I spent a small amount of time sowing seeds yesterday. In the past, I used to have trays and trays of seeds but now that we have a continuou...
We had quite a full weekend with Hanno finishing the new chook fence and me flitting between writing and household chores. Of course there ...
Hello ladies. I will be posting more of our swap photos tomorrow. Today I would like to give you links for more ideas for making holiday ...
Shane and Sarndra just before they went home yesterday. I was interested to read in the Why are you simplifying? post that several readers ...
Karen has asked me to write about the Australian tea tradition. I'm not sure that tradition continues today but this is my version of w...
I have a catch-up day today. Although Hanno has told me to concentrate on my writing and he will do the laundry and most of the indoor work...
These are just a few photos I've taken in the backyard in the past week that really don't relate to my post. I know many of you lik...
Well, here he is - Hanno admiring the view when I took him out to lunch on his birthday. We met up with Bernadette at an "English ...
I have posted more swap photos-don't worry if yours is not up yet I post them in batches so I will be posting more all this next week. ...
Hello all. I hope everyone is having a relaxing week-end. I have posted 15 photos of our swap goodies on our flickr site with is listed on...
It's Hanno's birthday today - 19 September, he is 68. It's also International Talk Like a Pirate Day, a fact I'll remind hi...
Carl Larsen painting, Christmas Morning, from Carl Larsen gallery. Christmas has the potential to undo all your frugal efforts throughout t...
Hi everyone. I'm fine, I've just had a couple of hectic days. :- ) We live in troubling times. If you've been reading the new...
I am a working homemaker. I am proud of that title but it took me a while to realise it. I don't know how many times I've filled i...
Hello all. I hope everyone is enjoying their week-end and we send our prayers to those who are dealing with Hurricane Ike. I wish to remind ...
I've been up since 3.30am and have had a good session writing my book proposal. Exciting! It's Saturday morning here, the sun is s...
It's official. Meet Seth! Hanno said he saw him engaging in some hanky panky with the girls, so it looks like we've got ourselves ...
I've been resting these past couple of days and, impatient as I am to be well again, I think I'm almost there. The pain is gone fro...
Hi again everyone! I'm doing some work on the book today and I need your help. I want to include the stories of others people/couples/...
The pain is going. Hanno had three teeth out but said the dentist was great and he feels okay. Alice spent some time with us at the Centre y...
You are all such sweet people. Thank you, yet again, for your warm and loving comments. I'm afraid it's not over yet - this hole we ...
Image from Carl Larsen gallery The days away from my blog have been full of family. My sister Tricia flew up from Sydney on Thursday, we dr...
My uncle phoned yesterday to tell me that my sweet and wonderful aunty Joy died. She was my mother's only sister and they were very clo...
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