25 February 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today's photo is the last of the original batch. It's Krystal's kitchen in Nova Scotia in Canada.

She writes:
"We moved into this house a couple years ago and I have been slowly doing different renos along the way. I painted the kitchen walls and ceiling, put up the panels/rod on the sliding door. Just need to fix the other panel and make it into a topper above the sink. We changed out the old lighting and my pride and joy is the backsplash. I did that all by my little lonesome. I like to think it ain't bad.

The china cabinet next to my table was my moms. She bought new ones so I took this one and I love it.  I think it was meant to go with my table. 

Still dreaming and making changes as the funds will allow.. Saving now for a new sink and taps. We have really hard water and these taps are ready to explode. Lets hope they don't.

If you would like your kitchen sink to be featured in the current batch of photos, send two photos, reduced in size to about 30 percent, to  rhondahetzel at gmail dot com.

Please don't forget to comment. A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.


  1. I love the blue walls. This kitchen looks so tranquil and uncluttered.

  2. I really like your kitchen, Krystal. I particularly like the colours (unusual and EFFECTIVE) and yes, the splashback is lovely. I think your kitchen would be very easy and a joy to work in. Thanks for sharing,
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  3. The backsplash is very nice! I think the linoleum in your eating area is the same that we had several years ago in a house we lived in! I always liked it - as I do the blue walls. Very wise to pay as you go and be content until otherwise!

  4. The kitchen is wonderful, I really like the backsplash. I can't believe you did that all by yourself, great job! Now can you come over and do mine? ;-)

  5. Krystal, I *love* the dining chairs and your kitchen window. How lovely to have a piece of history with the china cabinet. Thanks for sharing!


  6. Very much like the kitchens I remember in Canada! So lovely thos memories :)

  7. Thanks for sharing your kitchen Krystal, I love seeing all the kitchens from around the world.


  8. I love how open and inviting your kitchen looks! And all the light in your dining area is wonderful. Thank you for sharing!

  9. Lovely kitchen! I love the colour of your dining table. I'm hopeless with different woods but whatever it is it's a gorgeous colour :) I think I might submit my own wee kitchen to you Rhonda. Will have to wait til it's light outside again.

    Rachael x

  10. Beautiful Space! Lost of room to create great meals. I love the glass door in the dining area

  11. Krystal, your backsplash really makes the kitchen! Great job! I also love your china cabinet..I have been looking for one like that for years! Thanks for sharing your kitchen with us.


  12. Hello, this is my first comment, I'm very new to your blog.

    This kitchen is dreamy! I think I could quite happily transport all of it into my home and be giddily satisfied with it :) I'll bet it makes you want to cook, Krystal! Thanks for sharing the photos.

  13. Beautiful kitchen Krystal. Love your backsplash and the colours are very harmonious. Great place to be with a link to the past too. Thank you for sharing.
    Ramona K (Sweden)

  14. I love the mix of wood and paint. Very nice. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Well done with the backsplash!!! It gives me encouragement to try something new!

    VERY nice kitchen. Kitchens truly are the heart of the home!

  16. I love the colours you have chosen Krystal. Stunning. Well done on the backsplash - having helped hubby do ours I know they aren't as easy as they first look.

  17. Krystal,

    Your kitchen is so nice. I love the backsplash. You did a great job!!

  18. Krystal , love your kitchen and I'm impressed you did the back splash yourself , great job. I also love the blue walls , quite calming .

  19. Hi Krystal, great work on the splash back, good on you for doing it. Nice kitchen, I especially love your stove/oven. And it seems impossible as I'm in Aust and you're in Nova Scotia but I think we have the same cupboard doors!

  20. What a great Kitchen I love the cuboards and you did a fantastic job on the back splash I wish I dared to that to my kitchen.
    Thanks for sharing.

  21. Well done with your renovations, a beautiful spot. And that plant in your dining room looks so heathy!

  22. Great job with the splashback. The biggest part is that first step and you did it by yourself. I admire you and think you'll treasure that achievement all your life because it speaks volumes about who you are and can be.

  23. Thankyou for sharing your beautiful kitchen, you did such a great job everything is so neatly done.
    Erika (Gold Coast)

  24. My-o-my, what a LOVELY shade of blue! I love your kitchen, Krystal! I can definitely see myself running here as a resort to the busy world around me!

  25. Aw Krystal I absolutely love it...it's so restful and so beautiful too, well done.
    I have a china cabinet very much like yrs...they must be nearly 100yrs old now.

    Love from coffeee

  26. gorgeous backsplash! Really good work, and a lovely kitchen and dining area!

  27. Pretty kitchen! The back splash looks marvelous...I need to take some lessons from you!
    You are right, the table and the china cabinet belong together.!

  28. I love your colors too! And your back splash looks perfect! I have to decide what do use for our back splash and I am afraid to finalize my decision. You have done a Beautiful job!

  29. I love your beautiful homey kitchen, and you are definitely right about the china cabinet looking like it was made for you. Your backsplash is great and I have to point out that I love the bright Canadian sunshine in your windows can't beat that lol send some to ontario we could use it this week with all this snow. Thanks so much for sharing!

  30. Thankyou so much for your responses. Everyone has me blushing now. I wasn't expecting to see it here so soon.

    Thanks again. ---Krystal

  31. You did a great job on the backsplash! Good for you! It looks like such a cheerful kitchen to work in.

  32. What a pretty kitchen, so simple and uncluttered! The backsplash came out very nice.

  33. I love the blue is a very warm blue. The splashback is nice. Go Girl!


  34. I like how you thought out the box and used a bookcase as a china cabinet!That is such a great Idea!!! I wish I had thought of it!

  35. The back-splash ain't bad at all; as you would put it! Very nice indeed, and I love the look of your kitchen and dining area. Very neat, clean, and stylish. Thank you for this.

  36. So much counter space and lots of natural light-I love it! thanks for sharing!

  37. The blue dining room walls are so beautiful!

  38. I love the shade of blue you used on your wall - relaxing, yet warm too! The backsplash is really nice too!

  39. I really love the colors you've used in your kitchen and dining areas. We have very hard water too, so I know about changing out the hardware. Really, a lovely kitchen.

  40. Very nice on the backspash! I am doing that in my bathroom soon. have never done it before so it will be a new experience. Your's looks great! I like the cabinet too.

  41. Your kitchen is beautiful Krystal, a lovely colour and so much bench space. Is that your knitted kitchen scrubbie I see on the sink.
    thanks for sharing

  42. Love your kitchen! I love wooden tables, I have a beautiful round one in my kitchen. Wood just says "please come in and sit" to me.


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