6 February 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today our magic carpet takes us to the home of Gulay in Turkey.

Gulay writes:
"My name is Gulay. I am a reader of your blog, which I love very much, from Istanbul, Turkey. When I saw your "You, me and the kithcen sink" series, I wanted to send some photos of my own kitchen as well.
As I was looking at the pictures that were sent to you earlier, I noticed that all those women from around the world have approached their kitchens with care and love.  For all of us, no matter if we are Turkish, American, Australian etc.., our families are very important, and cooking for them is one of our biggest pleasures.  Seeing them gathered around a dinner table and eating with joy is pure happiness. For this same reason, the kitchen, where all this joy and happiness is born, is one of my favorite spots in my house.
I have recently retired from my position as a private bank director. I have two daughters, one of whom got married last year. She is also working in a bank. My other daughter is a shipbroker and lives in Athens, Greece. She got engaged with her Greek boyfriend only last week. 
The two large families came together in Istanbul and we cooked in this kitchen for all of us. Greek and Turkish foods..it was amazing. Then, we sat down at this little kitchen table with my son-in-law's mother and had coffee, watching these pink flowers. As two mothers from two different cultures, we wished for happiness for our children, sitting at the same table, looking at the same flowers.
With love to all women and mothers."
Please don't forget to comment.  A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the ladies sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.  


  1. That is a very touching story. A beautiful kitchen as well. I love this series as you can see the kitchen around the world as seen by the women who love them and use them. I tend to watch the international real estate shows and houses etc are different from here in Canada, very interesting.

  2. Hi there and thanks for sharing. I love your perspective on kitchens and cultures, and enjoyed hearing about your family. I also like your sink and think that your kitchen looks like a very productive and warm place indeed. :-)
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  3. Gulay, thank you for posting. Love your kitchen, loved your message. Here is a wish for joy from New Mexico, USA, for your newly-engaged daughter. Rhonda, when you set this project up, did you imagine that part of the wonderfulness of it would be seeing kitchens from all over the world!? I am reminded that when I travel internationally, I always visit a food market or supermarket and see what other women are buying, see what they can buy -- my best souvenirs have always come from supermarkets. Maybe that's your next project, Rhonda. "You, me, and where I go to market."


  4. What a cozy kitchen. You can feel the love.

    Congrats on your daughter's upcoming wedding.

    Have a lovely weekend. Thanks for sharing your kitchen.

  5. This is such a sweet kitchen - and how ironic that I get to see it as I am currently taking a break from demoing walls to open our kitchen up to the living/dining room area.

  6. Oh what a precious sentiment. 2 mothers from different cultures, sharing coffee at the same table, looking at the lovely flowers & wanting only the best for their dear children.

    Lovely. And lovely kitchen, too.

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  7. What a pretty kitchen- I love your shelf of mugs.

    I feel such a connection to the kitchens shared by you and others- truly the heart of the home.

  8. I love your kitchen! So bright and pretty. Would you share some Turkish recipes with us in the down to earth forum sometime? I love Turkish food!!

  9. Perfectly lovely. Both the kitchen and the sentiments sent along with it.

    I just *love* this series - it's made me spruce up my own sink area... such grand inspiration!

  10. Such a beautiful kitchen and you share the dreams of all mothers, all over the world. The health and happiness of our own families, the smells from a kitchen of comfort foods, party foods, lunchbox foods, moving house/freezer foods, or just popcorn in front of family home movies. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful kitchen with us. Love your mug rack, so bright and pretty.

  11. Gulay, thank you for sharing your kitchen and your story with us. I like both of them. Here in Austria there is a saying that runs like this, "Eating and drinking nourishes ours bodies and our souls". That is what caring cooking women can do to their families and friends. I wish you good times and much joy with your familiy.

  12. What a lovely kitchen and sentiments!

  13. What a lovely kitchen. I especially like all the shelves under the cupboards. Thank you so much for sharing your kitchen with us.

  14. Gulay, your kitchen is lovely. Your story of meeting your daughter's fiance's family was beautiful, thank you for sharing it. My best wishes to you and your family.

  15. Gulay....I love your kitchen, but love your sweet story even more! What a blessing to sit around your kitchen with your daughters future family and share in her joy!

  16. Very pretty kitchen. Thanks for sharing with us! The kitchen really is the heart of the home for everyone!

  17. What a lovely warm kitchen and beautiful sentiments from so far away. My very best wishes to you and both of your families.
    Ramona K (Sweden)

  18. Gulay,
    Thank you for sharing your kitchen with us it is very lovely. It is so nice to see that kitchens are almost the same no matter where they are in the world.

