18 March 2017

Weekend reading

I have had a truly wonderful week. There is more separation between me and the internet and I'm hatching plans for the vegetable garden and projects in my home.  It's a very good place to be in. I have the time and inclination to fluff up my nest and it feels like the right thing for us, especially at the beginning of autumn.  Now that I'm spending less time online, I have fewer links to share for my weekend reads. Consequently, I won't be doing weekend reading every week in the coming months, it will be when I have enough links to share. That might be once a month or once a fortnight. I'll just play it by ear. I know this will disappoint some readers but I'm going through a period of transition and change is always a part of that.  The only constant is that my blog will continue.  I enjoy it so much and it is my window into the world and to you, even though that window is shrinking somewhat. 

I hope you enjoy your weekend and, like me, appreciate the changing of the seasons. Thanks for your visits, I'll see you again next week, friends.  ☘️

Into the woods: how one man survived alone in the wilderness for 27 years
Free boat neck top pattern + Tutorial
Tsimané of the Bolivian Amazon have world's healthiest hearts
A woman who retired at 28 with $2 million in the bank explains how she saved 70% of her income
Just one cookbook - Japanese home cooking


  1. I too am fluffing my nest, Autumn feels the perfect time to do it.

    Have a great weekend Rhonda.


  2. My favourite link this week was the one on funerals. My wish (which my family knows) is to be cremated and the ashes popped into a little paper cup. The paper cup needs to be put into the bottom of a hole and then a young oak tree planted in the hole on the top of me. The oak tree will use the minerals of my ashes as it grows and my DNA (or whatever) will become part of this beautiful tree for many years ahead. Generations after my children will know of the tree, put swings on the branches of it for their children, have Christmas dinners in the shade of it and my wish is for future generations to also harvest the oak and build furniture with it...and so I will be 'present' in their lives in all these ways. I am uncertain of the science of it, but I don't care...it delights me and that is what will happen. The oak will be planted on our little farm.

  3. Have a great weekend Rhonda.
    I love your weekend reading list. I've made ragrugs from old t shirts, and want to try plastic bags as described in one of the links.
    The 6th link (A woman who retired..) is not working for me.

  4. Whilst I am disappointed that weekend reading won't continue every week as it's something I look forward to every friday, I totally understand your need/want to spend less time online, it takes up such a lot of time, when there are much more meaningful things to be doing & I don't think it's really in line with simple living. I'm trying to limit my time online, its very addictive though. Have a great weekend.

  5. I will miss your weekend reading as a weekly post. However there is much more to life than the Internet and Rhonda only you know what is best for you. Maybe I will take some time to do some research on the net myself. I hope this new phase of life is everything you want and more. Lisa J. Tasmania.

  6. I totally agree in limiting internet time as it eats away at real life. I find bloggers are so generous with sharing of their thoughts and ideas and I get so much enjoyment from them. However the only time I read blogs is for 30 minutes in the morning while drinking my first cup of tea (in bed of course).
    I look forward to reading your blog and I am delighted you mean to continue writing it.

  7. So far I've only read Into the woods but I wanted to ask if you've listened to Richard Fidler's interview with Gregory Smith. It was amazing and he has since written a thesis I'll get around to reading one of these days. I love your weekend reading links. Something for everyone and much better value than a magazine ha ha. Enjoy your gardening Rhonda. I got out in the garden today and now listening to wonderful heavy rain

    1. I hadn't heard that interview, Shangri La, but what better way to spend a Saturday night than to listen to two interesting people talk about an unusual life. I'm fascinated by isolation, extremism, wild living and exclusion and I found the talk very interesting. Thanks for sharing it with me.

  8. I was fascinated by the story about Gregory Smith. Enjoy your gardening - I am poised to set sail in my garden now that spring has arrived in France! Incidentally, I can't get through to the forum: getting this termination notice: http://simplelivingforums.com/forum. Temporary?

  9. I especially liked the article about the woman retiring at 28. Although her circumstances are different (ie, first job out of college was $100,000!, mine was for minimum wage) and it took me longer and no, I do not have $2 million! the principles are the same. It's why i was able to quit work at 40. I had ny kids later in life (1st at 39!) and wanted to enjoy them. Oh, and the book she mentions, "Your Money or Your Life" is a gem. It is actually one of 2 things that I read that set me on this path. The other was The Tightwad Gazette.

    I love your links list. Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!

    1. Hi Debbie. Your money or your life was one of the first books I read when I started changing. I had The Tightwad Gazette too but I didn't get as much from that. I still have Your Money ... and read it every so often. Great book.

  10. I love reading your posts Rhonda whether that be weekend reading, gardening, knitting........oh and recipes too of course.

    Happy to hear you really enjoy your blog and that connection with everyone.

    Sounds like you are in a really good place and I'm so pleased for you. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  11. Thank you for these posts whenever they come. A few weeks ago you posted the link for the Sydney webcam and we have really enjoyed that. Have a great weekend!

  12. Thank you for rounding up these weekend reads. I am fairly new to your site, and I'm enjoying it! It's almost spring here in the U.S., so I was glad to see a free sewing tutorial for a lightweight top!

  13. It must be contagious...limiting internet time. I am doing this also and unsubbing to many of the blogs I have loved and followed for years, but yours has been and will always be the ONE blog I will always read. It has really helped me to change my life and I am loving the changes. I am glad that you are going to keep the blog going, I for one would miss you a bunch!!

    I am beginning to plan my garden too. It is still really cold here in N. Illinois, but not too early to start planning and to start my seeds indoors.

    Thank you for the time you spend sharing your life and wisdom with us. I love the gardening stuff and the recipes/homemaking posts the best! Thanks!

  14. Today we are celebrating my dad's 71st birthday which makes today an especially enjoyable day :-) I do enjoy the weekend links and will miss them but you need to do what feels right for you Rhonda. Enjoy your weekend.

  15. I am yet to read any yet but those links sound incredibly interesting. Have a good weekend.

  16. Definitely enjoying the current season! Here in FL spring has already been here for a few weeks, and despite all the oak pollen, it's beautiful right now. We're enjoying the last few weeks of lovely weather before the heat of summer hits. The air smells like strawberries from the farm across the street, our citrus trees have bloomed for the first time (maybe this year we'll get some fruit!) and my husband has the garden doing really well. The chickens are enjoying the weather as well--they struggle with the heat a bit and tend to slow down on laying, but right now we are awash in eggs and loving it. :)

  17. It's hard to step away from all the screens that clamor for attention, but I feel better when I do it. Whenever you decide to post Weekend Reading links is fine and will be appreciated. I really enjoyed the story about the man who walked off into the Maine woods to be a hermit. I'm pretty sure that I don't have the right stuff to go down that path, but it's interesting to learn about others who do (and I didn't see the ending coming!). There is a good documentary about a man who lived alone in Alaska for many years called "Alone in the Wilderness." I couldn't remember the name of the movie and was Googling to find it and also found a compilation of movies called "The 10 Best Off-Grid Living Documentaries" which included the documentary about the Alaskan. I haven't seen any of the other movies listed - they look good! Which brings me back around the circle of how the internet sneaks up on me. Beth in MN


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