20 June 2008

My Little Jenny Wren doll

She arrived! Jenny is here with us now. She is so charming! She arrived yesterday in a little post bag, wrapped warmly in pink tissue paper held together by wool. Perfect!

This little cloth doll was kindly sent to me by Little Jenny Wren as part of her giveaway. She is currently sitting on my desk on the printer paper tray.

She is all I thought she would be. She is made exactly like the old fashioned cloth dolls I remember from all those years ago. She is beautifully stitched and dressed. She is wearing a pink felted jumper with a red gingham mid length skirt (very me) with pink gingham trims. She has some green cross stich along her skirt hem and a green floss belt. She is wearing a red ribbon in her hair.

I'm calling her Jenny.

Thank you Jenny for sending your namesake. I have often looked at your dolls and wanted to hold one. I never thought I would though, so it's a real treat to have my own Jenny doll here in my home. I am going to iron her skirt today and sit her on the shelf near the kitchen table.

I'm running behind time today because I've been reading. I'm going to have breakfast now and will be back soon with another post.


  1. She does look happy to be in her new home.

  2. The Jenny doll is precious. She is so sweet! Enjoy her for all of us. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  3. Rhonda,

    I think she will look lovely in your home! Congrats!!!



  4. she is gorgeous. i want one too!!! am so enjoying your posts. lots to think about.

    sophie in new zealand

  5. I'm just a tad jealous, but I'm gonna have to whip up a girl just like yours. She is just beautiful, esp because she's wearing PINK!!! I'll let you see mine when I finish all the other projects in my basket. Enjoy her company!


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