7 July 2014

Gathered for a family lunch

We had a quiet and relaxed weekend which included lunch with Sunny and Jamie on Saturday. The weather was cool so it was a good time for roast pork shoulder with fresh red cabbage, Dutch Cream potatoes, peas and gravy. We always welcome Sunny and Jamie with open arms when they visit and love having them here. I love hearing about what they've been doing and while we're talking, Jamie sits with us for a while, then runs off to play, then returns again.

Sitting on the back verandah eating pork crackling, waiting for the potatoes to cook. Someone is looking very smooth in those glasses and hat. 

Jamie helped opa with Lucy, our blind chicken. She is an Old English Game hen. He helped feed her, then opa showed him how to hold her gently. When they took Lucy over to the grass, Jamie spent a while in the sunshine talking to her and making sure she was drinking her water.

When we came inside for lunch, there wasn't much to do. I only had to make the gravy and put the meat and vegetables on serving dishes, then everyone helped themselves at he table. As usual, Jamie finished his plate and then we all enjoyed cheesecake and coffee, or for one of our guests, strawberry milk.

Opa serves up the gravy while Sunny cuts Jamie's meat and vegetables.

I have very fond memories of my childhood when we had a roast for lunch on Sundays. Often dad cooked so mum could have a day off and even though it was a family lunch, there always seemed something very special about it. Later in the day, for our evening meal, dad would load up a trolley of cold cuts, salad, bread, butter and drinks and then wheel it into the lounge room where mum would be helping us to practise our reading or spelling and in front of our open fire, we'd share this most humble of meals. I hope we're helping Jamie build similar memories that he'll be able to pass on his to his own children. I firmly believe that a loving and secure childhood creates the firm foundation for a good life and being a small part of that, makes me a very happy woman.

The rest of the weekend was a mix of small tasks, knitting, gardening and cooking. It was cold with gusty winds on Sunday so we stayed close to the house and had frequent cups of tea. I always feel grateful for my home in cold weather. It might be a remnant instinct left over from the caveman days when being out in the open in winter might have meant an early death. Whatever the reason, having out family close on a cold winter's day, sharing good food, is one of the seasonal joys for us.

I can hardly wait until tomorrow when I have some very exciting news to share with you. I'll see you then. :- )


  1. How wonderful that you were able to spend time with Sunny and Jamie. I especially enjoyed the picture of Jamie keeping Lucy company in the sun, making sure she drank some water. I will be looking forward to tomorrow to see what this news is you have to share!

  2. Love the photo of Jamie and the chicken. So sweet.

  3. It sounds like a wonderful day! We've had our grandchildren this weekend while their parents took a break and it has been such a good time. We hope they will have good memories of Mimi and Pop's house in the country.

  4. We used to have roast for lunch on Sunday's as children as well. All these years later it's Sunday nights roast at Mum's. lovely to have your family with you and they is certainly what it's all about. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  5. Love this post-family is everything and Jamie is adorable.So kind to the hen x

  6. Hello Rhonda,
    Looks like place mats I got from Oz in the first picture.
    Looking forward to your exciting news tomorrow!
    Best wishes,
    Angela (south England) UK

  7. Lovely post, I felt warm and cozy just reading it! The red cabbage looks delicious as does the rest of the meal! Yum!

  8. It's good to have family around! And memories are such fun things to be making! :) I love seeing pictures of you place. Even though it is "winter" there you still have flowers! how lovely! Thanks for sharing.

  9. You had me at pork crackling! ;) There is something about a good roast in winter. Last weekend we had my sister and her husband over for a roast lunch and gosh it was good. I do enjoy holing up with hot food/drinks in winter and hiding away from the cold harsh world. My daughter snuck into bed with me this morning and it was just lovely having a snuggle and giggle before having to get up and start the day.

  10. A lovely lunch together. And so good to see the little one eating 'grown up' food. So many these days are so difficult to feed when they 'hate' this type of food or that.

  11. We have a family gathering this weekend. We are all spread a little too far to all get together often, so it is a bit of a challenge to get everyone there. But now we have found a great house that is convenient to everyone and will fit us all (don't know what will happen when the younger ones start bringing their partners!), so it will no longer just be Christmas when we all meet up.

    Family is important. My husband says my family is weird, as we all get on! Apparently that is unusual these days. And I always thought my family was normal.

  12. I was thinking how loving your family is; this is indicated as to how it rubs off on young Jamie in his interactions with the hen. Good for him; he will grow up kind and secure.

  13. Opa needs sunglasses and hat to match.

  14. I love the pic of Jamie and the Lucy, it looks like she is hanging on every word! Bless them!
    I get my hens today, the whole package, 3 hens, coop/run and a load of aviary fencing with welded mesh ( to keep foxy out!), and all their feed and other neccessary bits and bobs. I'm quite excited!
    Everyone will know when I have my first egg and which hen laid it LOL!

  15. A lovely family post. Thanks for reminding us of the importance of making special memories with and for our families.
    As an aside, I must admit a guilty pleasure while reading of winter in your part of the world as it is dreadfully hot here in eastern US. ;) Our little family loves the cooler months.

  16. Lovely cosy post with lovely family photos! I also like being inside our house with hot tea or soup on cold wet days (that's most of the winter in Melbourne, lol). Can't wait to hear what your news is. I've been trying to guess - a guest spot on a t.v. garden show? A major sponsor for this forum? Another book published? Maybe all three!

  17. I can hardly think of a better Sunday and I agree that sitting down and eating together is key to family life. I hope my children will follow the example we've set for them.

  18. Hi Rhonda,
    that looks so nice and cozy and the food looks delicious !! I was wondering, being Dutch, what Dutch Cream Potatoes are ?? I'd love to know.
    Have a wonderful day and I'm looking forward to hear your news.

    1. Hi Monqiue. Dutch Creams are a yellow waxy potato that can be used for baking, mashing, brat kartoffel and most other potato dishes. Apparently they come originally from Holland. xx

  19. Wonderful traditions. The grandchildren are lucky because they will have good memories from diverse cultures too.


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