31 March 2017

So much rain!

Can you see the horizontal tree trunk in the background? That's the dead tree that came down in the storm. There's a kookaburra sitting on the chicken run fence enjoying the rain and waiting for an unsuspecting lizard or snake to scamper by.
 After 20 months of drought, it was wonderful seeing this rainwater pooling up in the backyard.

It's been quite a night here. The rain depression, which was the remnants of TC Debbie, brought an incredible amount of rain over the past 36 hours and wind for the past 12 hours.  In our town we had 9 inches/230mm of rain which has resulted in flash flooding and major floods further down the coast. We have a tree down in the backyard and the power lines came down out the front at about 4pm yesterday. It's still down but we haven't lost power. I guess we're on a long list of problems to be dealt with by Energex later in the day.  Our phones and internet were out over night. The phones are back now but the internet is still down.  I'm using the hotspot on my phone to make this post.  The good news is that we and our family are fine. I think Hanno and I can deal with the tree in the backyard and will tackle that later this morning. If it's too much for us we'll ask our family for help. Gracie loved the rain. She ran around in the backyard getting soaked to the skin and when I let her inside, even after I towelled her dry, it took hours for her hair to dry out properly.

This was taken about 2pm yesterday afternoon.

And right in the middle of this photo, with the rain pouring down, is a sulphur-crested cockatoo feasting on our pecans.  He was joined by a friend later and the two of them filled up on nuts before they flew off.

I hoping everyone up north and down in the flooded areas in NSW are coping. It will be a big job cleaning up but as long as we're all unharmed, we can get on with the clean up.

I apologise for having to spend so much time on this template but the good news is that I'm very happy with this new one. I've tested it using the desktop, laptop, phone and tablet and it looks like it's working well on all of them.  I still have a few things to read about and change, I want to tweak the colours, but the bulk of the work is done and you should be able to read everything while I work on finalising the smaller things. Thanks for your patience.

It will be a busy day here with the clean up outside and baking Jamie's birthday cake. His birthday party is tomorrow and I'll rest on Sunday.  And that leaves time for me to get back into the swing of things here and write a, hopefully, interesting post for you on Monday.  Stay tuned, friends.


  1. Despite the rain it looks gorgeous! Where I live the weather has been all over the place. Hope the rain stops x

  2. Good to read all are safe. Hope that everyone that was hit by Debbie are doing ok.


  3. Happy to hear you are both safe. I can just picture Gracie having an absolute ball in the rain.

    I bet Jamie's Minecraft cake will be magnificent. Happy Birthday Jamie.

    Enjoy the celebrations.

  4. We didn't have quite as much rain in Hervey Bay. We had cyclonic winds for about 6 hours. Today the skies are blue, the sun is shining and there is a gentle cool breeze. I like today. I didn't like yesterday much at all. I am grateful for the rain and for our water catchment dam now being full.

  5. Goodness, while your town has been flooding - ours has been hit by true autumn. It's freezing and everywhere you go, it smells like wood smoke. Floods and fires. I hope you have a relaxing weekend and maybe make use of all that extra water by taking a long, hot bath. I think I will too in solidarity. xx

  6. I am glad you are okay Rhonda. I was wondering how you went in the deluge. We had a few inches of rain but it wasn't as bad as was forecast as we seemed to be on the edge of it all. I know several ex DTE forum members who are flooded in at the moment and hopefully the damage will be repaired as soon as it dries out a bit. There has been such widespread damage from Debbie and I am sure we are all pleased she has gone out to sea.

  7. Being in Scotland, rain doesn't excite us quite as much but, oh, I do love a good downpour! It's one of those things that makes you feel truly alive, when you see and hear a heavy rainstorm.
    Unless moving that tree is urgent, wait until you have help? The back of my knees still prickle when I think back to the post where Hanno injured himself with the chainsaw!
    Karen (Scotland)

    1. Hanno's chainsaw left the premises after that accident, Karen, and it won't be returning. We've moved the tree now and all is well.

  8. Love the new layout Rhonda. Glad you're all safe after your visit from Debbie. The weather generally seems more extreme now doesn't it? We had a lovely warm day yesterday but have't checked to see what the weekend holds for us. Happy weekend to all.

  9. Was worried how the storm would affect you. We've been watching Stargazing Live the past three nights, which this year was based in NSW, miles away from the epicentre, and they had high winds and heavy rain. Hope you were able to harvest plenty of that water in case of yet more drought.

  10. Pleased to hear that you are all OK. The new template looks great and works well for me. I'm sure that Jamie will love his birthday cake. Have a good weekend.

  11. Hello Rhonda,
    So glad to hear that you and Hanno are okay. You were actually on my mind. I think that despite it all, the rain must be wonderful to have. After a welcome delay, we are smack into our dry season now. It gets really hot (at least for our island) from early in the morning now. A stinging sun. Still, it is nice to see the flush of bright flowering poui trees. Take care and birthday blessings to Jamie.
    Trinidad & Tobago

  12. Gosh! P.S. Forgot to say... Love the new look ;)

    Trinidad & Tobago

  13. All this wonderful water traveling down to replenish Lake Eyre , as has been the natural course of events for thousands of years ! It will be wonderful to see all the waterbirds back there again ☺

  14. Love the new final look to your site, it is easy to use and beautiful to look at! Well done.

  15. Love the new look! And the rain, it looks so pretty in your yard/space! We need rain bad here. :) Not a tropical storm though. But we are coming up on hurricane season soon. Love the birdies too!

  16. Glad you are all okay there Rhonda. That was a lot of water! I love your new look :)

  17. Glad to hear you're okay and love the clean look of the new template - well done. Many happy returns to Jamie.


  18. It is so good to know that you are safe. I did hear about the rainstorm until after it was over, so I didn´t have to worry about you. Here in Germany, we have had some lovely spring days after the long grey winter.
    Yout new template is great, so clear and uncluttered. I love it!

  19. Just love the template....your perseverance has paid off big time.

  20. I love that the birds weren't phased by the rain. Business as usual for them, even if it did mean "stealing" your pecans :). Gracie and Jamie, like the birds, seem to be having a great time in this weather! Hoping your internet is reconnected soon and the tree down the back is not a problem to remove. Big hugs and keep safe and well.

  21. we got the torrential rains out here on Thursday 30th, boy did it come down! lots of puddles out the back & side but no rivers :)) the ground was so dry here it soaked it up for a good while before it ended up sitting on top. my son rang to see if i was okay with all the rain but i told him his sister would probably be worse off than me at Morayfield there, it goes under water a lot now. a friend & neighbour emptied out their rain gauge twice! & it was full again before mid arvo! so we had a nice lot of water. yay for the water table!
    glad everyone is safe after TC Debbie
    *** it's easier to read now too
    great post
    thanx for sharing

  22. Hi Rhonda, I am glad to read you didn't suffer a lot of damage during the cyclone and the following weather events :-( Love your new template, very elegant!

  23. Good to hear you are safe and sound, Rhonda. All the best with your cake baking.

  24. Its nice to have the rain without too much damage. I love your part of the world and the lushness after rain.

  25. Oh this rain looks so beautiful to this girl living in the desert of New Mexico! Thanks for sharing. I had to smile at the Buddha sitting serenely amidst the downpour.

  26. I really love the new look on your blog. I have been following you for years and its looks so fresh and new and inviting. Thanks Rhonda for your dedication and commitment. You are a inspiration to me. Blessings Juanita.


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