More work in the garden this week. It's been good to be outside although the wind is annoying as it dries out the soil too quickly. Hann...
I've spent time every day in the garden this week. The warmer weather has promoted growth and the two tomato plants have grown a lot in ...
I showed you a photo of our sofa recently but I've gone closer now so you can see the Australia cushion made  by my sister, Tricia . She...
I will never tire of looking at this face. Gracie was under the table on the back verandah with the sun streaming in. She enjoys being th...
I forgot it's Friday! 😳  I just came home from grocery shopping and it clicked. I'm glad I remembered now and not Sunday afternoon...
This week I've been reading through a recently published book, The ultimate guide to preserving vegetables.  I've really enjoyed it...
Hello everyone. I had a good break and feel better for it. I did a lot of thinking while I was away, it's amazing how clearly you focus...
I'm taking a break from posting here and on IG. I'll sign off for now but I'll see you again soon. Thanks for your recent...
We're learning hard lessons lately. The ongoing drought and coronavirus have taught me that to be resilient enough to bounce back time ...
We're quietly working away in our home with a day out here and there for Hanno's doctors' appointments and grocery shopping.  L...
We've been really busy this week. Hanno's had a couple of health issues and had to go for an unexpected checkup with his eye specia...
Another week has gone by in lockdown, although the tough restrictions are slowly starting to lift here. The days are beautifully slow but t...
This is the farmhouse hard cheese I used to make. I've been going through my old photos and there are several I'll share with...
I live in the slowest of slow lanes and there is a lot to love about slowing down. I get the full measure of what each day brings, I have t...
It's soup time!  I would live on soup if I could. Most soups are nourishing, the flavour improves each day and they're so easy ...
I have a collection of photos for you today with not much writing. The garden photos were taken yesterday and the others over the course ...
Imagine my surprise and delight when this little beauty glided down our driveway a couple of days ago. It's our "new" co...
Late afternoon in the chook run -  a tree full of lemons  and leaves falling from the pecan tree. Shorter days, cool nights and cardig...
Our ginger is growing well. I planted this up about eight weeks ago and recently moved it out of the greenhouse to get more sun. Now it...
I've been made aware over the past couple of weeks that quite a few of you like my recipes (thank you), so here's another one.  It&...
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