8 August 2014

Weekend reading

The weekend is almost here and I hope that means you have more time to relax and enjoy yourself.  Winter is slowly coming to and end here with our daytime temperatures now in the low to mid-20s. It's a lovely time of year.

Thank you for your comments during the week. I'll see you again next week. :- )

National Geographic photograph winners 2014
Generosity Farm
Australians anxious about the cost of living
Where to buy better meat UK
Easy homemade dairy products
Summer herb rolls
Simplifying simplicity
Painting old furniture - a good example of what you can do for a fraction of the new price
Coffee pods. Another form of tea bag, but worse
Five things you don't need
Home habits that save money
Tumble dryers and washing lines


  1. Have a relaxing weekend, Rhonda. It is lovely during the day here too as we have been reaching 19C or so but I dare say we will still get a couple of frosts before winter says goodbye. It is such a pleasant time to be out in the garden, isn't it?

  2. Wish you both a lovely weekend. Late Summer here and very pleasant. Don't much care for the evenings drawing in but being able to light the candles again is cosy. Pam

  3. That apartment therapy site looks interesting, Rhonda I will definitely be checking it out more.

    Still very cold In our part of the world, but spring is around the corner, we keep saying!
    Have a lovely weekend.

  4. Great reading! And that picture made me very hungry! :) Have a great weekend!

  5. Great links this week, Rhonda. I am inspired to try a few sewing projects and other little household projects this weekend. Looking forward to it. (And oh, those coffee pods...they make me sad. We have such a machine at the library where I work....so much waste.)

  6. Dear Rhonda, I have just found your blog, it's amazing! So much of what I already do and so much more of what I want to do. I am really enjoying reading back through your articles and following threads. It is all truly inspirational, thank god for other people who think making a home and a simple life is something truly worth doing. I have recently read Shannon Hayes book 'Radical Homemakers' which helped me realise I wasn't alone too. I really apreciate what you are doing.

  7. I was just reading the comments at the top tips for saving money link. There was debate about it being unfair to stop eating out just to save money and letting restaurants go out of business. I began to feel so grateful for the commonsense writing you provide here. Your writing is well thought out and well explained such that I can wholeheartedly embrace your suggestions with confidence. Your blog is a continual source of encouragement for me. I was also challenged by the coffee pod link. I use our coffee pod machine for guests, but will by looking at changing to another method in the future and until then will reduce as much as possible. Thank you!

  8. I usually refer to those types of coffee machines as having capsules. I have a tiny, handheld, non-electric unit that takes a different sort of coffee dose that is actually branded as pod. It is more like a tea bag and I can put it in a worm farm. It has the advantage of not taking up much space and as Iong as I take a thermos and a small amount of milk, I can have a great coffee when travelling, rather than buying it.

  9. You always have the best links! Thanks for sharing!


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