13 September 2013

Weekend reading

There have been a lot of questions about my book this week. It's a bit complicated but let's see if I can explain. At the moment, the copyright for the print book and the ebook is for Australia and New Zealand only - that means you can only buy it in Australia and NZ. However, you can buy the print book here and some book shops will send it internationally. Some international readers have said they bought it at Fishpond and some at Book Depository.  Book Depositary offer free delivery on all their books, Fishpond have offers on free international delivery every so often.

During September, Penguin is selling my ebook for $4.99. That is for Australia and NZ only.

However, I'm about to sell the international rights of both books to Penguin and when that goes through and other negotiations happen, the books will be available for sale everywhere. We are probably talking about next year some time.

I am now writing another small book on simple living that will be published in Australia and internationally next March. That will be a print book (a Penguin Special) and an ebook. It will be followed by a short series of small ebooks on particular subjects.

Thank you for your visits this week and for taking the time to reach out and leave a comment. There seems to be quite a few new readers here at the moment; I warmly welcome all of you. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with those you love. Don't forget to take care of yourself.

I meant to add as well: One of my sponsors, Biome, is moving their city store and having a closing sale yesterday and today.  They're at 215 Adelaide Street and sell a wide range of organic and ecologically sound products. All prices are 25% off today before their move. I am happy to recommend Biome to you. In all the dealings I've had with them I've found them to be helpful, knowledgable about their products and very supportive.

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River Cottage Australia - first bit is missing but all the rest of the eight programs are there. - YouTube
The difference between winning and succeeding - John Wooden. TED talk
Cutting back on libraries!
DIY - stool makeover
Hand painted linen tea towels
Free mermaid glove pattern @ Ravelry
Knitting Love at Pinterest
For those of you with little girls - paper doll cutouts from Alice Cantrell

Jill @ gentle thoughts of homemaking
Anh @ anhsfoodblog.com
Monica @ tropical tomatina


  1. Good afternoon Rhonda, I decided I am a bit to impatient to finally read your book. I checked Book Depository as I have ordered from them before....they are out!!! So I am ordering from Fishpond, it states shipping is free....for now?? Can we here in the states hope for a book tour..hint, hint. I wish you much more success with your books.
    blessings, jill

  2. Hi Jill, thanks for buying the book. Don't hold your breath for a book tour in the US. I voluntarily gave up flying over ten years ago and have only travelled by train and car ever since. I hope you enjoy the book. :- )

    1. LOL, I understand. Flying today is a nightmare.
      blessings, jill

  3. You sound busy with your writing, Rhonda. I hope you and Hanno have a relaxing weekend.

    It has been very hot here considering it is the beginning of spring. Toowoomba is gearing up for the Carnival of Flowers which starts next week and the city is a spectacle of colour. I do hope it cools down slightly by then though.

    1. Hi Michelle, When I went outside at first light this morning, there were thousands of fling ants swarming outside. No doubt hatched by the heat of the past few days.

  4. Lovely knitty inspiration thanks Rhonda. I can see some extended browsing over a cuppa this afternoon....for now I need to get some plants in the ground ahead of promised/possible rain *fingers crossed*

    You have a restful weekend too, nanette

  5. Rhonda,
    that paper doll pattern is awesome! thank you! Such a sad story about closing down of libraries, I hope that never happens.

  6. Thanks for the shout out Rhondan :> Much appreciated!

  7. I'm reading the book as we speak, in the UK. I ordered it from Fishpond and delivery was free, and took about two weeks. I hadn't checked Book Depository, though I have used them in the past. Amazon are in my bad books and they own Book Depository, so I try not to give them my business.

    I'm really enjoying the book--we're away for the weekend and it's the only book I took with me.

  8. Last day of summer here they say, tomorrow is going to bring cold winds, rain and the start of Autumn. Was chilly last night, 6 Celsius but 20 Celsius in the day. My weekend will contain a fair potion of bread baking. Had on the news last week that a lot of the bread in the shops is half baked abroad and frozen down. It is then sent here and baked finished and served as fresh!!! It can be up to a year old before it gets in the shops! Feel perfectly disgusted. Hope you have a really good weekend in every way and enjoy lovely spring. Pam

  9. Hi Rhonda,
    I would love to buy the E-book, but I live in The Netherlands.
    I also don't own a credit card, I only use paypall, but would love to be able to buy the E-book.
    Is there another option ???
    Greetings from The Netherlands.

  10. Hi Rhonda,
    just to let you know that I was able to purchase the book via Dymock.
    Doing a happy dance right now ; )

  11. Currently it seems like Drupal is the preferred blogging platform available right now.
    (from what I've read) Is that what you are using on your blog?

    My website; African Mango Cleanse

  12. I made the mermaid gloves a few years ago in a hand-painted vareigated dark green yarn... they looked so reptilian! In a good way, of course.

    How exciting about all your upcoming ebooks-- I wait with baited breath!

  13. Hi Rhonda..I just discovered your blog and so glad i did. I will enjoy reading past posts and getting to know you. have a great day. Deb (Ontario, Canada)

  14. Just wanted to thank you for the link to River Cottage Australia. I have spent the entire weekend (when I should have been tidying up the garden for Autumn!) watching and re-watching it! I have followed Hugh's journey right from day one when he moved into the original River Cottage and really enjoyed watching Paul's farm come alive. Loving little Digger Dog!
    A beautiful weekend......


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