4 February 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today's kitchen is very pretty.  I could see myself making scones here.  This is Laura's kitchen in New Zealand.

Laura writes:
"We put this kitchen in when we bought the house and love it. In hindsight, though, we wish we'd been a bit more daring with the colour, something like pale blue would have been lovely! The dining table and chairs are pre-loved. They were all heavily varnished. The table is oak and the top of it I sanded right back to the natural wood. When it gets dirty I just scrub it. It's gone a lovely pale sand colour.
I painted the chairs and made wee cushions for them, this is actually the second lot of chairs as our youngest dog has a taste for chair legs. Beyond the open french doors is the ubiquitous kiwi barby!"

You can visit Laura's blog by clicking here.

Please don't forget to comment.  A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the ladies sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends. 


  1. Love your kitchen. So bright and cheery.

    Have a blessed day.

  2. Laura, this is beautiful. Right down to the Andy Warhol style DOG print on the wall. :-)
    Thanks so much for sharing.
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  3. This is my favourite kitchen. I could definately see myself working from there. I think your colour is perfect and it will look as good 10yrs from now. Thank you for sharing

  4. This is so pretty. I love the sink, and the doggy picture is sweet. As well as being the kitchen to die for, I can see that this is also a very practical kitchen.

    Best Rgds
    Primrose in Edinburgh

  5. Love the oven! Oh how I wish we had those in the states. And the persian rug. Very classy focal point for the floor.

  6. Nice and bright, makes my kitchen dark by comparison, could almost enjoy doing dishes looking out the windows (definitely see the dirt I have missed)

  7. Laura I love your kitchen, so cozy and inviting and so tidy and organized. Also love the Andy Warhol inspired picture of your dog..so cool.

  8. What a stunning kitchen and I love the sink. It's on my wish list for when and if I ever update my kitchen. I love how bright and airy the whole area looks.

  9. Laura,

    Your kitchen is wonderful. All that light coming in the windows - I am jealous!!

  10. What a wonderful place to work! I love all the windows and green outside them.

  11. Your kitchen is beautiful. I think, after doing anything in the house, we all think of things we might have done differently. I know, after building out kitchen, I would do something differently. But it is gorgeous and I like the feeling I get when I look at it. Bravo for you on the work on your table. I have a couple of pieces of furniture that need refinishing and I have been chicken thus far. Maybe this will give me a nudge.

  12. LOVE IT. VERY bright, airy, and homey. Very cute, comfortable. I love the amount of windows and the wonderful sink.

  13. Gorgeous!

    We just got an Old English Sheepdog puppy last Sunday, so I'm really loving that artwork!

    Your whole space is cheery and fresh - very inspiring! I can imagine your friends love chatting with you in here.

    Thank you for sharing!

  14. thank you everyone *blush*
    We do love it
    The Worhol stylee painting is of our dog, Bob. He's lovely!

  15. I love your Warholesque doggy portrait in your kitchen! I love this kitchen!

  16. It is a beautiful kitchen. I especially love the sink!

  17. Laura, your kitchen is delightful and I think the colour is perfect. Especially like the slow combustion stove.

    Blessings Gail

  18. Laura your kitchen is beautiful and I adore your dog print, I'm a dog person too.

  19. Laura, what a lovely kitchen. May I ask what your countertops are made of?

  20. Beautiful kitchen, love it!

  21. Laura ... you did a great job remodeling or adding on to your kitchen. Is that a working wood cook stove in the dining area? How lovely everything looks.

  22. Jules, the tops are solid wood and if I remember rightly they are macrocarpa, a very common wood in NZ.

  23. So pretty! I just love all that light and windows. I could see myself spending all day in there! :) Melissa

  24. I love this kitchen! So homey and beautiful!

  25. Perfect place to make brownies and passata ;)

  26. Hi Laura I love your kitchen so bright and light! I have the exact green clock that you have in your kitchen in my kitchen in Ontario Canada.

  27. What I love 2nd only to looking at the kitchens is reading the comments and what people notice..very often I go back and have to have a second look to see what I have missed eg.the comment on the floor rug..it is lovely to see so many different styles and more than that everyone is so tidy!!! the sharing has been lovely.

  28. I just love the open feeling with all of the windows. A homey, comfy lovely kitchen, eating area.


  29. Beautiful kitchen. I love the light neutral colors and you can add accessories in bright colors and change them if you want without having to re-do the kitchen. I love all the natural light.
    Connie (USA)

  30. Those windows are amazing! Love all that natural light :)

  31. I would love to work in your kitchen! This is a beautiful space. I think my favorite part of it all are the countertops.

