10 April 2014

Can you buy my book now?

As many of you know, my book The Simple Life had to be reprinted the day after it was published. I sincerely thank everyone who bought it on that first day. I've been told the new books were in the Penguin warehouse last Friday and now I'm wondering if you've been able to buy the book where you live.  If you bought the book or intend to, can you let me know if it's available at your local book shop, or if you can buy it online. I'm particularly interested in the overseas sales, if any, but I'm interested in the local sales too, and where you bought the book.  If you have a bit of time, could you let me know please. Thank you. xx



  1. HI Rhonda,

    great to hear the books are now at the warehouse. I put an order in for one about three weeks ago at our local bookshop here in Armidale. I'll let you know when it arrives - I'm so looking forward to it :)

    Have a great day,


  2. Good morning Rhonda. Did you want to know about ebook sales as well? If so, I bought mine by clicking on your link here and going to Booktopia.

  3. I was able to purchase it on Amazon. I live in the US

  4. Hi Rhonda, I bought mine on kindle, so via amazon. I'm in Australia. Looking forward to reading when I'm on holiday next week. Jenni

  5. Thanks Madeline, Rose and Layenya. Yes Rose, I would like to know the ebook sales too.

  6. I preordered the kindle edition from Amazon and it was delivered to my kindle last night. I had ordered Down to Earth from Penguin last July. I enjoyed it so much I had to have The Simple Life and it did not disappoint. Thank you for your inspirational writings. I live in Arkansas, US.

  7. Hi Rhonda
    Your book became available in the UK for download on Amazon Kindle on the 8th April. Its excellent :)
    Jenny from Canterbury, England

    1. Print copy not available yet in the UK. Looking forward to reading it when it is!

  8. I live in Chicago, Il and I received your new book yesterday from Amazon for my kindle. I also brought you first book.


  9. I hate to be all "first world problem" lol, but I can't believe I can't get my hands on your book! It's available on amazon, for kindle. It isn't available for the Nook, and no hard copy. Looking forward to seeing it in print here in the US...

  10. i ordered mine online rhonda through kobo e reader, loved it and looking forward to the rest !!!

  11. I bought it here in Minnesota as an E-book on Amazon! Great book!

  12. I bought mine in Wagga a few days after it was released. No reprint notice in it, so it must be of the first run.

  13. Hi Rhonda!

    I had to buy a Kindle version through Amazon here in NC in the US. Either way, I devoured it in an afternoon! :) Can't wait for the next one! When can we expect it?

    1. I'm not sure yet, Matty, it's still being worked out. I've written three, and almost finished the fourth.

  14. I was able to purchase your book through Kobo for my e-reader.

  15. I just purchased it from Amazon for my Kindle. Thanks for asking. I would have not gotten it for a while. Now I have something good to read!!!

  16. I purchased via Amazon for Kindle. I had to preorder on the day that you post that the book was published and available. The Kindle version was released April 8.

  17. I, too, pre-ordered it on Kindle---it showed up yesterday! I am excited to read it. I am almost finished with Down to Earth (also Kindle.) I almost wish I had the DTE in hard-back....would be easier to go back and re-read things as I need them. I am from Florida.

  18. I ordered mine from Booktopia on the 29th and am waiting for it to arrive. Booktopia said their stock should arrive around the 8th April. I will check at QBD and Dymocks if I am near there, Rhonda.

  19. I bought mine in Lismore at Book Warehouse about 7 days ago, it wasn't on the shelf though, I had to ask for it, it was in a stack behind the counter, I don't know if that was because they hadn't had time to shelve it or not. And the lady who served me hadn't heard of it, and had to look it up. I have on'y read a little bit so far because I haven't had much time, but I hope to finish it this weekend :)

  20. I bought it for my kindle through Amazon not long after it's release. Looking forward to the next in the series.

  21. I pre-ordered on Amazon (kindle for laptop) and got it yesterday - read it last night :-) and ordered Down to Earth - so am starting it tonight:-D and I'm in Colorado - where today the weather was lovely, lovely, lovely!

  22. I've bought your new book for my Kindle which I notice is the only way I can buy either of your books from amazon.com. However, I have a "real" copy of your first book which I ordered through a company you recommended (whose name I forget) which had reasonable shipping.

  23. I also bought it on Amazon, the Kindle edition.

  24. I really would like a physical book to buy here in the UK. So far, can only find it on Amazon as a kindle edition. The usual bookshops in Australia that are willing to post to the UK charge anywhere from 19 to 35 Australian dollars for the privilege. Down to Earth only cost me £25 all in!

  25. I've been trying to buy your first book in the uk, no can do.
    I have now settled(for now) for the e edition of your second.
    I live in the uk, and bought through amazon.co.uk.

  26. Hi Rhonda,

    I am still having trouble buying a hard copy in the UK. I did order a copy on the 28th from a NZ supplier via Fishpond and all seemed to be well. However, I received an email update a few days later to say that unfortunately the book was out of stock and, as they were unable to provide a confirmed delivery date, they would have to cancel my order :-( I now have an email alert set up with fishpond to alert me when it comes back in stock, but in the meantime, I have not found another way to purchase a hard copy as yet over here. Hopefully with the re-print I should receive the email alert soon.

