15 July 2014

Simple life on the radio

My series of ABC radio talks is continuing but I forgot to give you the links the last three weeks. Here they are:
Please note, I wrongly gave double the amount of ingredients when I was talking about the laundry liquid. You should halve the amounts if you want to make it. The instructions are here.

After deteriorating quite suddenly over the past few days, our little blind chook, Lucy, died yesterday. :- (   It's something all chicken keepers have to deal with but it's never easy when it happens. That is Lucy above, sitting on one of her many secret nests.



  1. Rhonda I just loved your radio talks. I could listen to you talk all day. I am so sorry about Lucy. It is the hardest part of owning animals for sure. RIP Lucy.

  2. I'm sorry about Lucy. It always feels horrible when one of the chooks dies. What a lovely life she had at your place though!

  3. I am so sorry! You are right, it is never easy.

  4. Sorry about little Lucy, you will miss her, and the business of gently tending her. While it's always hard to lose one of our flock, I'm always relieved when they take themselves off when they're ready, such a good way for them to go.

    Oh and I posted congratulations to the family on the arrival of the new little girl, but my post disappeared.....so congratulations, wonderful to have a new family member and a little girl cousin for your grandsons. I have a great-grand baby due in October, it will be born in the US, so lots of stitching and knitting warm things going on here.

  5. Oh Rhonda, I'm so sorry to hear about Lucy. She had a wonderful life with you and Hanno, which is a bit of comfort, but it's still hard to give up animals that we grow to love so much.

    Love from Diane in North Carolina

  6. Sorry to see Lucy has "gone to roost" judging by the shape and colour of her comb and the sheen of her feathers, she was enjoying the good life in your yard.
    Congratulations to Trish and family, hope Mum and bub are doing well.

  7. Poor little Lucy. You will miss her.

    I will have to find a quiet moment (ha!) at some stage today to listen to your radio talks.

  8. Good morning, Rhonda. Thanks for the ABC radio links. I will listen to them later as I stayed under the warm covers too long this morning and am now behind with everything. Does it really matter when you are retired though? :-) So sorry to hear about your Lucy. That is a lovely photo of her.

  9. So sorry about your Lucy. Was she a Black Star? We lost two of our chickens this month during some very hot weather. It isn't easy.

    1. I'm sorry you lost your chickens. Lucy was an Old English Game hen.

  10. What a sad loss for you Rhonda.

  11. Sorry about Lucy, Rhonda. It looks like she had a wonderful life.

  12. So sad about Lucy, hens always seem to know when their time is nigh! My cockerel, Rufus, was poorly recently and all his girls sat quietly with him until he was better, it was really heartwarming to see. Now I have a broody hen sitting on 12 eggs, so new life starts again and I am very excited to be hopefully getting my first chicks.

    Loved your podcasts and congratulations to you all on your new family member. A new baby always feels the heart with joy.

  13. That reminds me I must get round to doing a batch of laundry gloop I ran out a while ago and have not got round to doing a new batch. So sorry to hear about Lucy :( Much Love Claire from frugal living xxx

  14. Poor little Lucy, her life was happy and productive.

  15. The homestead life is a series of life and death. The circle of life. It breaks my heart when it happens. I never thought I would be so tender toward our chickens! :)
    I love visiting you because I can almost feel the calm in you home. Still working (will be fore a few more years) toward this end! :) Thank you Rhonda!

  16. Having just had my 3 chooks for only a week, this post made me sad. One of my chooks is brain damaged and probably will not lay and egg ever again but she is such a character!
    She was statled by a sudden noise where she used to live, jumped up and hit her head on on an apple tree branch in her run. The vet said she just might lay again one day. The only time I'll know if she has will be when there are 2 blue eggs in the nest box! I have 2 Cream crested Legbars and 1 Speckeldy Maran who lays light to medium sometimes speckled brown eggs. Both colour eggs taste wonderful!
    So, you gave your lovely hen good care and love and she in return! xxx

  17. I've just listened to your radio interviews. Thank you Rhonda for being the "grandma of inspiration" to us all.

  18. I enjoy this short interviews with you! So nice to listen to you.

    So sorry about Lucy.


  19. sorry to hear about lucy, rhonda, it was such fun reading about her in various posts you put up, she had a good life with you & hanno

    selina from kilkivan qld

  20. Thanks, Rhonda, for the radio links.The little interviews were superb. I always wondered what you sound like!

  21. Sad to hear about Lucy, Rhonda. I know if any of ours died, I would miss them too. Dear little chooks, they all have their own little personalities don't they..

  22. Thanks for the audio links. Reading is one thing. Listening and hearing the love, passion and nurturing in your voice as you spoke was very inspirational! I so enjoyed your talks!

    Each of the animals has its own personality. How much we are in tune with them depends on who we are and the amount and quality of contact we have with them.

  23. Oh gosh I am sad. RIP sweet Lucy x


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