18 May 2012

Weekend reading

Small Measure - It's all here, a life lived with an open heart.

There is some beautiful writing at Mount Custard, particularly Steven Again. Do yourself a favour, visit and read.

I made David Leboitz's Blue Cheese Dressing for a roasted root vegetable salad. It's divine.

I have a few vegetarian cook books but the one I'd like to have is the River Cottage Veg Everyday. It's listed here with several other recommended vegetarian food books.


Homespun Fields is a lovely blog full of baking days, recipes, projects, chooks and wondering about life. But it's had no comments! Let's all go over there and say hello to Mrs Homespun. :- )

There are lots of chooks here on Life At Arbordale Farm and you can also see inside a fairy egg.

Thank you for visiting me this week and for leaving comments here for all of us to read. I'm looking forward to the weekend - my plan is for a gentle mix of rest and work. Whatever you do, I hope you enjoy it.



  1. Hi. I liked reading Homespun Fields. I couldn't leave a comment, though, as I don't have one of the profiles listed. Perhaps that's why she isn't getting any comments?

    Enjoy your weekend. How is Hanno?


  2. Thankyou Rhonda for the links to other blogs, seriously I don't know how you find the time to check them all out.Anyways I am very grateful, since reading your blogs I am finding living simply, cooking from scratch, nurturing myself and my family makes a more contented and happier me. Have a wonderful day. Helen

  3. Lovely choices. I follow Small Measure and Mount Custard and particularly love Won's honest writing about her two boys and her hearing impairment. She has a wonderful way with words.

    Thanks again for your inspiring talk last night at Avid Books. It was great to meet you. I've written a little post about it here - http://www.alittlebirdtoldme-craft.com/2012/05/book-signing.html

    Here's to an enjoyable weekend.

  4. Thank you Rhonda for the link to Mount Custard, I have just finished reading Steven, again and I am still crying. What a beautiful reminder to step back from the business of our daily lives as mothers, wives and homemakers and look with gratitude at the gifts our families give to us every day.Amanda

  5. I remember watching The River Cottage series on TV when he decided to try vegetarian eating for 4 months. The very last episode was where he invited his guests from all the episodes to sit down for a last meal together, by the time the show finished my mouth was watering and right there and then I decided to incorporate more vegitarian recipes into my weekly menu plans.

  6. Hi Rhonda,

    Again you have come up with such good links. Thanks especially for Life at Abordale Farm. Will look forward to reading this one.
    Hope Hanno is feeling stronger with his back. Easy does it Hanno.
    Have a peaceful and restful weekend Rhonda. Shut those gates early today. You've deserved it.

    Blessings Gail

  7. I always find something lovely among your weekend reading posts.

  8. Hello Rhonda,

    This is my first attempt at blogging. Could you let me know if my comment reaches you, as I haven't seen others I left earlier this week listed.Perhaps I'm doing something wrong?


  9. Hi Rhonda, The link to "5o Ways to Get Dinner on the Table" isn't working for me. Am I the only one? With regard to vegetarian cookbooks, I've been veggie for 14+ years and I couldn't live without Deborah Madison's Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone. In our house we call it The Vegetarian Bible. I've yet to encounter a bad recipe and I've made many of them over the years.

    Hope Hanno is better!


  10. Hanno is still hobbling along with a sore back. He came with me to a book talk last night but I think he's suffering for it today.

    Hello Christina! It was lovely to meet you and Fiona last night, along with the baby. Thank you for the write up. Such a turn out! Thanks for coming along and saying hello.

  11. Hi Rhonda

    Thanks for the weekend reading links. I always find these very interesting. I was at your talk last night at Avid books with my friend Trishelle and it was so nice to meet you and listen to your talk. I'm very happy to have my copy of your book and will be doing as much reading as I can fit in this weekend.

    Thank you again for all of the valuable information you put out there for us to devour!

    Have a lovely weekend.

  12. Hi Karyn, It was lovely to meet you and Trishelle. I am really enjoying seeing that real people belong to these names I see here. :- )

  13. David Leibowitz has the most delicious ice-cream recipes too. his site is really worth a visit. I have tested and tried many of them.

  14. I have just visited Homespun Fields - lovely blog - really enjoyed her posts.

  15. Hi Rhonda,
    thank you very much for the wonderful links. I know what I can do during the weekend ; )
    Have a great weekend and I hope Hanno is feeling better !!

  16. Hello, I just discovered your blog and am really enjoying reading it. I grew up in a "convience" household but with this economy and trying to remain a stay at home mom of 2 I am really trying to live more simply. We are also moving to 5 acres this summer so I am really excited to start a garden and be able to grow and perhaps raise some of our own food. I have also started trying to make more things from scratch instead of buying them and am really finding it not as difficult as I thought, also much better tasting and healthier. Anyway keep up the great work and posting more ideas for the newbies to the simple lifestyle!


  17. hi rhonda ibought your book yesterday& cant wait to get in to it had a quick look about chooks & will try the raspberry cordial on my old(6) hen she has just come out of moult & it might give her a lift.
    love your blog. Val B

  18. Thanks for linking back to my blog Rhonda. You are a great role model to all women regardless of their situation.

  19. Loved Mount Custard, so beautiful and hear stirring. Thankyou for the link :)

  20. hello! thank you for linking to my blog and for such kind words. your space here is so encouraging and inspiring.


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