19 May 2011

Small rewards

I was out at my voluntary job yesterday, I finished the solar grant I was working on and started writing notes for some workshops that will happen soon.  It was freezing up there in the mountains, so I'm looking forward to being at home all day today catching up on my work and writing a few bits and pieces.

I have to make soap so I hope to get that done today, and the floor needs washing, clothes need to be put away and yarns sorted out. I still have to organise some trims I bought while I was at Tricia's and I'm trying to knit up a few dishcloths to put in my shop (coming soon), but it's slow going at the moment. I'm sure you're all familiar with these very ordinary tasks, they may be slightly different in your home, but their all similar; this work is universal.

My reward at the end of the day will be to sit and read some new books I received lately. Wild Fermentation and Little Luxury Knits. They are books I could buy through Amazon because of the points I received through your purchases.  So to every one of you who has bought books through my blog, I appreciate it very much and thank you sincerely. And speaking of reading, I have made what I consider to be a huge change in my reading materials. Those who have been reading here for a long time will probably remember that I stopped buying magazines many years ago and the one I regretted not buying and stilled missed very much was British Country Living. Well, while I was at Tricia's, she bought the latest edition and I was delighted to be able to read it again. I told her I didn't buy it any more and she asked me why and added: "I thought you still did all those small things that give you pleasure." I felt like I'd been hit on the head with a mallet. Why had I made myself miserable not buying this magazine? Every time I saw it at the newsagent's, I wanted to pick it up and look through it but never did because I thought I would weaken my resolve not to buy it. Then I would walk out of the shop feeling miserable. Well, I can afford to buy that magazine with my pocket money, the magazine was a small pleasure that I really looked forward to and cherished and I have decided to buy it again! I bought the first one last week. I will finished reading that too today.  Small rewards at the end of the day. Whatever they are, they're always a treasure.  What are your small rewards?



  1. That's funny you should say that - my small rewards have always been a magazine too :-) Jo

  2. Good for you in getting your favorite magazine again! Those little things we do for us are so rewarding sometimes that we just have to keep them plus you deserve it :-).

  3. Have you looked into the cost of a subscription to Country Living? In the UK a subscription is normally quite a bit cheaper than buying it in the shop. That way you could have the magazine but still feel you had saved money too.

  4. My reward is reading, I do go to the library a lot (I have memberships in two councils which I have access to more than a dozen libraries!) but I love my local indie bookshop. I have a great relationship with the owner and treat myself to a book every now and again.

  5. Your sister was right on Rhonda! Enjoy!! ~Colleen~

  6. My small rewards are magazines, Penzey's spices and dinner with friends.


  7. Hooray for you, buying the magazine. Right now, being a stay-home mum and as such a single income family, I can't afford to buy any magazines. BUT can I just say to everyone in the same situation as me, GET YOURSELF A LIBRARY CARD and visit your local library. Just about every magazine I like to read is there for FREE :)
    And you can request them to hold each edition when it arrives for you so you get it first in line. If you cask the librarian sometimes they will let you have the 'freebie' (seeing as someone is sure to take it without asking at some stage anyway).

  8. I'm trying very hard not to add any more books to my groaning bookshelves. As Mim says, most books and mags are available at the library and the internet is on tap for everything else. But once in a while, if I carefully think it through, I'll treat myself to a book- fiction or non-fiction, new or secondhand. Now that I'm not buying them willy nilly, I really appreciate them.

  9. My treat:

    Going to bed just a little bit earlier and reading a novel.

  10. I also wanted to say that I share the weekend Australian newspaper subscription with my Dad. It gets delivered to his house on Sat, and it gets 'delivered' to my house later in the week!

  11. Oh Rhonda I am so pleased that you are rewarding yourself withjust little pleasures. Life is too short to deny yourself something so enjoyable and really such a small thing. You and Hanno do so well in all other areas, cutting back and making things stretch, that every now and then, you should do something you love, just for yourself.

  12. I have a variety of small rewards that I choose from as normally I only go to town twice a month. If I have a little extra money I like to indulge in a magazine, or some additional sewing or cardmaking supplies or even shout myself a nice lunch. If I have spare time as well I'll indulge myself and wander through the op shops as I never know when I'll find something useful.

  13. My small rewards are my book club books, or my for fun books...really books of any sort. I enjoy magazines and catalogs too...less than books though.

  14. Looks like most of us like to read :) That's my reward, too. After a little computer time in the evening, I settle down with a book or magazine till bed time. Gets me relaxed for a good nights sleep.

  15. Magazines are my biggest weakness. I would hate to think how much money i have spent on them since i discovered them at the age of 10, i am now 30.
    My husband also buys alot of magazines, he has cut down but isn't quite on board with the whole simplifying our lives deal, and i don't think he ever will be!
    I have cut down to only 2 monthly magazines that i love, i used to buy several each week!
    For Christmas i plan to ask for subscriptions to these as gifts so i can stop buying magazines all together.