  32. I like your kitchen very much! Especially your wood stove.

  33. I love how much light you have! A very nice kitchen - I really like the colour too.


  34. Love this kitchen... so cheery and bright. Love, love, love the dog print on the wall!!!

  35. Lovely kitchen... wish I could stop in for a cup of tea! thanks for sharing...

  36. How lucky you are to have this beautiful kitchen...I have kept the picture, hope you dont mind, as the sink, benches and cupboards are exactly what I am planning for in my new kitchen...just checked out your blog, lol....it reminded me so much of mine.......!!!!pop over and visit me...http://enchantedthingsprimitives.blogspot.com/
    Have a lovely day cooking dinner in that kitchen...!!! Suzanne

  37. Laura,
    beautiful! I am a window girl...more light the better.Love those cute corner shelves, too!

  38. Very cute kitchen! So bright and neat...love that!

  39. gosh! I'd love to have you ALL for a cup of tea, thank you for all your kind, lovely comments.

    Mrs Mac, our wood stove does indeed work - in fact it has to as it is our only source of heating for winter!
    We cook on it over winter - top and oven. It also has a wetback so heats up all our hot water and wonder of wonder there are several small radiators that run off it as well. They don't throw out a huge amount of heat, but do take the chill off rather well, doesn't really matter too much as our house is very small and if we open the doors the stove heats the whole house pretty well.

  40. Oooh, Laura! What a beautiful, bright kitchen! I love the windows - we only have one small window in our kitchen, and it's sad. Nice job on the table and chairs too. I wouldn't go with pale blue in a kitchen though, unless it's always warm and sunny, blue is chilly. The white, cream and natural wood is perfect. Love the sink too. Thank you for sharing your cheery spot!

  41. What a cute kitchen! I love seeing other peoples kitchens/houses, thanks for sharing!

  42. The first thing I thought of was "how open and bright!" So cheerful and nice!

  43. Such a nice, airy kitchen! I wish I had a kitchen big enough for a table and chairs. I wanted to ask about the "big black thing" in the second photo, but then i found that you already told that it was a woodstove. Now I am truly envious!

  44. This is such a bright and airy kitchen! I love it!

  45. It's all been said already but I have to say it too! Lovely, bright, airy and pretty. It must be a joy to work in. Love the Belfast sink and the wooden work tops! Teresa x

  46. love this kitchen - the light airy feel, the colours, the painted furniture & the gorgeous cottagey feel...beautiful !

  47. This is a lovely kitchen. From the photos, it feels bright and welcoming. Thank you for sharing.

  48. Gorgeous kitchen. I love the idea of sanding off the varnish; our table and chairs are laminate. God willing, one day we'll have real wood.

  49. Every time I see one of those sinks (farmstand) I think to myself that is exactly the sink I want. But I do love my double sink and I would not only have to adjust my habbits by my custom cabinets as well. Oh well, if I ever see one at a reshop or garage sale I will get it, otherwise I will just have to enjoy every one elses. I love this kitchen, its very light and airy.

  50. The pink tea kettle and the picture in the dining room...is that of your dog? Very cozy, I could see myself having a cup next to the wood stove. Lovely.

  51. what a lovely warm kitchen, love the "feel" of it!!

  52. What a beautiful kitchen! I love all the windows and light. And white looks great in a kitchen! Thanks for sharing your photos, Laura!

  53. A wonderful airy kitchen and after looking at your blog, I am completely jealous of your entire home!
    I am wondering is your countertop or bench wood or laminate? If it is wood, is it sealed and with what? I am wanting a wooden countertop but my other half is always leaving little puddles of water from making coffee. I don't want the wood ruined but not sure what to seal it with. Any ideas are helpful.

  54. What a lovely kitchen. I love the windows over the kitchen sink. I have a large window over my sink that looks out over the "woods" as we call them here in West Virginia. I wouldn't trade my view for anything. (even more cabinets) I skipped over to your blog and completely enjoyed wandering around so now you are under my favorites in the gardening file! Thank you for sharing.
    West Virginia USA

  55. Hi ladyhawthorn, the bench is solid wood. It's been covered in something by the people that made it for us! I think it's a sort of resin or something - all I know is that it got lots of coats! It doesnt stain at all and we get water on it all the time, it just wipes off.
    Kensjewl - yes, it's our dog, he's called Bob :)

    thanks once again, all xx

  56. Lovely kitchen and so inviting! Went to the blog too and the header photo is just wonderful...what a neat place to live!!

  57. I'm hooked on your kitchen windows and the view! I think I'd spend all day in that kitchen (or find excuses to) if given the chance. Thanks for sharing your kitchen sink view. Cheers ~ Conny

  58. wow! This is such a beautiful kitchen! I had some questions for you about your blogger template and could not find an email address for you. could you please email me. fever.overjoyed@gmail.com.

  59. Lovely, lovely! I especially like the farmer's sink &...is that a fireplace or heating stove I spy?

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  60. This is such a bright kitchen, I love it! The colors are lovely . . . reminds me of a beach house. :)

  61. What a beautiful kitchen, but oh, you don't need the blue, is perfect just as is. So bright and welcoming, I can see friends with cups of tea laughing together with the smells of freshly baked yummies wafting through the room. Thank you for sharing your kitchen.

  62. What a fabulous kitchen! I love the windows and am super jealous of your drawer style dishwasher!!
    This series is amazing Rhonda, and since we are looking at either building a recycled home or moving an older one I love getting so many ideas from REAL kitchens not designer kitchens!


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