  19. As a greek in Australia, I fully understand what the coming of these two cultures means. congratulations on the coming wedding.
    Your kitchen is very homey, I would love to sit in it and have a coffee with youl

  20. Your story gave me goosebumps. Very profound, thank you for sharing. It's funny how some things are just universal, like the joy of cooking for your loved ones.

  21. beautiful post. thanks gulay.

    kathy (aust)

  22. What an uplifting outlook! Love and family is really what this is all about isn't it?

  23. I love the mug shelf above the sink! Also the idea of 2 mum's from different cultures chatting over a cup of tea! Congratulations to your daughter too.

    I love the idea of the "you, me and where I go to market" idea.
    thanks for sharing!

  24. Very beautiful and touching. Thank you for sharing your wonderful kitchen. Many blessings to you and your family.

  25. Gulay, your kitchen is very pretty and looks so homey. Thank you for sharing it and your beautiful and meaningful story.
    Best wishes to the newly engaged couple.
    Patricia Australia

  26. Gulay-Thankyou for inviting us into your kitchen. I really love the little storage shelf that runs the whole length of your bench. It is so practical, I wonder why that idea isn't incorporated into more kitchens!.

    I too am from an international marriage and before my wedding both my mums sat down at our kitchen table and shared a cuppa. Like you they just wanted the best for us and that is the only thing they have in common. It was a really important moment for me

    Adele, Japan

  27. I read your story with a big smile on my face. Almost felt your love and happiness while working in your lovely kitchen.
    Wishing your daughter's (both) all the happiness with their marriages and wishing you to cook many happy meals for your family:))
    With love,

  28. Your photos made me catch me breath and took me back some thirty years to a long visit I had with friends who live near Athens. Their kitchen was very much like yours including the balcony and the view. We spent many happy hours in that kitchen cooking, eating, talking and laughing! Just like yours! A beautiful, thoughtful story - thank you for sharing it.

  29. Thankyou for sharing your story with us it is inspritional. I too hope to sit & have coffee with my future daughter-in-law or son-in-law's mum one day whom ever they might be.

  30. Oh, what a lovely story. Your kitchen is lovely to. Congrats to your daughter. It is amazing that we are all the same no matter where we come from. I just love this series. Like your idea about markets as well. The best to you and your family.
    Cheryl (Indiana - USA)

  31. How very special!!!
    I love this post.

    Isn't it so true that regardless of our geography our love for our families and children is strong.


    Becky K.

  32. Two mothers hearts .. from different cultures and countries .. sharing food, drink, and their children .. now that's life ... and how bridges are crossed. I especially like the little 'what-not' shelf space hanging below your upper cabinets. How truly convenient! Thanks for sharing more than just your kitchen .. but your perspective on life from the heart of your home.

  33. Gulay ~ What a wonderful post. Your kitchen is lovely with your whispy curtains, your pink flowers, your mug collection. A room filled with love, and joy in living each day.

    I looked to see if you had a blog and sadly you don't. I would love to hear more of your life there in Instanbul. I am glad you posted your kitchen and your loving thoughts here on Rhonda's blog.


  34. The little table and flowers are lovely. Thanks for sharing your story!

    Cath in Sydney

  35. I too love this post and how important the kitchen is to our families!.
    I have a number of things in storage in the United States while we are living in Asia, and somewhere I have the same Carl Larson tray seen above your sink. It made me homesick and I will look for that tray next time we are in the states!!
    Thanks for sharing your kitchen.

  36. Thank you for sharing your beautiful warm feeling kitchen and the story of the coming together of people from two cultures in the best possible place to make a real human connection - the kitchen! May your children and all our children find joy together.

  37. What beautiful sentiments. Kitchen sinks really are a unifying theme, aren't they? What a cozy kitchen.

  38. What a pretty sunny kitchen. Love the story that went along with the picture too.

    Congrats on the upcoming wedding. Wishing you all a happy, fun and relatively uneventful celebration.

  39. Wonderfully touching story! Love your kitchen, and the pink flowers...so inviting!

  40. Your kitchen looks very comfortable and pretty. Thank you for sharing! I like the extra shelf under the cabinets.

    One can sense the love you have for your home and family.

  41. I really like the shelves above the sink! you're kitchen is really sweet. :o)

  42. I love this kitchen series. I love seeing the kitchens from around the world though I am a late comer to this blog. Thank you Gulay for sharing your beautiful kitchen and your touching story :-) (Canada)

  43. Gulay, you are so right, much love comes out of a kitchen. Your kitchen clearly is a place to work and to enjoy. I also like that is is not so huge as most of the American kitchens we have seen here. my kitchen is the same size as yours, but sadly without such a lovely big window.
    Best wishes from Germany for both your daughters!

