U.Kxxxxxx

  25. Oh, yes! These moments are so special...And as grandparents we treasure them...Even if Jamie does not remember any particular trip, he will remember feeling loved when with you and Hanno. That will be a gift for him all his life......

  26. Such wonderful memories....I always think that when kids are little "it's for the adults" to enjoy because the kids never remember when they are little ones. Nice to get away from home for a little day trip with a cuppa and some homemade lunch. Have a good week. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  27. Just magical. I looked after my grandchildren from a young age till the eldest was 4 yrs. It was a lovely
    time and I have a lot of happy memories about the moments I spent with them that keep me still
    smiling. They now live overseas but I will always have my photos and thoughts. Love your
    site Rhonda and all the cooking recipes. I have always been a house mother and although I worked for
    a quite a few years before children I have always enjoyed my time at home . I have baked bread for most of my married life 42 years and really enjoyed it. I started years ago when sliced bread first came
    onto the market and I thought it was like toasting cardboard. It had no substance so even though
    I don't have a bread maker I am still going. My mix master with dough hook works for me.
    Keep up the good work Rhonda

  28. Exactly how I feel about my children and grandchildren. Thank you for making my morning.

  29. precious time :) precious age :o)

  30. The preciousness of this post brought tears to my eyes!

  31. A beautiful post Rhonda, brought a tear to my eye...makes me look forward to when one day I too might be called "Nanna".

  32. Wonderful Rhonda. Our little Millie is 2 on Monday, our May day princess. Our first grandchild. Know just what you mean. ;-)


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