7 February 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Good morning everyone!  Today's quaint kitchen proves to me, yet again, how wonderful and diverse we all are.  Today we are visiting Bovey Belle's kitchen in Wales.
She writes:
"We live in an old Welsh farmhouse in Carmarthenshire, West Wales.  The date over the front door says 1718, but parts of it go back hundreds of years earlier.
I don't have a dishwasher - we wash up by hand.  The Belfast sink is really useful as it's such a good size.  The old teak surround is Edwardian or Victorian and came from a reclamation yard - my husband cut it to size.
As you can see, I collect old china - mostly from car boot sales, though a few bits have come from auction and the Portmeirion china over the sink were gifted individually as wedding presents.

The big inglenook fireplace has our stove in it which is the heart of the house on a winter's day.  The copper and brass takes some polishing but helps to dress the room and I love old things."

You can visit Bovey Belle's blog here.

Please don't forget to comment.  A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the ladies sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.   


  1. Oh, how I love your kitchen. I too love old things. You have done a wonderful job decorating. Very quaint and homey looking. Love the stove too. Great job.
    Cheryl (Indiana - USA)

  2. Wow. Now that kitchen has character. It reminds me of some of the kitchens in the only TV show I enjoy - ESCAPE TO THE COUNTRY (UK). I would really enjoy spending time in that kitchen. :-)
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  3. What a lovely kitchen! I'm curious- what is the large brass item, over the stove, with little wells? It looks kind of like an aebelskiver pan.. is it? Thank you for sharing!

  4. Fantastic kitchen! I love everything about it. I could even get used to hand washing dishes if I could live in such beautiful space.

  5. Your kitchen is just so lovely. I dream of a kitchen like yours.

    Thanks so much for sharing.

    Lisa (Ipswich, Australia)

  6. another beautiful kitchen. living in australia, my mind boggles at the idea of having a house built in the 1700s - let alone even earlier. i particularly like the brass over the cooker.

  7. I LOVE the stove!!!! The rest of the kitchen is wonderful as well, I love old things too. For me the stove is the best!

  8. What a nice kitchen. It looks very warm and cozy. I especially like your woodstove, I have always wanted one.It is lovely.:)

  9. I think this kitchen is my favourite, its just so gorgeous! And I love old china too, it has so much character.

  10. what a wonderful kitchen! It is warm and inviting. I would love to sit by the fire in the winter having a nice cup of tea.
    It would be lovely.

  11. How wonderful it must be living in a house with so much history. Your kitchen would be a dream kitchen for me. Thank´s for sharing it with us.

  12. h how i love your kitchen,especially the Stove,i dream of owning one just like it,thank you for sharing,Regard's Carol

  13. I love history and so seeing your kitchen and beautiful stove gave me a glimpse into the past. Thank you for sharing!

  14. What a charming kitchen you have. It must be lovely to spend time in this cosy, warm place surrounded by so much history. TFS. Anita.xxx

  15. Lovely kitchen and thank you for sharing with us.

  16. Bovey Belle, just love your kitchen, from the sink to the stove, I can just smell the delish aromas wafting through. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Wow, this has been my favourite so far. I just love it. How fabulous to be cooking on that stove. Very jealous here in Australia!

  18. This is just such a great series.
    I love your kitchen. It is so interesting to see kitchens in other countries. I can't imagine a house so old. It is just full of character. Love the china, too. I collect old china myself.

    Connie (USA)

  19. I love youor kitchen! What a warm place ot create goodness.

  20. Ohhhhh! I love it, love it, love it. It has so much character.

  21. So cozy! How amazing that your home is older than my country! (USA) What a wonderful place to enjoy a cup of tea and book.

  22. I just love this old world kitchen. There is old history here, and history in the making. Teak wood is one of our favorites and how wonderful that your DH remade it into your sink surround.

    Will be over to check out your blog shortly.


  23. I LOVE this kitchen! Full of character and history. This looks like a wonderful place to have a cup of tea and chat for awhile.

  24. I loved this kitchen! My family on my mother's side were from Wales...and it gave me a "peek" into what their homes may have looked like? It is so homey looking and I loved the China pieces. Thanks for sharing...

    Jackie (Ohio - USA)

  25. What a great and interesting kitchen!

  26. Oh I love it, absolutely love it. So full of character, just divine! sigh........

  27. Thank you for sharing your warm and cozy kitchen. I'll be over shortly for a cup of tea ...

    in Oregon

  28. What beauty! Thank you so much for showing us. I think your kitchen reflects such an authentic warmth that it makes us ache to be there. Please enjoy it and know that you obviously deserve it because you have cared for it so well. Lovely!

  29. What a wonderful kitchen. It's so warm and inviting. Thanks for sharing.

    Pittsburgh, PA

  30. What a dreamy kitchen! When I think of an old English cottage kitchen that is exactly what I picture.

  31. Fascinating! I wish my kitchen had personality like that!

    I live your blog! You are everything I aspire to be but feel too busy to make it happen!

  32. What an adorable kitchen.

    Thank you for sharing with us all.

    I love all old simple things too, and collect them up where ever I can.

    Tania (South Australia)

  33. I love your kitchen...really humbles me when I look at the pictures. Gorgeous, very well done. Thank you for sharing, Elaine from Texas

  34. That kitchen is lovely and that fireplace and stove is to die for

  35. Lovely kitchen, I can imagine myself sitting next to that stove on a cold winters day.
    Thanks for sharing.

  36. What a great kitchen! I love your Portmeirion dishes. I have some too, it's fun to see them in other people's kitchens. Thank you for sharing!

