28 November 2007

Apron swap and emails

I'm about to do two posts.

This one is to remind my Australian and New Zealand friends that today is the deadline for the apron swap; they should be posted today. The deadline of 28 November is tomorrow for those on the other side of the world. I hope everyone has enjoyed this swap, it will be the final one for the year, but we'll have more next year, starting in January.

I also wanted to say hello to everyone who has sent me an email recently. I love getting your emails and really enjoy reading about the lives our little blog community. I have quite a few to answer at the moment and will get to them as soon as I can. Life is very busy at the moment and I only get through a couple each day. Please know I've read everything sent and will write back to everyone as soon as time allows.

Now, on to the next post ...


  1. This was a really fun swap, Rhonda Jean. Thanks for hostessing!

  2. Awww...I missed it. I love aprons. And I am still thinking about my napkin swap partner.

  3. Rhonda Jean,
    When you say today is the deadliine to post our aprons, does that mean at the post office or post a blog about it or leave a comment on your blog to let you know it's done? Sorry, but I'm having a blonde moment with this!LOL

  4. Hi Christie,I meant the apron should have been posted at the post office on the 28 November, last Wednesday. LOL

  5. Wow, I thought it was today(30th). Lucky I've posted it today, then =)
    Sorry about that.
    nice picture of you in the right corner, Rhonda Jean =)


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