6 September 2013

Weekend reading

If you want to smile today, really smile, deep down to your bones, watch this - youtube
Got too many tomatoes?  Try fermented tomato paste.
One of my food mentors is Sandor Katz who wrote the book Wild Fermentation. I've just discovered he's doing a fermentation workshop for Milkwood in February next year. I won't be there, even though I'd love to be, but I thought I should let you know in case you can attend. Details are here.

From the comments during the week
sugar spice salt sour

You'll notice I have an Amazon book hub in my side bar again. I used to have one a few years ago but got rid of it when I was writing my book as I had no time for reading. It's back now because it's a good way for me to earn credit points when people go through here to buy their books. I use those points to buy books for us to read. So if you are buying a book, I'd appreciate it if you used my Amazon point to buy it. It takes a while to build up the points, but as I'm growing older, I'm becoming more patient. The waiting is good for me.

I'll be at the Brisbane Writers' Festival for a masterclass on simple living today and back again on Sunday for a panel discussion. Please come over and say hello if you're there, and if you want me to sign your book, bring it along.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.  



  1. A 'laugh out loud" video Rhonda. What joy those dancing cows spread. Thankyou, I'm going to pass it on.

    Have a wonderful time at the Writer's Festival, I was going to make the trip from south of the border, but it clashed with other plans. Never mind, I shall look forward to hearing about it through your eyes.

  2. Thank you for all of the links! I really look forward to them each week! I hope you have a great weekend also!

  3. Learn the correct usage of the words "I" and "me".


  4. 1) LOVE that wash day embroidery. Did you make that? 2) You linked to the happy cows!!!! How lovely are they? 3) Larder #1. That's my favorite. Such good reading this weekend. Thanks so much for all the links. Always so much to learn and enjoy with your weekend reading lists and links.

    1. yes Al, I designed it and then stitched it up. It reflects many years of being the "owner" of two beautiful Airedale Terriers.

  5. Hi Rhonda, I love checking out the Weekend Reading. By the way, just to let you know the sugar spice (ie the last blog)you mentioned the link is broken or not working. Regards Kathy

  6. Thanks for the links! I particularly like the one on sewing. I've vbeen sewing for myself since having my first child. It isn't so much the number (although that's an issue, too) it's also the size. Everything in the shops are "skinny jeans" (sic) and pencil skirts which don't suit my hourglass and lets face it expanding self. I get so many comments on my clothes, even if it is just a maxi skirt which took me 2 hours to make. Hope you have a great weekend too! Eliza

  7. Thank you so much for the masterclass at the Brisbane Writers Festival today was lovely to meet you. And thank you for signing my book.
    Tia xx

    1. Hi Tia! It was lovely to meet you too and very comforting to have one of the forum ladies sitting right at my side.

  8. Hi
    The embroidery at the top of this post is very cute. Is this an original pattern? If not original, do you remember where it came from? I work with Airedale Rescue in the US and it would be a great pattern to use on items for fund raisers. Thanks.

    Pam Jones

    1. I miss having an Airedale in my home. They are such wonderful, gentle and crazy dogs. I'd be very happy to help your Airedale Rescue. This is my original pattern and if you click on 'free stitchery patterns in my sidebar, you'll find the original drawing for it. Click on it to enlarge, then print it out. I'd be happy to do another drawing specifically for you to use with the rescue. Email me if you want that.

  9. Thanks again for your weekend reading I don't know where or how you find such wonderful things to read / watch. Me and my daughter loved the cows they were amazing, it was a real eye opener. I also loved the 72 ideas to simplify your life, it's nice to re-look at your life and see how you are doing isn't it-real food for thought.

  10. Thanks for mentioning Desirable World, Rhonda. And thanks to all those that have stopped by as a result.

    I have mentioned it before and I will say it again, you have been one of my chief inspirations. Each morning I fire up Old Reader and see what you have shared this time. I sit there and read over your wise words, as I sip my morning coffee, and hang off each one. And then reality strikes home, I have to put on the tie and head out the door to the daily grind. Rather, I would be, taking my time to ease into the morning before spending it pottering around the house, taking care of the ever-growing list of things that need doing here. This is why I want to move to my Desirable World. So I can have that. So I can live deliberately, in and around my dream little house, and not have to waste my physical and mental being on the problems of some company.

  11. Rhonda - thank you very much for allowing Airedale Rescue to use your pattern. The pattern you have on your site will be fine - you don't need to do another drawing, but thank you for offering. Cooper is a rescue that came to live with us about 2 years ago-you can see his story on the blog. Airedale Rescue in the US is currently doing their annual fund raiser quilt, which you might enjoy seeing. It's something that I have been involved with for the last several years. Again, thank you so much for allowing us to use your pattern. Pam


  12. I'm so pleased to have been able to attend the Sunday discussion at the Brisbane Writers Festival! It is always a pleasure to see you talk about simple living with such honesty, generosity and passion - having previously seen you talk at your Avid bookshop book launch. I hope you enjoyed your weekend in Brisbane. Did you get a chance to check out any of the other writers or events?

    I have written a little review of the discussion on my blog for those who couldn't make it - http://www.alittlebirdtoldme-craft.com/2013/09/simple-living-with-rhonda-and-antonia.html

    1. Hello Christina, I thoroughly enjoyed the festival but I didn't get the chance to attend any of the sessions apart from my own and the one with Antonia. I really enjoyed meeting so many like-minded folk. I couldn't really see into the audience as the lights were so bright but I did see a baby and mum. Was that you?

    2. I was right at the back, a few rows behind the baby and mum. My little baby, who you saw at Avid, is now eighteen months old. She was actually with her Aunty, listening to authors reading children's books, while I was at your discussion. I was the one who put my hand up during the questions and mentioned my fathers saying, "You may not have all you want, but you will always have all you need" and how that simple saying has stayed with me as a child, an adult and now as a mother. :)

  13. Hi Rhonda!
    Just had to say that I loved those happy cows. They are so cute =)
    Always love visiting you garden. Looking forward to your photos.

    Trinidad & Tobago


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