20 September 2013

Weekend reading

I know I've said this before, but I have the most wonderful readers here. Thank you for making Hanno's day yesterday with all the birthday messages. He sat down and read every one of them. He sends his thanks to all of you who wrote. Thanks from me as well. :- )

I hope you have a good weekend. If you're busy, please take some time out for yourself. Even if it's only 20 minutes for a coffee and a break, it makes a difference. xx

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Cats doing yoga. I like Duke's pose on the second photo the best. LOL
Loving the unexpected at Coal River Valley
If you didn't watch River Cottage from the first episode, here it is, on Youtube

From the comments here during the week
Through my kitchen window  Take a look at the "dog" and the chocolate cake recipe. It looks like a good one. Of course I'll have to test it out. 



  1. Hello Rhonda, so sorry l missed Hanno having a birthday! I hope he had a very special day and all the best. A happy weekend to you both. Pam

  2. I missed Hanno's birthday yesterday because I was in Hervey Bay making a tote bag with the new group of friends I have made over there at the Dew Drop Inn. Finished my first patchwork quilt and now on to bigger and better things. I am either making preserves, sewing, knitting (yes the scrubbers, I think I have made about 50), making laundry detergent or cleaning with my bicarb and vinegar. I just love this new lifestyle and thank you because your book gave me the confidence to try.

    Kevin and I both wish Hanno belated birthday greetings. He looks great. Love your comment about his weakness and your perfection. I actually laughed out loud. Of course, I totally agree with you, we are the same.

    1. Hi MOR, thanks for the good wishes. Haven't we changed! Say hello to KOR for me and wish him a lovely belated birthday for the 1st.

  3. We went to see Josh Byrnes open house he had two weekends ago and he really is what he talks about. Josh was there talking about his wonderful house and we went inside the house and gardens and it really is a sustainable dream! all I can say is wow to josh!

  4. Thank you so much for the shout-out :) Have a great weekend.

  5. Hi Rhonda,

    A huge Happy Birthday to Hanno!!! Hope his celebrations last well into the weekend :-)

    I'm an avid reader of your blog and have been enjoying your book for over a year now so it was such a thrill to see my Post mentioned here today - it made my day! Thank you :-) And thank you for all the work you do here and for all the inspiration you give us.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Mel x

  6. I love your friday links, such a relaxing start to the weekend. happy birthday to Hanno, and a happoy weekend to you both x

  7. Such a lovely surprise to find my little blog mentioned here. I did scratch my head for a moment or two after reading the first comment (wondering whether Rhonda Jean was perhaps a new member of our local CWA?) before the penny dropped! Thank you Rhonda. You are an inspiration. Happy weekending to you.

  8. Rhonda,
    Give your young man a great big hug and wish him a belated Happy birthday for me =)

    Trinidad & Tobago

    p.s. Loved the River Cottage series. Enjoyed seeing it again.


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