13 February 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today we have an Australian kitchen.  It is Hughesey's kitchen in Melbourne.

She writes:
"I have attached two photos of my kitchen.  My husband and I rent in Melbourne's west.  Because we rent we can't change much about our little house but I do like it here.  

My sink is rarely this clean and tidy because I don't like washing up much!  My husband does it most of the time as I cook.  You can see my orange crocheted cotton dishcloth hanging on the drainer, and also my stainless steel soap for removing onion and garlic odours from your hands (best invention ever!).  

I water down our detergent because it goes further and the sink really doesn't need to be overflowing with bubbles.  We don't have a dishwasher which was horrible at first but we are used to it now.  It is nice to look out the kitchen window to our tiny backyard and check on the tomatoes.   It is very sunny spot in the morning which we enjoy. You can see into the laundry at the back, and see our chest freezer we bought last year.  It is amazing how much fits it in it.  The orchid on the table was a recent birthday gift from a close friend."

Please don't forget to comment.  A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.     


  1. Lovely, bright and clean! You know, I actually hate dishwashers. I much prefer washing by hand - it is much more satisfying to me. And I could not agree more re dishwashing liquid. :-) Thanks for allowing us inside your home.
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  2. Nice little kitchen! I think not having a dishwasher forces one to do up the dishes. Instead of putting it off until every pot in the hose is dirty, like me!

  3. Your kitchen looks inviting! And that orchid is beautiful! Mine is just about to bloom again :)

  4. Oh, your kitchen looks wonderfully cosy!So bright and cheerful, too.

  5. I love your kitchen....it is so crisp and clean!! Just the right size too!

  6. I'm fairly new to this blog, but I'm really enjoying the kitchen sink series! It's fun to be able to "visit" in ladies' kitchens around the world. Mrs. Hughesey, your kitchen is lovely: so bright and airy. It doesn't matter to me whether a home is rented or owned, we can still make it uniquely and beautifully ours, which you have done successfully!

    Brenda (Mrs. T)
    Welland, Ontario, Canada

  7. Thanks for sharing your lovely kitchen. You have such a bright working space. We water our detergent down also, can't really see the point in all those bubbles.

  8. What a lovely, sweet kitchen. I wouldn't change it even if I wasn't renting - I think it's just about perfect.

    Thanks for sharing!

  9. Thanks for sharing. Your lovely kitchen reminds me of a kitchen I once had when the kids were little.

  10. Such a cheery spot with good light. I like the built in drain board at the sink.

  11. You have a lovely bright organised kitchen. What a beautiful orchid. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Such a nice kitchen! When we rented in the 70s and 80s I had truly awful kitchens. Hughesey, I'm wondering what you mean by "stainless steel soap" as I haven't heard the term before. Thanks.

  13. Patricia in DenverFebruary 13, 2010 8:27 am

    Very cute, nice, neat little kitchen. I like smallish kitchens because everything is within reach and I don't have to work so hard!

  14. That is a lovely little kitchen. The table and cloth are wonderful; I have a cloth similar and it always reminds me of family's tables in England. Families tend to do things the same no matter where they live! I, too, dilute my liquid dish soap and also have no dishwasher. I will say, though, that a dishwasher is something I would love to have; it really helps get things clean and uses less water in the end, although I try not to let my water run whilst rinsing.

    Your kitchen looks just perfect!

  15. So bright and lovely. I too prefer hand dishwashing. Looking out the window at a lovely view while my hands are in warm soapy water is quite soothing to me.

  16. Such a light bright kitchen and with loads of cupboard space. It makes such a difference to cook in natural light.

    The places I always rented had miniscule kitchens with zero chance of a dishwasher. I was lucky if they actually provided a plug for the sink!

  17. I am new to this blog and just love hooking in on a dialy basis to read bits and pieces. What a lovely homey kitchen you have. Renting can be difficult as you are unable to change much of your surroundings. I long for a kitchen like yours, light bright and airey. Mine is a little on the tad dark.Margaret

  18. You capture well the peace and contentment that can come from a tidy kitchen. It can be a place of much joy.

  19. I like your kitchen a lot...! And is that a washing machine I see through the door? It is like the house I rent on vacation in Florida where my daughters and their children and I are all together. I hope to be able to sell my house and buy something smaller which would be great for my arthritis. The idea of everything on one level is SO appealing!And what a fresh nice look your kitchen has. Thank you so much for sharing your photos and thank everyone who has done so. (And I'm another one who wonders what "stainless steel soap" is.)

