27 April 2012


Hello all, I just wanted to remind everyone that the swap is now over and everyone should be busy getting those apron parcels in the mail. I know that some of you have had life's little mishaps and adventures slow you down a bit, but hopefully you have kept your swap buddy informed and she knows you will be a bit late.(like finishing this weekend lol) but try to get your apron in the mail by early next week. As you all know we often show case the photos of the work you have done on the blog, but this swap we are moving the photos to a thread on the down to earh forum. If you are not a memberyet, do stop by and sign up as it has the most friendly and wonderful people on it! To sign up just click on the button at the top of this blog and join in the fun-it is free and has an incredible amount of info for you on so many different facets of living more mindfully and slowly. You will be able to post your photos there easily and look at everyone else's too- which is ever so much fun. 

 Would Pauline paulinexyz(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk please e mail me- cdetroyes(at)yahoo(dot)com or your swap buddy as she has your apron ready but no address to send it to. Hugs Sharon


  1. Thank you for this answer Rhonda/Sharon. I will go to the forum and post the pictures!

    Love from Holland

  2. Thank you for the update Sharon!!! I just wanted to say I have had such fun making my very first apron for my delightful swap buddy - it's been a lovely experience, thank you for organising it!!!

  3. Hi Sharon, Was too late to participate in this swap (a little nervous dithering) but just wanted to say I hope you are well again sometimes the ongoing nature off illness is almost worse than the illness itself. Many happy smiles to you.

  4. Thank you for organising this swap Sharon and Rhonda. I am delighted to say that Tracey in Utah has received my apron and I have received mine from her. I was
    thrilled wit the apron Tracey sent me and love wearing it.

    Catherine Swan Hill Victoria

  5. Hi Sharon,

    I hope you got my email yesterday about not having a postal address for my buddy. I'm still waiting to hear from her - I'll let you know what happens.

    Cheers, Jane.

  6. I had the most fun making my first apron! Best of all I have a new friend across the ocean! Thanks for doing this!

  7. Fun swap, Rhonda and Sharon! Thanks for hosting it. :-)
    I posted to Ros today and she is posting to me tomorrow. \o/
    Have a great weekend,

  8. Actually - it's all good! I just got an email from her!

  9. gracias rhonda por permitirme participar , ya envié a mi compañera, feliz de tener nueva y agradable amiga, besos!

  10. WOW just what I was searching for. Came here by searching for health

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