    Best wishes and as I don't normally have the courage to post, can I just say what a wonderful blog you have. I've been reading for years and it is so inspiring x


  27. I live in England and have just looked at the Penguin Books UK website and typed in The Simple Life and then Down to Earth. Sorry to say that nothing came up, even when I typed your name too. I twould be wonderful if these books were available to buy here and I am sure they would be a huge success with the British public. Best wishes and roll on publication in the UK:)

  28. Me again. I've just been reading through some of the above comments and see that your books became available in the UK for Kindle by Amazon. I'd just just like to add that I would prefer the book in hardback or paperback form as I know I would always be dipping in and out of them.

  29. I bought it as a Kindle download .... but I've yet to find my Kindle .... it's lurking somewhere. I must have a hunt for it today and check that my lovely new book is actually on it :-)

  30. I pre-ordered the e-book on Amazon (U.S.) and it was delivered to my Kindle on 4/8. Liking it so far!

  31. I was so glad that I could buy your books and bought immediately both of your books for my kindle. I live in Germany and here the second book was published the day before yesterday. However, I bought it in advance and it was sent to my kindle then.
    I am really pleased that I can finally read your books :)
    Love them btw :)

  32. I bought your book through fishpond.com in NZ which had the cheapest shipping rate for here in Ontario, Canada. It's been sent so I can't wait to receive it! I love the network that your blog creates. Its like this beautiful spiderweb attaching like-minded people all over the world!

  33. I wanted to buy the paperback version but could only get it on Kindle via Amazon here in the UK. Loved it, can't wait for the next one. xxx

    1. I'm in the UK too, and still hoping the printed book will be available soon. I do have a kindle, but so prefer a real book.

  34. Hi Rhonda. Congrats on the book! I'm in the U.S. and just bought it for my kindle/ipad via Amazon. I can't wait to read it this weekend. I'm sure it will be worth well more than the $.99 I paid for it :-)


  35. Here in Virginia, US, I was able to order the book through Amazon, for my Kindle. Also, I was finally able to order your first book for my Kindle. Thank-you very much for putting your life and thoughts out to the world for the rest of to share.

  36. Hi Rhonda,
    your books are described on The Book Depository site, but they're not availale. I wanted to buy your first book from them and have given my e-mail address several times, but they just don't sell it. The same goes for the new book. I have contacted them and they refered to Abebooks, I have looked there, but most of the sellers are from Australia, so the shipping costs are high. The Book Depository hasn't got shipping costs, so that would be great !! I hope they will be able to sell the books in the future.
    I've got your first book as an e-book now, I love it, but I love real books more. I love to be able to hold it and smell it ; )
    Have a wonderful weekend !!

    1. I forgot to tell you, I don't own a credit card, so sellers who only use credit cards are also unavailable to me ; )

  37. Hi Rhonda

    I purchased DTE through Abe books as I live in the UK. I had to keep checking though as sometimes it was only available via another country with high postage. I haven't looked for the new one yet but may order it from Amazon for my ereader.

    Pat in the UK

  38. Hi Rhonda, I am in bonny Scotland and I got your book on my Kindle on 8th April. Best Wishes

  39. I purchased mine through IBooks on my IPad ....... I know what I will be reading during my lunch break today...... Thank you

  40. Hi Rhonda, I bought it on amazon.com.au for my kindle - and I loved it, thank you!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I uploaded the book on my Kindle in France. I read it immediately and loved it. I find so much inspiration in it. There have been so many little changes in my life thanks to your first book and blog that now, looking back, makes me feel that I have gone a long way... Thanks for all you do through your blog and books.

  43. I just bought your book in kindle format from Amazon here in the US. :-) Cannot wait till I can dig into it.

  44. I have bought the ebook version of both Down to Earth and The Simple Life. The paper versions are prohibitively expensive for me here in California, although I would LOVE to own them. There's just something wonderful about holding a book in your hands that does not trickle down to a Kindle or Nook, etc.

    1. Thanks for buying the books, Alexia, I hope you enjoy the e versions. I like holding a book too but I found the reading of the ebooks on an ipad quite easy and comfortable. Penguin is working hard on getting both books available in the US, UK and Europe but like many things, it takes time.

  45. Unfortunately neither of your books seem to be available in paper form in the UK. I downloaded Down to Earth for the Kindle App on my phone yesterday and I love it! I'm halfway through already. I am so glad that all of your hard work paid off. When it finally appears in the UK I will buy a hard copy too.

    Kudos too for whoever formatted it for Kindle, they have done a really good job (a lot of kindle books aren't formatted well!)

  46. I ordered mine through Bookworld and they advised it was out of stock, being reprinted. That was late March and my copy arrived on Tuesday this week. Its a dear little book!

  47. Hi,
    Apologies if someone has already posted this, but your book got a write up in the Sydney Morning Herald Books section on the weekend.
    I might be able to find a copy of it if you'd like?


  48. Hi Rhonda,
    Congratulations on your new book. I bought the paper back version from Dymocks bookstore today.
    Best regards, Kelly

  49. I'm in the US, and I had preordered the Kindle version on Amazon. I had not been able to find paper copies of either of your books. I tend to purchase from Amazon, but do use other booksellers if they don't have a book....

  50. Hi Rhonda, I saw it the other day in Campbelltown, NSW, right next to John Seymour! You two are good company. Julie

  51. Hi Rhonda,
    I saw your book at the National Library of Australia bookshop in Canberra last week.


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