19 May 2012

Knitting and my next talk

Just popping in for two reminders.

Vivian at EcoYarns is having a Camelid Yarn sale from the 21st to 27th May. There will be alpaca, llama, pacovicuna and bison yarns on sale. Vivian's blog is here, there is a lot of information and knitting tips there and at the moment, she's just started a sock knitting tutorial. Well worth a visit.

My next talk will be at the Maroochydore Library next Friday, 25 May from 10 - 11.30am. Its free but you have to book. More details are here on the Sunshine Coast Council's website.


  1. I made it a goal to learn to knit this summer, I see everyone's beautiful projects and always lose my hats and scarfs over the winter anyway because they look the same as everyone else's big box-store ones. But I'm overwhelmed. I went to the yarn store and was trying to pick a pattern and some yarn and needles but they were packed with a knitting class and everyone picking out their projects and the lady didn't really have time to walk me through everything.

    Does anyone have recommendations for good starter's supplies? Tutorials, simple patterns, yarn types and weights are all helpful. About the only thing I figured out today is what colour I want to use. :)

    Thank you!


  2. Rhonda,
    I don't know how to thank you! I have been reading your blog for quite some time and always envied your beautiful knitting. I had tried to learn once before and gave up. I am now retired due to health issues and have times where I can't perform fine movement with a needle such as embroidery or hand quilting (too much blood loss, lol). So I decided to give knitting another try as it is a "bigger" motion than sewing. After two days of sweat and tears (no blood, thank goodness) I have completed the first 3 rows on my first dishcloth. I can see a few mistakes, but hey, my dishes won't mind and I can only get better with time. Thank you!

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