30 March 2017

The ever-changing template

Hello readers. I'm changing the template again. I've tried tweaking it but there's no way I can fix the problems some readers are having on phones and tablets. I've reported the issues to the template creator but have had little response, and none at all in the past two days. Please bear with me. I hope to have it fixed today.


  1. This is working well for me now, thanks, I can see the whole page. It's quite still up here in Pomona all of a sudden, I'm hoping that might be the end of it?

  2. not really finding this as easy as your old template.

  3. Much better Rhonda, easy to read and fits nicely on the phone. Thinking of you all in Qld whilst the wild weather continues.

  4. Rhonda, I really like the photos under the title. I don't know if they were there before today, but I didn't see them yesterday. I can almost smell that beautiful purple buddleia.

  5. It isn't cut off on the right now.

  6. Can't access My Books or About Us - am using a laptop

  7. It is looking great Rhonda.

  8. Variety is the spice of life, but sometimes it's more convenient if the spice fits the recipe you're making! I like the changes and I'm using a laptop. Hoping it's functional for everyone now.

  9. Looks good! Wow...the rain! It's been raining here all day and night, and we too have some flooding. My chihuahua is not too fond of it! LOL!

  10. It looks great on my iPhone now, can read it all, and love the moving picture links at the top.

  11. Your post today sounds so happy and content. The birthday party sounds like a big hit! Yea for all the soups. Tell Hanno I am going to start an extensive amount of dental work in May, and to be honest, I am not looking forward to that. Soup will be on the menu here for a while. Blessings to all, Carolyn in Florida


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