Just popping in for two reminders. Vivian at EcoYarns is having a Camelid Yarn sale from the 21st to 27th May. There will be alpaca, l...
Small Measure - It's all here, a life lived with an open heart. There is some beautiful writing at Mount Custard, particularly Steve...
As you can see, I've changed the template again. My apologies to those of you who visited yesterday while I was working on it. There we...
If you are gardening organically, there is a lot more to it than planting seeds and fertilising. Organic gardening is a holistic method, a ...
I get many emails asking my opinion on this and that. I'm sure you all know I'm not a counsellor or any sort and I not familiar wit...
I've had a very busy weekend writing various things, re-working the blog and looking after Hanno. He injured his back last week and is ...
This is the invitation from Avid Reader to my talk and signing there next Thursday. I have been told by a couple of friends the Avid Reader...
How to make ginger wine The Australian Association for Environmental Education has a very good enewsletter for members. This month, my...
I'm sure most knitters would agree, there is a special thrill in starting a new knitting project. I really love making baby clothes - n...
If you have had problems slowing down, I encourage you to take up the delightfully heart-warming and productive craft of knitting. Clicking...
I'm still a bit busy today. I'm dropping Tricia off at the airport soon and will then spend the day at the Neighbourhood Centr...
I have no time to post today, Tricia is still here and we're busy. Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow. ♥
Kathy sent me the link to this during the week. It's an excellent online magazine called Seeing the Every da y. Thanks Kathy! This ...
What a wonderful collection of comments we had yesterday. If you haven't read them yet, make yourself a cuppa, sit down for an hour and...
I think we'd all agree that written words play a very important role in our lives. I blog almost every day and write every day. As well...
I received a followup email from Joannie that said: " I have a girlfriend only 18months younger than myself (I’m 36) who has two gorge...
Last week I received an email from Joannie who said: "After listening to you on the radio and checking out your blog I then bought you...
Coming back to knitting -  "To think of ourselves as makers, rather than just consumers, is the first part of refusing to accept ever...
Hello all, I just wanted to remind everyone that the swap is now over and everyone should be busy getting those apron parcels in the mail. ...
The very talented Renata Kirkpatrick will be at the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre next Tuesday, 12.30 - 2.30 pm,  for Crafternoon. Renate wil...
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