30 September 2013

Where am I and what am I doing?

Making raspberry cordial.

I haven't said nearly as much about partial self-sufficiency as I wanted to yet but today I have to post this short note to let you know I won't be back until Friday. I have the first deadline for my book on Thursday so all my brain power is absorbed in delivering the best I can for the book. I'm pleased to tell you that this book and ebook will be available for sale world-wide so hopefully, in March next year, you'll be able to read what I'm writing now.

Next week I want to focus on a subject that every one of us deals with every day: food. Food security is a big issue now and I believe we all need to be as skilled as we can be in regards to our food. I would like us to share our thoughts on the various aspects of food, as well as write about buying, growing and storing it. I have an excellent recipe for moist banana cake and a good freezing hint to share as well.

Enjoy your week. I hope to see you on Friday. : - )


  1. Hello Rhonda,

    Look forward to your return on Friday.

    Best wishes,

    Angela (south England) UK

  2. Hi Rhonda - I just wanted to wish you a very good and productive week. This is a very exciting time for you. Thinking of you. L:)

  3. May I selfishly say I'm going away this week so I'm kinda happy I won't miss anything while I'm away ;)

    In all seriousness, best of luck with the book deadline. Can't wait to read what you're currently writing.

    PS. That raspberry cordial looks gorgeous!

  4. Hi Rhonda,

    hope your week writing is productive, and of course can't wait to read the new book :)


  5. Hi Rhonda I just cant wait for your new book xx

  6. Hi Rhonda, Your blog has become part of my daily ritual so I will miss it while you are gone. Good luck with the writing!
    I only discovered you recently and your August declutter challenge inspired 8 hours of wardrobe clearout on the weekend. I feel cleansed and can't wait to tackle more areas of my home. Thank you!

  7. Best wishes to you this week, Rhonda.

  8. Oh bliss; wonderful to hear you're going to focus on food security - you can count me in on that topic!
    Hope you don't knock yourself out in the meantime with that looming deadline.
    Cheerio Mariana

  9. All the best to you on your up-coming book. I look forward to your tips next week. Deb

  10. Im glad you are priortising and making sure you dont over stretch yourself. Im keen to hear about the food security. I actually got a few people to listen to me about food security. When my friend in Toowoomba was affected by the floods and within a day couldnt get any milk or bread from the supermarket, made some people stop and think about food security.

  11. Really looking forward to holding your book in my hands at last. I hope you don´t feel too much deadline-stress. You are an inspiration to all of us Rhonda.

    Hugs from Sweden

  12. Wonderful Rhonda! I can't wait until next weeks posts! and also all the best with your book writing :)

  13. Glad you are taking a break with a deadline coming up! Can't wait for the book!
    We moved a week ago and have our raised garden bed in (and almost all the vegetables) as well as our dwarf trees potted up too. I have my little greenhouse and am growing more seedlings now. I'm growing potatoes for the first time too! It's all very exciting! We have a load more work to do yet, though. We have our tomatoes to plant and the cucumbers - and there's the herb patch. My husband and I have made the garden our first priority now that we are paying more in rent for this house. At the end of the day we are tired - but it's a great feeling of accomplishment for us! For us food security is so important! We want to grow everything we can and then preserve from our crops. We lo0ve the idea of being independent and able to sustain ourselves!

  14. I know you'll be concentrating on the book deadline, and I wish you good and easy progress.

    As for "partial self-sufficiency" - unless you're heading off into the wilderness stark naked, we're all only "partially" self-sufficient. I know you aren't suggesting that, but there are some folks who will take anything to an extreme. Are you buying knitting yarn? They'll be raising sheep. Oh, but are they out forging their own shears for shearing? You know what I mean. As you have repeatedly said, you do what you can at a particular stage of your life, and think about what else you can and want to do. Unless you're at some far-out extreme, we're all only "partially".

  15. looking forward to the book and e-book! see you Friday.

  16. Your book sounds fab Rhonda.

    I so wanted a copy of your first one but couldn't afford it.

    I hope you achieve your goals over the next few days you are writing it.

    I have taken many tips and pieces of wisdom from your site over the years and now am on my way to mortgage freedom thanks in part to you :-) I have saved over £2k in 22 weeks through living frugally and NOT going without - in fact living a richer life!

    I have my own blog now where I chart my progress, thanks again for the inspiration :-)

  17. Best wishes for your dead line with your writing. Be sure to take lots of little breaks for yourself where you can have a cuppa and some time out in your garden. Look after yourself.

  18. Best of luck regarding the book. I look forward to reading your upcoming post about food. Best wishes.

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