  16. Isn't it funny that we regard a magazine or reading as a reward. For me not to read would be like cutting off my oxygen. I crave it when my daughters are on holidays as we are usually busy doing this and that.
    I also love the British Country living, they do the crafts so, so well and their colours are just beautiful.

  17. I like the big rewards! Enjoying fresh, organic fruit & vegies, being debt free, the taste of home made bread...I do like magazines too (and country living is a favorite!), but they usually come from the library or the op shop. I do not want to make the media barons richer than they already are!

  18. I LOVE British Country Living, it is the only Magazine I buy, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy!

  19. I love Country Living too, although I don't buy it so often, I am fortunate that our library stocks it so I get to read the back issues and occasionally I buy one for a treat. I love magazines as a small reward but these days also love sitting on the sofa with my iPad reading lovely blogs for "free" in place of magazine reading (as I am doing now, and reading your blog) I still subscribe to Home Beautiful on a discount rate, and tell myself that I don't need to, but the "thrill" of receiving it in the mail is kind of fun, too! Compulsory for magazine/blog reading: some lovely music and a cup of tea! I say buy your Country Living and enjoy every minute! It was Country Living that first made me interested in environmental issues and sustainable living.

  20. I had to really think hard about how I reward myself. I already have my family all day every day and can do what I please, how I please. Ah! I know what it is, a long, hot shower every once and a while to soak the aching muscles. Oh to have a bath! We're saving to do the bathroom as we can. :o)

    Glad you can have your magazine again Rhonda. Perhaps Hanno or one of the boys could buy you a subscription for you when your birthday comes along. Start dropping hints now!

  21. I'm happy you have welcomed this little treat back into your life :) I buy about 3 a month (Country Style, Frankie and sometimes Real Living), but the I feel the happiness it gives me is worth the cost if I am mindful about it. Worth it if it inspires you to create things or try new recipes. I think reading is a wholesome pleasure when you compare it to general "retail therapy".

  22. That is one of my favorite magazines also--expensive for a magazine here in the U.S. I do not buy as many as I used to, but they are a small pleasure I allow myself.

  23. Rhonda, I love my magazines and I subscribe to save money. I save them and re-read them regularly. I have cut back on some and go to the library to catch up and some of my favorites are no longer published (Country Home-I miss it so) but I really enjoy the ones I do receive. When you work so hard to be frugal I think it is ok to reward yourself with something that gives you pleasure if you can afford it. Karen from CT

  24. Just wanted to say it saves enormously to subscribe. I wanted a subscription to US Country Living for Mother's Day and 12 issues through an Australian site was AU$195. I subscribed directly from the US and got 10 issues for AU$27.00. Massive saving. Happy reading!


  25. My small reward is "Country Living", too! It is awfully expensive here in Germany, and I have to go to the main station in Koblenz because it it the only place I can buy it, but it is so worth it. Maybe I should sayy the magazine is my big reward, because my small everyday reward is just reading in general.

  26. Oh I am so glad you have started purchasing that magazine again - it is beautiful, my favorite also. I remember the post you were talking about not buying magazines and it's funny I fell so sad when I read it because I thought of this mag and how much I adore it. Mum was born in England and she is no longer with us so I find it extra special as a link to her. Im so glad you will have something that makes you happy. xxBrenda

  27. The 'rewards' that don't happen as often as I'd like, but when they do, I feel special (not all cost money): a Skype chat or text-to-text w/ overseas friends & family, tea w/ a friend, reading and buying a book esp at a 2nd hand book shop, listening to a favourite CD, a walk on the beach or in the countryside with a loved one, listening to a good Biblical talk either in person or on internet, sipping iced tea w/ lemon, re-reading my journal and prayer notebook.

  28. One of my small rewards is time alone. It's so rare, I try not to feel gulty when I get it. Also, just a sit down with a cup of tea to read yours (and others') blog. That's a nice treat.

  29. I have two mags that I subscribe to. The joy I get when they arrive and the anticipation of stealing some quiet time to read them is wonderful. New books are a rare joy. Libraries are terrific.

  30. My rewards are a nice cup of coffee in a cafe, read the paper and enjoy the moment. Before going back to my busy life.

  31. I enjoy crocheting at the end of the day. I find it so relaxing and it gives me great pleasure.

  32. You will glean a lot of information from Wild Fermentation. I was on the waiting list for 8 months to borrow it from our library. It was so very worth it. I haven't followed any recipes exactly, what it really taught me was method and in what areas those methods were flexible.
    You'll be glad to read it and be glad you have it on your shelf to refer to.

  33. A favourite magazine now and again, though if it is a craft magazine is has to have several projects I would like to make before I indulge myself. Plants for my garden are another treat - this week I needed to replace some gone-over Polyanthus in a planter, and when I spotted some bronze/mauve Violas for just £2 a tray, they ticked the right box!

    When I buy a craft magazine, it is with me for reference for many years. I

    Enjoy your Country Living - it is not SUCH a bad indulgence if it brings you that much pleasure!

  34. Going outside to look in garden and be with pets, I always find relaxing....I feel so close to nature and God
    Also putting the feet up with a specially made cup of tea......can be in a special cup etc


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