23 March 2017

A new look

As you can see I've started using a new template but I can't configure it exactly how I want it. I'll be working on it again tomorrow. Please bear with me. It will look much better very soon. (I hope.) 😧


  1. Change is always a challenge... but I like this new one, too... ecept I'm missing your picture :D

    Have a lovely day, dear Rhonda !

  2. Rhonda, I have been intending to change my template for months but have been a bit hesitant. I will see how you go first :-)

  3. Love the header. You'll get there!

  4. Looking forward to the new look. ---Krystal(nova scotia)

  5. Wow! This is something to look forward to! One of my favourite blogs and a new look.

  6. Woo! That was a surprise. Looks great and I love the header. :-)

  7. I like it, including the change in font. Truthfully, the more grayish color was a little hard for me to read. I compensated by magnifying the page. :)

  8. I have gone through this. It's always a work in progress--like life, eh?

  9. Very classic and minimalist, very nice. I look forward to seeing your progress with the fiddly bits! Much love, Ayesha

  10. I look forward to watching it develop. Have fun with it :).

  11. I am missing a lot of informations as I can not see the full page on my IPAD.
    Catherine from France

    1. I have the same issue - but my IPad is rather ancient....:)

  12. I saw it last night I thought internet was playing up, It looks so different.
    Sadly as I have got older I don't adapt to change well

  13. I checked out the new ones when they introduced them a few days ago but didn't change mine. Good luck with your changes.

  14. Hi, the page isn't formatting correctly on my iPad. I can't see the right side without scrolling over...

  15. I love it :) Looks so fresh.

    Greetings from Malaysia!

  16. Hi Rhonda is there an article to go with the heading? All I am getting is the heading a new look.

  17. It's looking good. I love your colours. Everything is visible on my I-pad.

  18. Oh ah, very pretty

  19. I like the clean layout. On my iPhone, the template seems to unfortunately cut off the last few characters or word of each line.

  20. I don't usually comment, although I have enjoyed your blog for a long time. Since you re-did the heading, I now get no heading or side panel at all, just the article written. I receive it by email. Also no place to comment, which is why I had to google it and use a previous article. Maybe I am out of date re. the new look, or have done something wrong. I hope you receive this, as there is now no other place for me to comment, but thanks for a continually good read and ideas.

    1. Val, I changed the template again after this post. This new template does have some issues with very old operating systems and I can't do anything about that. How are you reading the blog - tablet, phone or computer?

      You make a comment simply by pressing the text bubble under the post.


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