16 March 2017

Gracie news and photos

So many readers have been asking for more Gracie news and photos. She's seven months old now and she's healthy, active and very mischievous, which seems to be a trait most Scotties have in common.  I think she may have quiet a few crocodile genes because she can eat anything at any time. We've had to stop giving her anything plastic because she chews it up and eats little pieces of plastic. Hanno bought her two frisbees and she demolished one in the first 10 minutes she had it. So that was the last bit of play plastic she'll be given.  Now she has balls, her blankie a couple of old shoes and those rubbery chew toys you can hide food in.

Generally she's a joy to be around and she's very much a people dog. She likes sitting next to either Hanno or me and she'll follow us around as we work, but she's completely happy to sleep by herself in her little bed in the lounge room when we go to bed.
We had her coat stripped back for summer and I think we'll do that every year. She was clipped in November and now her coat, skirt and fluffy legs (her furnishings) are showing signs of growing back to keep her warm in winter.
We had her spayed 5 weeks ago when she was 6 months old. After the operation, she was tired, floppy and off her food for 24 hours, and she didn't lay in her normal frogger mode for about 10 days, but now she's back to normal.
We're still working on her diet. She didn't like the cooked food I made for her when she was a little puppy and she's on a combination of raw chicken wings, tuna and Black Hawke biscuits. Just this week I started giving her the homemade food that I froze and now she likes it. I'll make her some again when it gets a bit colder and she wants something warm.  When I get it sorted out, I'll write a post about what she's eating.

It was a big step for us to go from Airedale Terriers to Scotties but we're so happy we have Gracie. She's a real scallywag and she's keeping us on our toes but maybe that's what we need at the moment. If you're thinking of buying a small dog, Scottish Terriers are hard to find but they are well worth the effort.  They're a great family dog, they love kids and they're very protective of their family. ❤️



  1. Gracie is gorgeous!!!!! What a lot of fun you are going to have with her.

  2. Puppies....and the dogs they grow into, add such joy and another dimension to our days. Gracie is a cutie. After much trial and error, I now feed my Mirrhi on raw chicken wings and Applaws dry food, it's Australian made and has no grains,cereals or animal by products in it, and not as expensive as the other "speciality" brands. She had awful problems with her skin, and itchy and sore all summer, but with this new diet, this year she's been itch-free for the first time. It takes time to work out not just what suits them, but what they'll eat.

    1. Yes, I think it's a wise decision to buy an Australian made, good quality, grain-free, biscuit. When I look at the ingredients in the supermarket brands it makes me sad and angry that such food can be fed to pets. We chose Black Hawk because it's all of the above with good quality meat, chicken or fish as the main ingredient. We buy it in a large bag and it's delivered free.

    2. Yes, I buy Applaws in a large bag online...isn't it great to have these big items delivered to the door for free!

  3. Gracie is absolutely gorgeous. Lovely photos.

  4. There is nothing like a dog. They are our friends and family in one. I have a Sheltie; and could not have a better doggie for me. Your Gracie is adorable.

  5. Gracie sure looks like a good trust friend for Hanno and you. Sure hope for many years would all will enjoy each other.
    Coffee is on

  6. She is darling! I am not really a dog person but Gracie is cute enough to appeal greatly even to me :-)

  7. Love the pictures, especially the 2nd and 3rd one. Years ago, when we first decided to get a dog, I wanted a black scottie. I am a history buff, and reading about President Franklin Roosevelt, I loved the pictures of his black scottie "Fala". Well, in the process of looking for one, we ended up with an Airedale! Then another Airedale, a mutt, and 2 chihuahuas. We have only one dog at the moment, a chihuahua, but seeing your pictures of Gracie I am dreaming of a scottie again! :)

    1. Go on Debbie, you know you want a Scottie. :- )

  8. One dog we had chewed up his whole new wicker bed once we were out, then went and lay in the (far too small) cat's bed. Gracie looks very sweet AND naughty. Animals do make life richer don't they. Pam

  9. That Gracie of yours is a right cutie, Rhonda! We have a wonderful, gentle old Labrador, a rescued dog, called Sir Steve. He is wonderful with our boy and our boy with him. There is just something about having a dog in the family that brings a lot of joy and a lot of fun! Meg:)

  10. Seven months already, where did that go? I remember our beautiful Labrador and his yellow dog (stuffed toy). I would constantly say 'gentle' when he chewed it a little too hard and he would actually listen. That toy lasted a long time which is quite amazing for him. He did eat the ears but that was as far as he got.

    He also has a black Kong which we can hide food in, they are strong enough.

    Gracie is very cute Rhonda and I look forward to reading more about her cooked food in the cooler weather.

  11. I will look forward to reading your homemade dog food posts. We have a Bullpei puppy - part English bulldog, part Sharpei, she's nearly 5 months. I have just started making her food and she loves it. Betty isn't a fussy eater, she will eat most things (including things we don't want her to eat!).

