I hope you're looking forward to the weekend as much as I am. We've been out in the community spreading the simple life word fo...
We had the first of the Morton Bay author talks yesterday with a fully booked out session at the Arana Hill Library. It was such a treat to...
My days are full again. There's a lot going on here and that looks like being our normal for the next few months. We're changing...
It's coming to the end of winter now. Our season changes next Monday and I'm looking forward to the warmer weather this year. I...
LIBRARY TALKS If you'd like to meet Hanno and I and listen to a talk on simple and frugal living, the details are below. The talks ar...
I'm sorry the quality of this photo isn't what it should be but it's the only one I have. I only had my phone with me to take...
I hope you have time to relax on the weekend and read this week's selection. I'll see you again next week. The push to ditch ...
I've been thinking a lot about wabi-sabi this year. If you've never heard of the term, it's a Japanese concept about being comf...
This may not be the most exciting of posts but it's sometimes a struggle to find good wholesome crackers, dips and spreads for snacks, ...
I am often praised for just living the way I want to live: I want to sew, bake, mend, tend the garden and spend time with my family. And th...
I can feel the seasons starting to change. I wonder if you feel it too.  Hoping Maremma bodyguards will help save bandicoots Lucy Spar...
Menu planning can help reduce the cost of living for most of us. It encourages you to think about your food choices, it helps create a heal...
Although I don't write about it nearly as much as I think about it, food budgeting is one of my favourite topics. It's the firs...
Most of us home bakers have a gaggle of well used recipes to bake a variety of bread for our families. I am no different. These are soft wh...
The weekend is almost here and I hope that means you have more time to relax and enjoy yourself.  Winter is slowly coming to and end he...
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