  37. Thank you all for the lovely comments. This is the room we "live in" during the day and it is very much the hub of the house. Lots happens in there and not just cooking. In the winter I do my sewing in there with my sewing machine cunningly hidden beneath an old tea-towel when "resting"! I do upholstery repairs in there, we have our meals, listen to the radio, shuffle cats around on chairs (we seem to have acquired 6 cats, several as strays as they keep turning up on the doorstep!)

    I do lots of baking, make my own bread, and have been fortunate to be able to be a stay-at-home-mum so the kitchen table has been party to many childrens daubings with pencils and paint and paper and scissors and glue. It is a happy room, with great atmosphere. What it loves best is a party!

    Myrnie - there nearest I could puzzle it out was for paoching apples in? Off to qv aebelskiver pan now!!!

    Oh and the downside of living in such an historic house is it comes complete with a wee ghosty . . .

  38. Love this gorgeous cottagey kitchen & the china, copper and that stove is wonderful !

  39. What a great kitchen! It looks fabulous. I just want to say that I love your blog and read it everyday.
    Lisa (NSW Aust)

  40. Hi Rhonda,
    Just saw all the flooding on the news in Qld, I hope you are not affected. My thoughts are with all those whose houses and beloved animals are under water.
    Kate x

  41. Hi Hughesey. I think we've had around 6 inches and it's still pouring. Our back creek is flooding but Hanno said it has gone down slightly so I hope that continues. The chooks are drenched and have only just now gone inside to the warm and dry coop.

  42. Keep safe both. You have torrential rain and in the States they have Snowmageddon!

  43. It's amazing to think of the history in that wee room. Thanks for sharing.

  44. Your kitchen looks like a good old English farmhouse well done its charming and practical. I am fortunate to live in UK and see all the kind of plates you love at junk shops all the time but do not have the passion to buy .

  45. Without a doubt my favorite kitchen yet.

  46. Adore your wonderful kitchen... it looks so comfortably homely and in my mind how a kitchen should be the heart of the home!!
    Now want to hear more about the wee ghostie!!
    Love Jane xxx

  47. I love, love, love this style of kitchen. It just has such a warm and fuzzy feeling that you can't get with newer homes.
    My house is only 12 yrs old so any character to this one will have to be put in as the yrs go by. We haven't had a chance to do that yet. Other things were more important to fix/build first like new oil tank, garage, water system that sort of thing.
    We should have looked at older homes but dh just wasn't up for the challenge. Plus his drive to work would have been alot longer. I would have loved it.
    You have a beautiful kitchen. Enjoy.

  48. This is my kind of kitchen. That stove really does it for me. Feels so warm and cozy inside this kitchen. I too am in love with old things... the more rustic it looks the better for me. This is a beautiful kitchen. Thank you for sharing.

  49. What an absolutely charming kitchen. It is by far my favorite so far. I would love to see more of your home photos. I will check out your blog and hope to find some.
    Victoria, USA

  50. wow, the stove totally did it for me, what a wonderful thing to have in your possesion!! lucky lady!!!!

  51. I'm totally in love with this kitchen (and soooo jealous!) It looks so cozy and warm. Can I come for tea? ;) Melissa

  52. What an amazing kitchen! Thanks so much for sharing, and inspiring those of us who live in less... antique homes.

  53. I have had the pleasure of sitting in BB`s lovely farmhouse kitchen and sharing tea, good conversation and a huge slice of her delicious ginger cake! A warm and inviting kitchen full of the scent of home baking. A happy memory......

  54. I'm totally in love! How wonderful! And all the history in the wood and house. Wonderful!

  55. I LOVE the idea of living in an old farmhouse. You're so lucky! Your kitchen looks so cozy and inviting. Thanks for sharing!

  56. Hi..I love your blog. I especially love the "You, me and the kitchen sink" feature. Is this open to anyone to join? How does this work?
    Thank you for such a lovely blog.

  57. Your kitchen is so warm and charming! I love the little nook where your stove is! Lovely!


  58. Wonderful kitchen!!! Love the stove! Thanks for sharing.

  59. What a beautiful stove! I can see how it is the heart of our kitchen.

  60. What a lovely kitchen! Thanks for sharing Bovey Belle :-)

  61. I love this beautiful Kitchen, it has so much Character. Thank you for showing us.

  62. What an amazing, stunning kitchen! I also collect old china which I pick up at thrift markets and antique shops! Who would want a slick new kitchen when they could have one with such character and charm! Thanks for sharing it with us!

    Stickhorse cowgirl "V"

  63. I actually gasped when I saw your kitchen! Lovely!!!

  64. I don't know how I missed this post! I thought there wasn't one yesterday, but I am immensely glad I found it today. I do love this kitchen! I love old things too, and love the warm feeling of your kitchen...I am enjoying this sharing of kitchens very much and think all who have posted their kitchens are very generous to have done so. Thank you all!

  65. Thank you all for your kind comments. I see I had a LOT of traffic across to my blog yesterday too and I hope some of you will become regular visitors.

  66. I LOVE this kitchen. Being in Texas, I never see buildings with this much history. I'm fascinated. Very cool! Love the stove/fireplace!

  67. I love your rayburn. My husband is from England. I love to gather around the rayburn in the winter when we visit his relatives over there.

  68. I *love* this kitchen. Let me at it!! I want to bake something xo

  69. Wow! My dream kitchen!

    LOVE the Farmer's sink & old stove.

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  70. I Love your stove! I bet it warms up the whole room! Your kitchen is so cozy and inviting. I can just imagine you making tea and bread.


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