18 July 2014

Weekend reading

I hope you have a restful weekend ahead and are able to spend time with people you love. Thank you for all your wonderful comments. Most of the time I don't have time to reply but I want you to know the comments often make me smile and sometimes make me frown, but they always make me appreciate the time you take to reach out. It's an important part of the blog for me and I appreciate having you here to share that. No person is an island and my blog works at its best when commentary is coming in with ideas and encouragement being shared.

Stay warm, or cool, wherever you are, and enjoy the weekend.  


No-poo experiment six months later
DIY sunscreen recipes
Over 60% of breads sold in the UK contain pesticide residues
Organic food better
Rent a wife
Better off renting?
Best before dates
Greening your kitchen
11 ways to green your laundry
How to green your cleaning routine
Essence of Permaculture by David Holmgren. A free download in several languages.
Uh oh, it's me again. This time on ABC Radio 612 with Chris Welsh, and broadcast state-wide in Queensland on Wednesday evening.


  1. Bonjour !
    Have a restful weekend ahead and are able to spend time with people I love is my priority!
    Have a nice weekend

  2. I hope you have a restful weekend, Rhonda. We have a garden show at our local Toowoomba TAFE tomorrow so that will be a nice place to visit as it should be a sunny day after a cold morning on the Darling Downs. Your weekend reading choices sound very interesting. Thanks for the links.

  3. Have a great weekend Rhonda. Your flowers are gorgeous!

  4. Thanks once again for taking the time to do your weekend reading post.
    I always like to see what you are interested in.. Have a good weekend, too, my dear..xo

  5. Love the vase of flowers


  6. Rhonda you to have a blessed weekend

  7. Love hearing you on the radio. I'm sure it will inspire many listeners.

    have a great weekend,


  8. Have a restful weekend Rhonda I don't think I will as we are set for some more major thunder storms here in the UK.
    Much Love Claire from frugal living xxx

    1. Stay inside and keep knitting, Claire.

    2. I intend to lol I won't be leaving the house over the weekend. I'm on my fifth snoode style scarf at the moment all of which will be Xmas presents this year xxx

  9. Your weekend reading always has something of interest, thank you! I had been wondering if it was worth the extra cost of buying organic flour to make our bread (we live in the UK) - but now I guess it is! Can't afford organic everything, but flour, porridge oats and carrots will stay on my list!

  10. Interesting article about renting vs ownership. The RBA are only looking at it from the financial point of view, although the article does touch on aspects such as pride in home ownership and being able to renovate. Most people I've talked to in my adult years of renting/mortgage paying have agreed with me that the so called Australian dream of owning your home is about the security of a roof over your head that can't generally be taken away from you. We all know the financial cost of mortgage interest is huge, but even with that, I'd still rather grow old in my own home with the option of selling it and buying something smaller if I needed to. The thought of living on a pension and renting in my old age would terrify me. Lots of people do it though.

  11. Having now read the rest of Rhonda's weekend reading links, I am patting myself on the back for being greener than what I had thought I was! Greening the laundry, the kitchen, and the cleaning routine were all familiar to me, and although I still don't make soap or detergents, I'm very conscious of what I buy in those areas.
    The Best Before Dates article was super-informative - got to print that one off for future reference! It really clarified what we can actually keep using without poisoning ourselves, and wasting so much. I've been guilty of throwing stuff out just in case, but it has mostly been things like pesto in jars which I've bought as a one-off for a specific recipe and not got around to using the remainder. There was no mould, and it didn't smell bad, but because I am unfamiliar with the product, I just didn't want to risk using it and making us sick.


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