  44. Oh my, I want to have tea with Gulay in her kitchen! It really is amazing how, as she stated, no matter where we are from, we all have the same goals with our kitchens. Excellent post, thank you. Elaine from Texas

  45. Deborah in PA, USAFebruary 06, 2010 3:53 pm

    I have really enjoyed this series, and I think Gulay summed it up best.....no matter where we come from, the kitchen is the heart of the home.

  46. Wow, what a beautiful message and your love & pride for your work there shines through - thank you Gulay for inspiring me.

  47. what a wonderful post! What she writes is so true for all of us, we all love to be in our kitchens and provide loving meals for our loved ones, and so we all take care of our kitchen with love....thank you for having us realise this!!

  48. What a lovely story, Gulay and congratulations on the upcoming marriage..
    Your kitchen looks a very pleasant place to work in too.

    coffeee at DTE

  49. What a lovely kitchen and what a lovely story. Reading that was just like having a BIG hug from mothers everywhere. How right you are about the kitchen being the focus for the family and how we express our love for them.. Your talk of the wonderful Greek and Turkish food is making my mouth water!

  50. I love your cozy little kitchen ...the perfect place for a new family beginning.

  51. Love the story that went along with that beautiful kitchen.

  52. Your kitchen is the heart of your home, I can tell. Your story of your daughter's engagement is sweet...

  53. What a beautiful post. I loved looking at this kitchen so far away, knowing that the women that worked there were hoping, praying and wishing for the same things as I. If only the world were run by Women and Mothers....what a difference we would make. Best wishes to your daughters with their work and marriage. Rhonda, you have brought all of us closer together! Thank you! Love, Cathy

  54. Very nice post..Gulay. I enjoyed reading your story of 2 families coming together and only wanting the same for their children. WIshing you and your family all the best from Canada.---Krystal

  55. Loved this post, how kitchens bring people and cultures together! How true! Kitchens have been the room that has solved many a family issues both good and bad, maybe we should think about using kitchens to bring resolutions of big world issues?
    Congrats on your children's wedding and engagement.
    A big hello and hug from Colorado, USA

  56. A powerful message...and a beautiful story. I love this kitchen post the very best.

  57. Hello from sunny southern California. I so love your cozy kitchen. I especially like the sheer curtains over the windows. I can imagine how nice it is to sit at the table gazing out the window and planning your day.

  58. First, I am dying of jealousy. I have always wanted to visit Turkey and Greece. Thank you for posting and congrats for your daughter!

    And lovely kitchen! I love the personal touches that make it look lived and loved in!

  59. The world would be such a more peaceful place if those in conflict would just sit down and break bread together -- food, especially that prepared together, is such a great leveller. A lovely story Gulay -- and perhaps you should offer your kitchen to leaders of warring factions in the world ... who knows, you and your kitchen could win the Nobel Peace Prize ....
    Sarah (Canada)

  60. Hi Gulay, thankyou for sharing this special time in your life. I would love to sit at your table and hear more about your life in Turkey. Rhonda, this series is wonderful, hope it continues. I love to look back at all the stories and feel connected to all the women going about their lives. I tend to my own kitchen and its purpose more mindfully since you started this. Jen xx

  61. What a lovely, well-ordered kitchen! I wish I could come visit, sip tea, and look at those gorgeous flowers...

  62. Dear ladies, thank you very much for your precious comments and kind wishes.
    I have always believed that we are all the same when it comes to feelings, family, children and love. I think, with this post and your comments, we proved this is true.
    You have also inspired me to start a blog of my own, where I can talk about my life and Istanbul.

    My best wishes to all of you.


  63. Your kitchen in beautiful. I love the sink and tile. And the nook by the window is so inviting.

    Pittsburgh, PA

  64. Now that is really cool. Where I live in Melbourne we have a lot of Turkish and Greek neighbours and its great to see someones kitchen all the way over there!!
    And what a gorgeous kitchen!
    Thanks for sharing your story and your kitchen.

  65. Thank you for sharing - what a beautiful story and a beautiful kitchen! I love the row of mugs above the sink. Very cheerful!te

  66. What a wonderful sentiment. Thank you for sharing.

  67. I am loving these "kitchen sink" posts! And I think this is my favourite so far. :)

  68. Hi Gulay, Such a lovely kitchen, to sit at your table & drink coffee looks as if it would be a pleasure. Best wishes to your family. from Jenny (Melbourne Australia)

  69. I love your kitchen - it is so bright and inviting. The windowsill with the pink flowers is just wonderful. I love thinking of all of you together cooking up wonderful turkish/greek food! What a wonderful time you must have had.


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