6 April 2014

Blog awards - people's choice

Hello everyone, I hope you're enjoying the weekend. 

I've been reading the Australian Writers' Centre newsletters for the past few months. If you're interested in writing, they're a great resource. They run a blogging competition every year and this year I decided to join in. There are a couple of categories, one of them is a People's Choice Award that you can vote for. I hope you'll vote for me if you have the time and the inclination to. The badge is over on my right side bar. Just click on it and you'll go to the voting site. There are a lot of entries so you've have to click a couple of times and look for Down to Earth. Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to do it.  I noticed a few familiar names on the lists, so if you've entered too, I wish you the best of luck. Voting closes in one month - 5 May.



  1. I voted, I love your blog x

  2. Done! I also signed up for the newsletter and will bookmark the writing site! Good luck with the competition!

  3. Do votes from outside Astralia count double? :-)

  4. LOL, I doubt it, Lobke. Thanks everyone. I appreciate it.

  5. I voted, thanks for such an inspirational blog!


  6. Done! All the best, Rhonda. I hope you and Hanno are having a relaxed weekend.

  7. just voted,good luck Rhonda

  8. I've also entered my blog http://imagineannnemorgan.blogspot.com.au/

    Looks like we're competing against each other. Good luck fellow competitor.

  9. Definitely! I hope the fortunes are in your favour ;)

  10. Sure we all will! ;o)

    (I hope to really be back in blogging again. It took me a year to scramble up, but I did! One sentence I always kept in mind was from one of your blog posts you wrote to me years ago: Bloom were you are planted. It took me a lot of courage to start all over again. In life, in trust, in blogging, but I did it. A new life, a new home, a new blog. Thank you Rhonda. Thank you so much. For everything.)

    Love from Holland

  11. I was voting for another blog and saw you listed and voted for you!

  12. Best of luck in the competition Rhonda your blog is very deserving to win

  13. Done :) - thanks for continuing to write your blog, every entry's a must-read.

  14. I have just voted for you Rhonda, hope you win

  15. Another vote for you Rhonda, good luck!

  16. You certainly have got my vote Rhonda!
    Jak x

  17. and my grateful vote goes to you too

  18. My vote has been cast and you got it Rhonda! :-) xx


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