28 June 2008

Swap News

I wanted to remind everyone to make sure that they have gotten a hold of their swap buddy. I have heard from one who hasn't, and would very much like to keep the list current. If anyone else has had trouble getting reaching their swap buddy, please e-mail me, Sharon, at : cdetroyes at yahoo dot com and I will help you. I have found another really cute idea for a pincushion at Rachael Rabbit. Here is the link: http://rachaelrabbit.blogspot.com/2008/06/introducing-cupcake-crew-and-cupcake.html -they look good enough to "eat". Tomorrow, I will be giving you a "whole lotta links" for sewing. These links range from how to re-size patterns and insert different types of zippers, all the way to determining the fiber content of thrifted fabrics. They are handy references to have when sewing, for no matter how new we are to sewing, or how many years we have sewn, we will always have questions that need to be answered and problems that need an "expert" to fix (besides my personal favorite expert, the seam ripper), and I have found these to be some of the best links on the web. Until tomorrow, happy swapping.


  1. I would love to be directed to some "sewing for dummies" sites. I know how to sew...well how to hand sew when a seam rips or something. But nothing fancy. I bought a sewing machine the other day, it took me 2 hours to get the bobbin in and threaded. LOL I made a pillow for my daughter. And I didn't sew my fingers off or anything.
    So....yeah, I can't wait to see the sites on the next post!
    Any tips, leave them on my blog PLEASE!!!!!

  2. Sharon, Danni and I have swapped emails so I can get to know her a little. I know her favourite colour now but I haven't decided which of your sites I'll follow for her pin cushion and needlebook, although I do like rachaelrabbit's cupcakes very much.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the sewing links. Thank you, my friend.

  3. Hi Rhonda Jean,
    I just have a quick question about your rebatching soap recipe. How long approximately does it take for it to 'melt down'? I'm going to try it out this week - so much fun! We're on gas, so it tends to be hotter than electric - should I have it on a lowish heat?
    Hope you don't mind me asking about this on this posting.
    Rachel L from NZ

  4. I have also 'corresponded' with my swap buddy......to get to know her a little better.....she is away just now, but will continue to keep in touch, once she returns.

  5. I have a silly question.
    When are we due to have this project complete?
    Thanks Jennifer
    pen of jen

  6. Hi Jen - the deadline is September 6, 2008.

  7. Very cool links, Sharon! I am not through all of them, but the knot videos in the first one are so good! I had excellent home ec instruction when I was in school, but have quite forgotten how to do an invisible zipper. Thanks!

    Have not heard back from my swap partner yet, and just emailed her again yesterday.


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