  20. What a lovely and bright kitchen you have. Looks very cozy and inviting.

  21. What a nice, clean kitchen! I love all that light you get. And to have a laundry area large enough for you freezer is great! :) Melissa

  22. Hi from Rye! I don't have a dishwasher either, perhaps whenI have kids I'll want one lol

  23. Your house reminds of the place I rented before leaving Australia to live overseas. It is the exact same layout and brings back lots of fond memories for me. Nothing better that a bright and cheery place to spend your time making the things you love.

    Looking forward to more kitchens especially Aussie ones!!!

  24. I can't see them very well, but i do like your canisters on that far counter. They look neat all in a row.
    thanks for sharing!

  25. That looks so nice! I love the clean lines of the cupboards. And the orchid is gorgeous. Happy birthday. :)

  26. You have a very orderly, neat kitchen. It is nice and bright,too. I like the canister set on your counter and the orchid is so pretty.

  27. Wow, what lovely comments from you all! I won't be able to get the smile off my face for the rest of the day. :-) I too very much enjoy peeping into everyone's kitchens, it amazes me how lovely some of them are, and how different.
    The stainless steel "soap" is a little metal disc that you "wash" your hands with after chopping garlic and onion and somehow it miraculously removes all the odours from your hands. Don't ask me how, must be some scientific reason for it. All I know is that it is fantastic as I used to hate cooking with garlic for the simple fact my hands reeked for days afterwards!
    I hope you all have a wonderful day today (and tomorrow for Valentine's Day!).

  28. I love your kitchen, I think it's just the right size. It's funny how some may think your kitchen is little. Compared to mine, it's big! :) It looks very peaceful to me, and a kitchen like yours is very appealing. Thank you for sharing.


  29. What a pretty kitchen...so bright and happy.

  30. interesting about the stainless soap - I always did wonder if it worked.

    A lovely neat, clean and fresh space. Fresh plants/flowers always set things off huh!

    And a PP was right, it's fun to be able to visit other's kitchens and have them share. Thankyou for sharing :)

  31. wonderful kitchen, so clean and bright (don't worry, mine isn't always so tidy either, eventhough I wash up a lot)Thank you for sharing this important part of your home!!

  32. I love your kitchen. It is not small in my world. I think the space is well designed.
    Some of my favorites, your double sink with drain board, neatly organized canister set, warm and inviting. Your table is precious.
    Would love to share a cup of tea!

    Thanks for sharing. Marie

  33. For a rental you have a very nice kitchen....fresh and clean.----Krystal

  34. Do you know the saying "Bloom where you are planted"? It looks like you (and your orchid) have done just that! I'd love to have a cup of coffee with you in this pretty room!

  35. What a great kitchen! Thanks for sharing it with us. I LOVE your stainless steel soap. I have been rubbing my hands on my sink for years to rid them of the garlic and onion odours. I think I need to find one of these blocks of steel to keep at my sink as well.

  36. Lovely kitchen - it's as neat as a pin and so uncluttered. Wish I could say the same about mine. There's something soothing about your kitchen with its simplicity.

  37. Such a clean and warm looking kitchen!!!

  38. Interesting about the stainless steel soap, I saw these recently in a shop and thought what a great idea.
    Re. the dishwashing liquid - if you can get it in Oz - try Ecostore, not too many bubbles at all, cleans very well, plus is plant based with "no nasty chemicals".

  39. What a sweet, homey kitchen. I would feel right at home there.

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  40. Hughsey, it looks really restful...I'm sure it's gets busy amd messy but the colour scheme is peaceful. Thank you for sharing.
    Good "plug" for hand-made dishclothes too BTW ;)

    DTE Forums

  41. Rhonda -

    I'm not sure if you are accepting entries for "The Kitchen Sink" at this time or not, but I seem to be unable in locating an e-mail address for you, so I thought I would leave this comment.

    I have compiled a little blurb to go with my picture. My boy-friend passed away a few weeks ago, leaving me heartbroken, but also pregnant with his child. Since then I hadn't spent much time in the kitchen. I just wanted to be miserable.

    Today I was able to motivate myself out of bed & into the kitchen & I feel so good. Just wanted to share. Please do let me know if you accept entries. My e-mail is chocolatelilies [at] gmail [dot] com.


  42. Very pretty kitchen!

    Connie (Georgia, USA)

  43. What a lovely clean kitchen. I like to hear that your husband helps you. My husband also helps me in the kitchen when I need it. We both work outside the home and it is nice to cook and have him help me tidy up after. Thanks for sharing! Cathy


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