9 September 2013

Back soon

Just a quick few lines to let you know I'll be back soon - either tomorrow or Wednesday, I'm not sure yet. I'm trying to get some seasonal work and organisation completed before I'm head down with writing again. 

At the authors' table after the event with Antonia Kidman, signing books.

I did my last session at the Brisbane Writers Festival yesterday.  Hanno came along, it was a beautiful day and we both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I have some lovely photos of our vegetable garden to show you - it's really thriving in this warmer weather and producing an abundance of fresh organic food for us. I hope to finish off my outside work either today or tomorrow with a cleanup of the bush house and some seed planting.

I also have an idea for some cooking posts to encourage the new cooks out there and, of course, I'll be writing about the variety of activities that happen here in our home. Having a break away from the blog has been good for me but I'm so ready to return. See you soon.



  1. Missing your posts Rhonda, look forward to pictures of your garden and some new recipes x

  2. Hi Rhonda,
    I'm so glad you & Hanno enjoyed the Festival.
    I'm slowly cooking more and more from scratch and am looking forward to the cooking posts you have to share.
    Thank you once again for your wonderful blog.

  3. Looking forward to seeing what's new. I'm about half way through your book and loving reading it! :)

  4. I'm glad you have had a lovely break but, my morning coffee just hasn't been the same. ha ha


  5. It's funny. I feel like a family member is missing when you don't post! No pressure intended! I come on here every day and just love reading what you write. I hope you enjoyed the festival. Antonia Kidman? Pfft! Rhonda Hetzel? WOOHOO! Kathryn :)

  6. I'm about half-way through your book Rhonda, and it had me right from the first sentence. Really enjoying it.

  7. terimakasih untuk informasi yang menarik :)

  8. Kathy in South Ogden, Utah USASeptember 10, 2013 11:11 pm

    Miss you tons! Glad you're enjoying the break. XXOO


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