10 July 2014

A new baby!

I am very proud and happy today. We have a new baby in our family - Tricia has a grand daughter! Congratulations Daniel and Laura on the birth of your little girl. The first girl to be born in our part of the family for more years than I care to remember. 

I have no recent photos of Danny and Laura but here is a photo of them both with Tricia when their son Johnathan was born in 2012.

Born in Sydney last night, about five weeks premature, by Caesarian, the baby is fine but Laura has high blood pressure. Danny was at her side during the birth. I'm sure I'll hear more news later. In the meantime, I'm smiling every time I think of that baby girl, and Tricia.


  1. Congratulations and I hope all is fine. It must be a very exciting and a little bit stressful time. Can't wait to see the new pictures!

  2. What a special blessing! Love seeing all those smiles!

  3. congratulations on the new little addition to the family & I hope Laura has a speedy recovery

  4. Congratulations Daniel, Laura, and Tricia! Exciting times :)

  5. Congratulations Rhonda and family. Thank Tricia for teaching me how to make bunting. I have made bunting for a friend's wedding, which the bride and I has so much fun doing together. My daughter and I are currently making bunting for my Grandson's second birthday, we are also enjoying doing this activity together.

  6. Congratulations to Daniel and Laura. Tricia must be thrilled to have a little granddaughter. They are such sweeties! I imagine the knitting needles are working overtime :-)

  7. Many congratulations to your sister and her family.

  8. Congratulations! Babies are a wonderful blessing. Ohhh! I would love to have a granddaughter to join the grandsons in my family.

  9. Congratulations Danny,Laura and Tricia. There is so much wonderful news Rhonda in your family . I hope everyone is doing good.

  10. Congratulations to all of you. I will be thinking of Laura.

  11. Congratulations Rhonda! A great niece for you! I'm sure between you and Tricia this little wee girl will have quite the knitted wardrobe!


  12. CONGRATULATIONS! to daniel & laura, tricia & you as well rhonda :))

    selina from kilkivan qld

  13. Congratulations on the new baby girl! We seem to get boys a bunch here too! :)

  14. Congratulations to you all having a new addition to the family is always a time for celebration and blessings.

  15. Such lovely news Rhonda. Congratulations.

  16. Tricia congrats to you, Danny and Laura and to Great Aunt Rhonda and Great Uncle Hanno.

  17. Congratulations to you all! Our new granddaughter is 5 weeks today. I got to have her here all day yesterday and got lots of baby snuggles.

  18. Congratulations on the birth and the addition of a new member for your family. The best of health to all of them.

  19. Congratulations to you and to all your family


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