28 June 2013

Weekend reading

The end of another week and time to take it easy for a couple of days. I hope you have that opportunity too. We'll come back stronger for it next week. On Monday we'll continue with our series and start with an important subject, budgeting. Thank you for your comments this week, as usual, they add a lot to what I'm writing about. I hope you have a lovely weekend.  xx

These two photos were taken at the Beerwah CWA rooms when I had my recent talk there. The top photo shows the vintage tea cups waiting to be filled with morning tea and the table cloth is a hand embroidered cloth showing the branch members names. The pineapple embroidery depicts an important local crop - pineapples. So sweet.

Kate at Purple Pear gave me Cecelia Macauley's name as one who has been writing about applying permaculture principles to our homes. Here is her blog.
Our ash grove
Fig Jam and Lime Cordial
Oh Betty
Fields and Fire

Anderson Cottage
The Quiet Home
Dusty Country Road


  1. Oh wow!
    That CWA embroidery is AMAZEBALLS!

  2. I love those photos taken at the CWA at Beerwah, Rhonda. We will be driving through there tomorrow on the way home...that is as long as I don't get lost. LOL! Have a relaxing weekend.

  3. What a beautiful and touching welcome display. The embroidered table cloth is so unique and a wonderful piece of living history. I love the collection of tea cups. They look so warm and cozy like what you would expect when having a gathering in the home of a friend :) The banner is also very nice. A great depiction of their local crop.


    Amy :)

  4. I am the president of our village branch of the WI. After a lapse of some 8 years we reformed this February and yesterday we held our fourth meeting. Instead of a speaker we collected all the original Village WI materials from the village archives including our banner. It was wonderful to read the old minutes, see the scrapbooks they had made, the photographs etc. There was so much it was good to know we are keeping the tradition going.

    1. Thank you Rhonda for posting those lovely photographs from our branch house.I joined the Beerwah branch of the CWA earlier this year, it was a branch in decline and was kept going only because of the sheer tenacity of a few long term members. Since joining, I have been fascinated by our branch's history and that of the CWA. While reading through some archived newspaper articles that report on the branch's activities, I was surprised to find that in 1949 Beerwah CWA was sending monthly food parcels to the Piddington branch of the WI. These food parcels included things like tins of butter and part of the cake that was baked to celebrate our branch's first birthday. I was not able to find the Piddington branch on the WI website and assume that it has closed. What a pity. I am happy to hear that you are part of a reformed WI branch. Beerwah CWA wishes you all the best.

  5. we all know what CWA stands for......its Chicks With Attitude.......of course. I love their attitude.

  6. Hi

    how's your white cat doing, hope he's enjoying his good old days :)


  7. How nice to see a Dutch link ( Anderson cottage) Thank you for thinking of Marion ; )


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