  12. She looks like a bundle of fun with an impish glint in her eye!

  13. How wonderful, what a lot of pleasure you will get. Our Poppy, cocker spaniel, is 15 this year. She is deaf and her eye sight is not great but her appetite and sense of smell has not diminished. Still full of love.

  14. Oh look at her growing up! She's looking like a real Scottish terrier now with her face clipped and her beard and eyebrows growing nicely.

    Aggie looks like a little fat ball of brindle fluff in comparison. 😂

    She is just gorgeous. I have noticed Aggie is a little picky also. She likes home cooked food, but won't eat her dry food unless she has too. I wonder if it is a breed thing that they are a little picky? I'm also used to big dogs mind you. And a lab that will eat anything in sight. 🙄


  15. Gracie is very cute,I've actually never seen a scottie in real life, I remember when I was little having a book with a scottie named Hamish, funny what sticks in your memory.

    1. Karen, when we take Gracie out with us, older folk wander over and say it's been a long time since they saw a Scottie. Younger people want to pat her and ask what breed she is.

  16. Thank you for the update! Our grand dog Ray eats fabric the way Gracie eats plastic so we have to be vigilant like you. My heart is drawn to black dogs but labs are my favorite even though I keep telling myself we should get a smaller dog. I think a dog would be good for us and especially since my husband's heart attack and coma which has resulted in some residual brain injury. I am glad Gracie came into your lives to be your Scallywag friend!

  17. Gracie looks so cute in all of her beautiful pictures!!! I'm sure you're going to have so much fun together:)

  18. We have had Airedales for the past 16 years and love the breed. However, we are in our late 60s and I'm not sure we can continue with them because of their size. Our current boy weighs about 80 lbs. How would you compare the personality of the Airedales to Scotties?

    1. We've had three Airedales and only one Scottie but I think their personalities are very similar. There is one standout thing, at the moment, Gracie is more stubborn than any of our Airedales were. She's still a puppy though so I'm not sure if that's a personality trait or puppy behaviour. Overall, Gracie is funny, silly, protective, affectionate and brave, just like our Airedales and she's easier to handle and groom because we can pick her up.

  19. I am a dog person. Love dogs, always have and I guess I always will. My mother once told me that if 'reincarnation' is true she wants to come back as my dog. We have 4. Two are rescue dogs. I actually risked my life to save a dog. My husband was not amused to say the least. (In 35 years of marriage that was one of our few fights)
    Anyway I cook for our dogs. All of the eat the same thing most everyday. I buy ground turkey in bulk and I do cook it. I take the liquid I cooked the turkey in to cook some squash and sweet potato and mix it together. Each dog gets a 1/2 cup two times a day. (I have very small dog, all under 10 pound) For snacks I use yogurt and banana mixed together and frozen. I also put some peanut butter into the rubber KONG that they love to play with. My girls are all healthy and happy. One is a dachshund that will be 17 in July. All have great teeth (even the old one) and none are over weight.

  20. How gorgeous. Our chocolate kelpie, Axel, is almost 14. He is quite deaf and his eyesight is diminishing and of course his agility. We keep saying no more dogs after this one. We absolutely totally love him to bits. For a sheep dog breed, his life is at our feet 24/7. Looking at Gracie though, awwww. Maybe ��

  21. Oh my! Gracie sure is growing! And how adorable she is! Makes me (almost :)) want a Scottie.
    Gracie reminds me very much of the Scotties that Mary Engelbreit draws in her art. Have you ever seen it?
    Thanks so much for taking the time to take the pictures and write this post. Love it very much!

    1. I have a Mary Engelbreit print as my wallpaper at the moment. :- )

  22. ohhh she is getting so big now! look at those ears! they will hear anyone coming 10 miles away! she is adorable Rhonda, so glad you have found another pet that suits you both.
    can't wait til i have a fence up, then i'll be looking around for another canine companion, though i'll probably get a shelter dog, not sure yet.
    thoroughly enjoyed the Gracie photos & info
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  23. what a splendid mustache she is growing too~I'm so happy she's bringing you all so much joy xox

  24. Gracie is a little honey. Thank you for sharing her progress. This cat lover thinks Gracie is a wee darling. Michelle in Wellington, NZ

  25. Hello Rhonda, it's Jen again. Gracie is just beautiful and I am excited to see her progress as she grows, so thank you for sharing this! My dog is 8 years old now and his life has been wonderful, as Gracie's will be. Do you have any other pets? And are you planning to get more?

  26. Wow, how she is growing! She's a darling, and I am so glad you have her and she has you. We added a rescue kitten, a puppy and a horse to our little family (along with the lab and six sheep we already had). Busy days! But so much fun. Love to you and Hanno ♥

  27. Always love Gracie updates! I think you have been taking some wonderful photos of her. They not only capture her personality, they also show off her coat and eyes, which is hard to do with Scotties amongst all that black hair. I'm glad her surgery went well and that she is back to being mischief maker in-chief. (Nice photos of Hanno too!) Beth in MN


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