11 July 2014

Weekend reading

Here she is! Born on Wednesday to Danny and Laura.

We've had very cold days and nights here in many parts of Australia. There has been record snow falls in the alps and strong winds. I hope you're staying warm. For all my friends experiencing summer in other parts of the world, I hope it's not too hot for you and you're enjoying clinking ice cubes in your cold drinks. Enjoy the weekend, everyone!

Power to the people - I'm not sure if anyone outside Australia will be able to watch this but all Australians should. - Hanno's recommendation
Knitting with rags - floor rug project
Work Shop - getting people together
Koala video - watch it to the end, very cute
Using leftover risotto - I guess there must be leftover risotto somewhere in the world ;- )
Ideas for leftover milk, or in the case of many of you reading here, ideas for the height of milking season
Will switching to a water meter save money? In England and Wales your water company is obliged to install a water meter free of charge if you ask
Ten tips for cross stitchers


  1. Sweet baby! Our weather has moderated and it actually not too bad for hot summer right now for which we are very thankful.

  2. What a sweet bub, Rhonda! Our temp is now 4C after a low of 2C here in Toowoomba. Tomorrow it will be 0C. Brrr! At least the snow skiers will be happy down south.

  3. Is she OK? The nose tube?

    1. The baby is doing well, LPC. She was born a few weeks early as Laura was ill.

  4. Ahh! She's beautiful! Congratulations to the whole family! I pray Mommy and baby do well.

  5. Oh, I'm glad she's OK:).

  6. That little lady is such a cutie!

    As for the Koala Zoo video, OHMIGOD!!!!! I have ADORED Koalas since I was a little girl but have only seen them in two zoos in the States. I am incredibly jealous and respectful of all these kind hearted people who get to hold and care for them.

    1. Fifi, Tricia's son Charles, works at that koala hospital as a volunteer.

  7. Love love love that workshop link!

  8. Bub has a lovely head of hair :). The Koala zoo is near where I used to live. It is part of a park where they have other Australian animals and birds and it is well worth visiting! Also very popular school excursion venue.

  9. Thank you, Hanno, for the suggestion to watch the program Power to the people. My husband & I found the program to be very, very interesting! What is our government doing??? Australia should be moving with the times!
    Gorgeous baby, congratulations to the new parents.


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