29 August 2014

Weekend reading

It's coming to the end of winter now. Our season changes next Monday and I'm looking forward to the warmer weather this year. I wonder if I'll still feel the same when the humidity sets in. Whatever your climate, I hope you're enjoying what it has to offer. Soon it will be part of our history. Thank you for visiting me. xx

Mimi from Manger blog making apple tart - You Tube
Matron of Husbandry is someone I admire very much. This is a classic post of hers: Too much = Enough Over the years we've known each other, she's been a unique figure, working and writing about her life, livestock and land. Not only is she a skilled and experienced farmer, she also understands the ins and outs of what she's doing and why systems work.
NSW calls for national ban on shampoo additives
Ladies, a plate - a lovely NZ baking site
Sydney's doll hospital - I remember my mum telling me about this when I was  little girl
Zero Waste Week - a challenge to send nothing to land fill
DIY 50 hour candles
And finally, just a short comment on this headline at the top of The Guardian this morning: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt marry in France. I won't link to it because I expect it to be as irrelevant to you as it is to me.  But I've mentioned it because it surprised me. I thought they were already married and had been for years. Who knew! This has made my morning. I love it when I find out I have no idea about pop culture.  :- )


  1. That looks very appetising especially in this cold weather. The video is done so professionally and I just love the table and crockery. I just felt the lovely young girl needed an apron over that gorgeous red dress :-) Enjoy the rain if you are getting any, Rhonda.

  2. Me too, Rhonda!
    Have a great weekend, I'll be spending mine with family :)

  3. I'm planning on eating eggs in my homemade pide tonight. Some nice ideas there too. It's so easy to forget how great eggs can be as the protein in a meal.

    I hate those microbeads and plastics found in cosmetics etc. So horrible to think of them floating around in our oceans and animals forever... eugh!

  4. I.m with you on the Jolie/Pitt wedding. But, perhaps they were divorced a few weeks ago and changed their minds. I am in the dark on that one too!

    This weekend is our end of summer here in the US. Monday is a day off for Labor Day and everyone will be in a mad rush to have as much outdoor fun as possible. We will be going to the zoo with the grandchildren and spending a day at the lake swimming and having a picnic. It is very hot here this week and I am looking forward to fall and cooler weather. Have a good weekend!

  5. Morning Rhonda,
    We are having a lovely cool morning here in my part of the USA. So glad to get rid of the humidity! You can feel Autumn coming in...wonderful!! I find that the older I get the more I enjoy each season coming in. Have a great weekend! Darlene

  6. I have the Ladies a Plate cook book and I love it. My nana was from NZ and every time we visited as kidsmshe had tins full of slices, biscuits elc straight from the kiwi archives. So good to see the traditional cuppa tea accompaniments making a comeback.

  7. LOL.. I thought they were married, too.. They have lots of kids, I think.. Anyway, your Summer and our Winter... We had a lovely Summer with great temps.. Quite a lot of rain but I didn't mind.. Returning home from our cottage and back to normal.. Thanks for the reading list.. Have a good weekend, my friend. xo

  8. Thanks for the matron of husbandry post. It was just what I needed now that I'm planting the summer seeds and preparing what goes where and when. Such sensible advice and I always love to read someones take on 'what is enough?'
    kate xx

  9. Brad Pitt and who? I'm worse than you when it comes to knowing names of famous/infamous people these days, lol! What a coincidence for me that you listed the egg dishes on your weekend reading. On Sundays we usually have the meat left over from our Saturday roast, but there wasn't any left over today, and the chooks were laying like it was their last day on earth, so I said to hubby, it will be eggs for tea tonight. I made a frittata using what I had in the fridge - broccoli, onion, bacon and tomato. Delish!

  10. I just felt the lovely young girl needed an apron over that gorgeous red dress :-) Enjoy the rain get more fun.


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